hygger 5 Gallon Fish Aquarium Starter Kits, Arc-Shaped Aquarium Kit with 3.2W Led Lighting, Hidden Filtration Box and Material, 5W Water Pump Rainwater and Duck's Mouth Outlet, Fish Tank Glass Cover https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P4BRLTY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6ACE9SDE5564B6G4NBTE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks! I’m pretty happy with it- both aesthetically and functionally.
A few notes: some reviews say if you put the lights (separate plug than filter) on a timer they will come back on as previously set. I did not find this to be true- if my smart plug turned off and night, when it turned on in am lights did not turn on. :( Many complain about the noise. If you keep the water level above the water outlet, it is very quiet. But the noise is due to a pretty powerful pump with a strong water flow- but I don’t think enough to be a problem for bettas.