>Play the hand you were dealt. I'm sure there are those here who envy you for having both parents growing up.
>Try using a trap bar if one is available, it takes the strain off your back because you stand inside it and lift straight up.
Yeah I usually use one at the gym, will look for one.
> "Nice guys are perfectionists." ~NMMNG
>Maybe a reread is in order.
A re-reread! Probably should revisit those chapters - especially now that Uni is heating up.
>Is it before sleep, or do you wake up and give in?
It's when I wake up in the middle of the night and give in. But thanks for those tips about before bed routine, that sounds real handy.
> your character
Feel this too, trials -> perseverance -> character -> hope. As for the Fruits of the spirit - for me at the moment it's got to be self-control and peace.
> Felt a bit angry this week as I reflected on the failures of my parents, and the weaknesses within myself. Need to learn not to blame others anymore and take responsibility for my own situation.
Play the hand you were dealt. I'm sure there are those here who envy you for having both parents growing up.
>I'm not sure I'm doing deadlifts correctly even after watching those videos. My lower back is pretty sore during it so might see the physio or chiro.
Try using a trap bar if one is available, it takes the strain off your back because you stand inside it and lift straight up.
>My anxiety and panic sort of returned in patches at the strangest of times. When I feel the tension in my chest its at moments when I feel I have failed to reach a certain standard. Very dangerous territory as perfectionism may still at times have a grip on me.
"Nice guys are perfectionists." ~NMMNG
Maybe a reread is in order.
>Social media use is down which is good, but I PMO'd twice this week (only in middle of the night) and I think one of the times I can't remember. During the day I am well in control of myself but for some reason at night perhaps I allow my mind to wander a lot more once I am resting and lying still.
Is it before sleep, or do you wake up and give in? If it's before sleep because your mind is wandering, keeping you from dropping off, then here's what has helped me: write everything down before you get in bed. Everything you're concerned about. Everything you need to remember for the next day. All the stuff on your to-do list. Once you do this, your mind will release it and you will stop thinking about it, and be able to fall asleep faster. This has been my #1 sleep tip for years.
>“To be a witness for Christ by living a life worthy of the Kingdom call physically, mentally, and spiritually. Relying on the transformative power of the Holy Spirit to sow fellowship with my fellow Christian brothers. To be a congruent and courageous man, able to act without being affected by guilt or shame from both within and without. Like the servant given 5 talents, who gained 5 more, and like the seed sown on the fertile soil that yielded a harvest 100 times what was sown.
>Being always quick to listen and learn about God, while by faith seizing the opportunities wisely to teach and spread the gospel without apology. To guide people with wise leadership and to speak and act from the heart, unhindered.”
This is great! One thing I see missing though is this: your character. Remember, God is as concerned about your character as He is the works you do, because His goal is to transform you into the image of Christ. A good barometer of this is examining the evidence of the Fruit of the Spirit in your life.
Which Fruits are most in need of development in your life? Pick one or two and start there.