I purchased two of these for 27inches and they have been great so far: https://www.amazon.ca/Single-Monitor-Stand-Adjustable-Mounting/dp/B08FB7WFCT/
They can fit on a desk close to a wall and my reasoning behind buying two individual arms instead of one dual is that it's more sturdy for gaming and I can have the exact position I want.
You can get a pole mounted VESA arm similar to the LG with a desk clamp for like $30. Plus it can be re-used or upgraded with any other VESA gear (basically all worthwhile monitors):
Buying a monitor for the stand is silly when there's such a wide variety of VESA arms you can upgrade to.
That's pretty big. You may want to look at an arm like this.
HUANUO Single Monitor Mount, Monitor Arm Gas Spring,Monitor Desk Mount Fit 13 to 32 inch Screens, Height Adjustable VESA Mount with Clamp, Grommet Mounting Base, Hold up to 19.8lbs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FB7WFCT/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_GH18994K2C0213NYCEDQ
Yep, there is a way. The upper monitor needs to be rotated 180 degrees so that the top of the upper monitor is touching the top of the lower monitor. Someone suggested that to me when I posted my setup here but I haven't gotten to it yet. And as for the vertical monitor mount, I'm using THIS one.
Just a cheap Amazon Arm, it’s decent but I plan to upgrade eventually.
Limited-time deal: HUANUO Single Monitor Mount, Monitor Arm Gas Spring,Monitor Desk Mount Fit 13 to 32 inch Screens, Height Adjustable VESA Mount with Clamp, Grommet Mounting Base, Hold up to 19.8lbs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FB7WFCT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_dl_GDWBSHCP78P80Z1381JN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Limited-time deal: HUANUO Single Monitor Stand - Gas Spring Single Arm Monitor Desk Mount Fit 17 to 32 inch Screens, Height Adjustable VESA Bracket with Clamp, Grommet Mounting Base, Hold up to 19.8lbs https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08FB7WFCT/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_dl_M72QSSMB9F4K2JVE0B38?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have two monitors instead of three but mine are set up similarly with one straight on and one angled. I just got two of these Huanuo gas spring mounts with some built in cable management. So far they are working great!
I will say tho that I had to off center the pole for my straight on monitor to keep the gap between my desk and wall small. I wish it was centered but overall it's not a big deal.
Limited-time deal: HUANUO Single Monitor Stand - Gas Spring Single Monitor Arm,Monitor Desk Mount Fit 17 to 34 inch Screens, Height Adjustable VESA Mount with Clamp, Grommet Mounting Base, Hold up to 19.8lbs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FB7WFCT/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_dl_V8BARF3TDVY44X1RAX33?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have this brand haven't had any issues with it yet, you can also look up vivo there pretty good brand too
I use these . The brand has other types too, I highly recommend them - my ex used the same brand but a different arm and also had a great experience.
The speaker is something cheap on Amazon - not terrible for what I paid but something entirely unimpressive.
monitor arm I used for all three, love this brand they have other types.
A 34" 21:9 is equivalent to a 27" 16:9 height wise. The monitor has VESA mounts and weighs less than what the arm can support. The only limitation I can see with that mount is that you may not be able to full rotate it vertically (if you care to do that) otherwise you should be just fine to use it!
For what it's worth, I've been using a worse monitor mount with my heavier monitor (AW3418DW) and it's been fine for the last 2 years.
>I thought of that too! What is the arm model you are using? I have a 27inch and I think I'd like to hang it on an arm too to gain some depth
I have something like this but the dual monitor version: https://www.amazon.ca/Single-Monitor-Stand-Adjustable-Mounting/dp/B08FB7WFCT/ref=sr\_1\_2\_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=monitor+arm&qid=1629138235&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&smid=AAO6TDKV4R7PK&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFCUTRPMkQyVUl...
good luck with your setup!
There's also this one from huano that I've been using for the past year. It's $36 with the coupon.
I've had my 34" ultra wide on it and it's been great.
Thanks a bunch
1.) The purpose of the light bar is to have a desk lamp without having a regular lamp to take up space on the desk. It keeps things nice and sleek.
2.) I am using a HUANUO Single Monitor Stand.
Amazon link here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FB7WFCT/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I know I wish BenQ were more responsive as well. Great hardware but lacking in meaningful customer support.
A cheap vesa-mount could be an option for you.
I used this one for a while and I had no issues with it but be aware that if your desk is against the wall that it will push out towards the front quite a bit
HUANUO Single Monitor Stand - Gas Spring Single Arm Monitor Desk Mount Fit 17 to 32 inch Screens, Height Adjustable VESA Bracket with Clamp, Grommet Mounting Base, Hold up to 19.8lbs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FB7WFCT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_1Nx6FbGQ7JW0T
I doubt there's many, if any, stands just sold like that, because despite VESA being an industry standard, the thickness of the pole certainly isn't. I did find one however, which, despite coming with its own stand, can seemingly be unattached from it. So if this stand's pole is as thick as your stand's, it could work.
It’s not the best mount, it’s the cheapest that could handle what I needed.
HUANUO Single Monitor Stand - Gas Spring Single Arm Monitor Desk Mount Fit 17 to 32 inch Screens, Height Adjustable VESA Bracket with Clamp, Grommet Mounting Base, Hold up to 19.8lbs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FB7WFCT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Q3koFbK26WJ9B
Someone on the discord came up with a nice solution that is really solid. I have built it myself and it works well. It costs about $35 to build from two products on Amazon.
I don't want to take credit for it. It was designed by a guy named wall3y.
Get these two items:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FB7WFCT https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FPHQZ6V
Basically, you mount the bottle holder on one side of the VESA bracket. You may need to drill an extra hole in the bottle holder to get both in the VESA alignment. Use screws with matching nuts.
The Handy fits well in the plastic holder but you may need to Dremel the edges of the arms a bit to fit better, and the spot where the power cord goes.
You can see pictures from me and wall3y in the #handy-customizations channel on the discord.
I have a HUANUO Single Monitor Stand.
I lied, only 19.8 pounds!
Awesome setup OP! I just ordered a monitor stand for the G5 because it doesn't get to the height I want it to. Have you found it good on the ps5 and have you attempted to downscale 4k on it?
Also here is the link to the monitor stand if youre interested. Did way too much research today for a budget friendly one. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B08FB7WFCT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
No such thing as too many lawns. Also when u get a chance I'd recommend getting one of these stands to clamp your monitor to your desk.
I use this one, https://www.amazon.com/HUANUO-Single-Monitor-Stand-Adjustable/dp/B08FB7WFCT/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3TKE1MMIXRFBU&keywords=tall+monitor+arm&qid=1671087650&sprefix=tall+monitor+arm%2Caps%2C68&sr=8-5. I don't know if it would be tall enough though.
Thanks! I ended up going with this HUANUO one at about the same price but more max weight.
I bought a sit-stand electric frame from Amazon.com. Here is the query I used on Amazon.ca
I've had double monitor stands and lost patience with their limitations on screen arrangement. Instead I use individual monitor arms clamped around my desk. Something like THIS. So I can freely arrange where each monitor lives.
Something like this could easily work.
It's just decorative so it's holding up and fits over the post. It's for this: HUANUO Single Monitor Mount https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FB7WFCT/
I'm not home right but I can share the file later
Not sure what the issue is, most arms have quite a range of movement.
There is an amazing range of VESA arms, example of what I've been using (there are a lot of variations that might better suit your needs, so shop around).
I use it sort of like this with the middle portion parallel to a wall and the upper part moving the display into position. If needed I can pull the displays across the desk, towards my face.
I went with this style because my desk is close to the wall, there are some versions that are all arm, but those seemed to require a lot of space behind the desk. There are options with taller poles or multiple arms per pole. There are add-on metal plates you can add to the clamp to spread out the clamping force a bit. etc.
Perhaps three of these placed at the center, left, and right points evenly measured at the back of the desk. They aren't very expensive.
this one they have other types too
Monitor info can be found here, as well as the rest of my PC specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/b/Rp4nTW
Monitor arms are three individual arms.
2 of these: https://www.amazon.com/HUANUO-Single-Monitor-Stand-Adjustable/dp/B08FB7WFCT/ref=sr_1_8
and 1 of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07SKGXMNV
This one, pretty basic but I don't really move my monitor just wanted more space on desk. Very good for price
You could ditch the monitor stand for a monitor arm, that'll free up space underneath the desk for 'stuff.' Also will help with your ergonomics, a display of that size you'll probably want closer to you as to not lean in on your chair. In terms of which arm,
Tuck the USB hub (or is that a USB switcher between two system?) somewhere that's still within reach but out of sight. Mouse would probably need a mouse bungee as so the cable doesn't get bounded. Either way both accessories have plenty of cable length, so explore the space.
For your macbook, you could buy another monitor arm and buy a laptop tray adapter as to have access to your macbook but it doesn't have to sit on your desk. Freeing up a little more space.
My sibling uses this setup with his macbook pro but you don't have to use that arm, its one i happen to have laying around after upgrading:
Hey, thanks! I love the vertical monitor. The arms I'm using are:
Horizontal monitor - https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B08FB7WFCT/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Vertical Monitor - https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00FUOILAC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
The first link there, the Huanuo one, is really good. I'd recommend it and I'd rather have two of those than what I have now. It has a full range of motion so you don't have to unscrew the arm to move it up and down. Cheers!
I have my $1200 ultra wide on a huano mount (this one) for the past year or so and it's been solid and easy to maneuver.
Look for some artistic wall prints you can put on the wall behind there, I think something like the creatures at the bottom of this spore example might go nicely. Get creative with that wall, friend. Or you could get a monitor arm like thisone which actually adds much more of a dynamic than you might at first think. Takes the monitor off the table … and it looks cool lol.
I used it for my 27" but seems to handle my UW 34 as well so far
If your desk can handle clamped monitor arm mounts, it solves the monitor base footprint. I use these for the 4K, they're good for the price and sturdy enough for the 850-W: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FB7WFCT/
Bought this mount and it's a rigid monster. Maybe you can find similar ones?
The Amazon link is for Canada, just fyi.
I found this Huanuo stand. It's $29 after coupon. I like it for its higher 23" max height. Vivo had 16" height from your links.
Deal link: Amazon
Coupon code: 5JM24P5N
Why is this so expensive still? cheaper alternative
Deal link: Amazon
Coupon code: FUXEKD28
Deal link: Amazon
Coupon code: 9ALD8UGE
^^Note: ^^The ^^deal ^^may ^^have ^^expired ^^by ^^the ^^time ^^you ^^see ^^this ^^post.