Hyperbole and a Half is a great book with way more pictures than words that is (a) funny and (b) does a good job of showing what depression can be like. I have given to friends who are depressed and to those who don’t understand why I’m not a bundle of joy every day.
See your doctor. Heck, see a doctor virtually. Life gets way better with treatment for depression.
While not so much a comic, Hyperbole and a Half was something I picked up in a 52 in 52 book club, and was pretty funny. Was also one of the few "Comics" I got my girlfriend to read.
I know she came out with a book in late 2013, and was spending late 2013 doing a book tour -- which was not exactly an ideal situation for someone who doesn't crave publicity. But I don't know any more than that.
Here is a link to the book, because I get the promotion anxiety but I really want people to buy the shit out of your book.
That being said, I am so glad to see you posting and am so excite for your book. As anyone who works with me can attest, I regularly go back through your archives and spend the rest of the day snickering quietly to myself.
Announced (hinted at?) last night on her twitter with spiders. Awesome spiders.
Edit: Link to her pre-order page on Amazon from the main website. Kind of weird that the big picture doesn't take you there.
Her book came out in October of last year (which I just noticed is #1 in "Biographies & History Graphic Novels") and over the summer I pre-ordered her 2015 wall calendar. It's currently hanging up in my office so I've got another year of Brosh's creations to hold me over. I am guessing she has a lot on her plate, I hope she is focusing on herself whatever she is doing when not blogging. Apparently there's a 2015 engagement calendar as well...sooooo, buying that now
I just noticed she has a bunch of things on Amazon that are going on sale in 2015, so perhaps that explains the hiatus:
Hyperbole and a Half Notepad (and Mouse Pad)
Hyperbole and a Half Notebooks (Set of 3)
Hyperbole and a Half Die-Cut Notecards
Edit: Here's a video that was posted in August featuring Brosh (bonus points if you're also into MTG)
Allie Brosh of Hyperbole and a Half has announced on her facebook page that she has published a book.
It's available for pre-ordering on Amazon.
IDK about other ENFPS but I love Allie Brosh's Hyberbole and a Half blog and then book: https://www.amazon.com/Hyperbole-Half-Unfortunate-Situations-Mechanisms/dp/1451666179
I seriously recommend Hyperbole and a half by Allie Brosh. It's a graphic novel and hits on topics for that age group. I sent a copy to my daughter as a freshman in the dorm. The book was shared around through several friends and she gifted to several other girls she knew.
it’s like the hot sauce story in Hyperbole and a Half, by Allie Brosh— https://yourdailywreck.blogspot.com/2019/04/rec-797-hot-sauce-debacle.html?m=1
Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened https://www.amazon.com/dp/1451666179/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9REVC0DFVEZHMY6ESJZF is the actual book.
A few people have done it. The successful ones are rare, but they are out there. There are a lot more which aren't successful.
Here are some ways to avoid mistakes.
On that note, Hyperbole and a Half is a great book by Allie Brosh who created alot (and ALL THE THINGS! meme).
It's a great book about struggling through depression which helped me accept that what I was going through is not "just not trying hard enough" (or similar) when I was in a pretty dark place.
Which is also why I made this image. Depression is a full-time job, mates. Getting out of it is work on top of that. It's feasible, and many things can help (including therapy and medication), and guilting yourself into an abyss is simply not one of them.
No shame in acknowledging where you are, and what you can do now.
In grad school, on some days, all I could do was maybe load a dishwasher, and maybe look at the sun before it sets.
I still graduated, got a job, moved to a different state.
Life is a process, not a race.
Without reading your full text (I have a lot of trouble with certain styles of punctuation and capitalization), yes.
And it's normal.
Allie Brosh's 2nd book is slated to be released on September 22nd!
I know it has been pushed back so many times before due to personal tragedies. But there have been actual reviews of the book. So this is for real, everyone.
I remember reading her blog posts 10 years ago as I struggled after college to find a steady job. She really nailed the mindset for me of the struggles of trying to become an adult, and the shitiness of regressing. If you haven't read it, please read the book ~~Why Nations Fail~~ Hyperbole and a Half and visit her website. Website hasn't been updated for ages, though.
So, I think I am the kind of person you are describing. I have a pretty great job, so I usually just buy my own technology stuff. Not only that, but I am rather picky with technology stuff, so even if someone did get me something like that, I would act excited and happy, but in the back of my mind I would secretly wishing they did more research before buying the thing that they did.
That said! If I were buying for me, I would go with something like the hyperbole and a half book (http://www.amazon.com/Hyperbole-Half-Unfortunate-Situations-Mechanisms/dp/1451666179), or something by the creator of the XKCD comics (http://www.amazon.com/Thing-Explainer-Complicated-Stuff-Simple/dp/0544668251/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1449202837&sr=1-1&keywords=xkcd).
If it has to be tech related, there is always http://www.thinkgeek.com - they have tons of fun, nerdy gifts that I would like. All of these things combined are probably way less than $1,000. That is just a lot of money.
Another random suggestion - if they were ever into pokemon, this is a dream come true: Gym Badges! https://www.etsy.com/listing/128753018/pokemon-kanto-gym-badges-gen-1?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_b-accessories-patches_and_pins-pins_and_pinback_buttons&utm_custom1=a91c90fb-48c1-4024-87f9-fb14aadac033&am...
> They are ISIS terrorists.
I found a book you might like: https://www.amazon.com/Hyperbole-Half-Unfortunate-Situations-Mechanisms/dp/1451666179
So I just finished Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened and I loved it due to the weird humor but it's so short. Are there any other books like it?
Ok, I'll give this a shot.
I live in NJ but don't really go out to restaurants, but my oldest brother and his wife live here and like Mexican restaurants. Last Christmas I bought a restaurant.com gift card for them but from what I've heard they didn't use it because it was a hassle (it had to be used at the end of the meal, and even then it only took off a percentage of the meal). So, I guess I could give it to my sister-in-law (and therefore my brother) as a late Mother's Day gift?
Here's an item for your Amazon wish list:
The Hyperbole and a Half paperback. Not sure if you're familiar with the blog, but it's excellent. The book is about half classics from the blog and half new stuff. Totally recommended.