295 dollars for a solid gaming PC that (probably, I haven't quite done due dilligence) beats PS4 specs.
I swear dude like a basic $300 comp, even a laptop, would be night and day. You really dont have to spend big $$ to achieve playable status, and clearly you handle low graphics and FPS just fine so going from this to even like, a few notches about all Low and 60fps would be night and day.
Seriously look at this $260 refurbished comp, its a fucking like $3000 rig compared to yours.
Hell even this is cheaper, no GPU, but comes with keyboard/monitor https://www.amazon.com/HP-Elite-Desktop-Computer-Package/dp/B07SHJN3R6/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=Budget+Gaming+PC&qid=1603821960&sr=8-6
If you just need a simple machine to do basic computer shit and achieve actual FPS in WoW, you really dont have to spend over $300. Just dont expect to be playing many AAA games on rigs with only a dedicated CPU.