Miniatures can get expensive, you'll only be able to get a few dozen high-quality minis in your budget.
I use peg people for my monsters
In my opinion, the only important miniatures are the ones for your players, otherwise you'll be buying dozens of goblins and skeletons and who knows what. I leave it up to them to acquire minis for their characters, and be sure to warn them that they might die, especially at low level (I wouldnt recommend a player buying a mini until at least level 3, then even if they die later at least it will be a keepsake for the memories. a level 1 death doesn't create many memories)
Another budget idea is to use binder clips and print out pictures of your monsters, like in this picture I found off google
I would recommend an erasable battle-grid like
for your maps, then you can use wet-erase markers to draw your maps.
I'm not sure amazon is available in your area, but if not hopefully you can find some sort of vynl or plastic mat that you can draw on and make your own grid with a permanent marker.
You mentioned you bought books - that's good, but don't forget about dice! Ideally you want at least one set per player and the DM.