You should ask your doctor/insurance if it would be covered. And if it is, at least give it a try.
I've read a lot of books on thyroid problems, and a lot of them state that Synthroid mostly doesn't do jack.
But I suppose it varies.
A VERY good book on hypothyroidism is this one:
It shows you all the different diseases and health problems that can arise due to thyroid issues (and there are a lot). Insomnia is just one of many.
That's possible, but people all too quickly assume they have some kind of genetic dysfunction, or something else inherently wrong with them.
I myself have epilepsy, and I used to blame my insomnia on that. But once you learn more about metabolic rate, and how it affects about every part of your cell, and how you can properly increase it (it isn't set in stone) you quickly figure out that most health problems can be traced back to it.
This is what these lifestyle changes are to help with.
When I say you should work standing up, this is to increase your metabolic flux, the input and output of energy (in the form of calories) which in turn increases metabolic rate, making all your cells work better and strengthening circadian rhythm.
Your argument of gays, there is good evidence that homosexuality is caused by problems with wrong hormonal signals being given to the foetus, so the brain develops differently. This is the epigenetic approach, but again, this only shows how powerful hormones are, if they can determine what kind of people you are hardwired to be attracted to.
The lifestyle changes I give have little to do with CBT, by the way. They serve to induce certain biological, hormonal and physiological respones.
You should definitely read Mark Starr's book on thyroid and metabolism. It shows that even things like autism are caused by metabolic dysfunction.
I recognize it's impossible to diagnose someone according to text on internet. And I don't know about vaccinations, that's not really my specialty.
I acknowledge that what I say doesn't work for everyone, but that it works for a lot of people. A lot of people live out of sync with their natural rhythms, don't get light exposure, are highly insulin resistant due to sitting all day or being overweight, overstressed due to various causes, eat a crap diet, etc. Those are the people I can help. There are others, who have a specific condition, like something neurological, or a genetic condition and those I can't help. But as far as I've seen, that's a minority.
But I do know that lowered metabolic rate can cause a variety of illnesses. A lowered cellular energy production affects the entire body, and in my opinion is the leading cause of the mass increase in degenerative diseases that people suffer from these days.
I've been able to help people recover permanently, people who haven't been sleeping properly for years, who haven't got any better advice from their doctors than 'take some pills' and who slept a ton better after a month following my advice.
So can I help everyone? No, I'm not a miracle worker. But I can see a pattern with most people. There's anxiety and depression that frequently co-occurs with insomnia. Either there is an imbalance with neurotransmitters, or their metabolic rate is lowered (i.e. they have lowered thyroid hormone output) But I think, if I can help some, it's my duty to do so since trained medical professionals don't know any better than to give pills, or in best cases, apply CBT.
There's thousands of people out there, and they're anxious, they can't sleep, they're doing all kinds of wacky things and taking pills and I was once one of them.
And in reality, dude, chill, all I do is tell people to eat healthy, get outside and get daylight, don't overstress, get enough movement but don't overexercise, that sort of thing. Not something that would cause any damage, I assume. Stuff people should be doing anyway :)
And it's not as if I invent this stuff. I base my articles and my methods on stuff from health researchers and endocrinologists.
You should read this book, by the way: