I have so many questions. Like, there was a Yemenite girl who divorced her perpetrator at age 10. That makes Yemen a better place for human rights.
Maybe I Am Nujood
>Note I specified "rape" not "child rape." And from the information in this thread, it is disputed as to whether she was under 10 or not when the marriage was consummated.
The generally accepted understanding of Aisha’s age at consummation is 9.
>Not exactly the same because that is currently occurring. Not only is it currently occurring, it is currently occurring in a globally interconnected world, with international laws in place that all generally agree no, that is not acceptable.
Child rape is also currently occurring all over the world. Child marriages are not uncommon in Muslim countries (such as Yemen) even today.
You'd probably benefit from reading this book written by a 10-year-old girl who was forced into marriage at age 9 in 2008. She details the horrors, how the adults around her had no problems with it. Child marriage, rape, and abuse was a custom in her province. She details her abuse. But according to you, we shouldn't judge her adult rapist because he lived in a small town isolated from the outside world, where child rape and marriage (as well as physical beatings) are the norm.
Do things only start being unacceptable when international laws are put into place? If I raped a kid 2 hours before the international law was put into effect, am I still a great guy? That's ridiculous.
>Umm...not even close. By my logic, human trafficking was legal back then. With no statement as to whether that was good or bad (spoiler: it was effing terrible). Try not to read to hard into what you want to/don't want to see...
I was referring to human trafficking as a legal definition. You said you cannot be sure that a rape occurred, despite the fact that general consensus is that the adult Mohammed had sex with a 9-year-old girl, due to the laws against child rape not existing at the time.
>Looking at things in context is not the same as looking at things through rose colored glasses. Looking at things in context provides insights for why a historical figure may have acted the way they did or not. It gives you an idea of how you might have acted if you were raised in the same time and found yourself in a similar situation as the historical figure. It does not make the action excusable by today's standards, but changes the way you can really judge the actions.
Saying that people who did awful things to other human beings were possibly decent because that's just how people were back then, is looking at it with rose colored glasses. You should absolutely judge historical child rapists. "That's just how things were," is an excuse. It's absurd. Morality is independent of legal definitions.
Some cultures are shitty and breed shitty people. Historical cultures were especially shitty, and as a result we have a lot of shitty historical figures. Culture isn't an excuse. We should judge those who committed atrocities in the past, especially if their environments enabled them.
>To give a slightly different example, would you say all judges who ordered a thieves hand cut off for stealing were bad people because that was the normal punishment back then? Or would you say the normal punishment was cruel and unjust? If you were stripped of everything you know of today's world, and were instead raised in that time period, always being taught that to get caught stealing meant to lose a hand, became a judge, and then administered a sentence to a thief you would not have ordered his hand cut off? That is the difference between looking with rose-colored glass and considering a situation in its context.
You could use the same argument for any criminals alive today. The Sandy Hook shooter wasn't born and raised in a vacuum, he was molded by his genetics and his environment. That doesn't make his behaviors any less despicable, it doesn't make him not a bad person. If your environment turns you into a bad person you're still a bad person.
Look deep enough and you'll find an excuse for everyone.
You keep saying, "if you were raised in that time period, etc". It doesn't matter. If I were raised in that time period and committed crimes against kids, I'd be a shitty person. You would've been one too. Let's be thankful we weren't and attempt to correct the atrocities currently being committed so that the next generation is less shitty. Let's judge the people of the past to give past victims justice, and to reinforce to future generations that what was done to them was not right.
When I heard the name, I immediately recalled that she has a book. Saw it at Target when I was walking by the book section a few days ago.
Here is a book written by a girl who was raped by a man she was forced to marry. One of the reasons this man raped her was because muhammad did the same.
muhammad was a rapists and he inspires rapists today to rape young girls. Your argument fails completely.
>Nearly 50 women have conducted suicide attacks in Iraq since 2003, and of these, more than 20 have attacked this year.
>The Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka have used women most frequently, conducting some 200 suicide attacks of which 30 to 40 percent involved women.