Harvey Carroll Jr. has made some claims. These include:
It was Harvey's intel that led to the capture of Osama Bin Ladin. Harvey made a video asking the Secretary of Defence for a portion of the Osama Bin Ladin reward money.
Harvey wrote most of President Bush's public speeches while he was in office. All communication to the Whitehouse was done one-way via fax machine from Harvey's apartment. Although he never heard back from the Whitehouse directly, he knows they got the faxes because he purposely wrote mistakes into President Bush's speeches. That way he would know it was his material.
Harvey once made a video that claimed in the title that he and his Facebook subscribers have donated 52 Million Dollars to the Delphi Murders investigation. If you watch the video, he explains that he means 52 million dollars worth of time. Harvey goes on to explain that he got this figure by estimating that his 2000 subscribers have worked on the case for 8 hours a day, 7 days a week for 4 1/2 years. Harvey then takes that number and multiplies it by $20/hour.
This is a quote directly from Harvey's bio:
"I’ve been considered the most influential international political figure in Kentucky-US, and some would say that perhaps in the World at one time. I have dealt with Governors, Senators, Presidents and Foreign Heads of State; and in the process I have saved millions of lives, and affected the economic fate of nations..."
Harvey wrote a book about the Delphi murders that was released in 2017: https://www.amazon.com/Hunting-Hunter-Delphi-UNELECTED-PRESIDENT/dp/1977930816
here is the link to order Harvey Carroll's book on the Delphi Murders.