Buy the book "I love A Cop" and give it to your family to read. It might help them help you
Have you read this?
If your relatives truly are police officers then you should. I find it strange than you have relatives that are police and yet none of my posts have a ring of truth. My wife is a cop, her cousin is a cop, and as you might expect a number of our friends are police officers.
I don't have the crime statistics to hand, but here are the ones related to fear on and off the job:
Bradstreet, R. (1994). Cultural hurdles to healthy police families. In J. Reese & E. Scrivner (Eds.), Law enforcement families: Issues and answers (#1994-387- 165/24333, pp. 19-26).
The trauma response: Treatment for emotional injury. New York: Norton. Figley, C. B. (Ed.). (1995).
Compassion fatigue: Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized. New York: Brunner/Mazel. Gilmartin, K. (1986).
Hypervigilance: A learned perceptual set and its consequences on police stress. In J. Reese & H. Goldstein (Eds.), Psychological services for law enforcement (85-600538, pp. 443-448). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Gilmartin, K. (1990).
The brotherhood of biochemistry: Its implications for a police career. In H. E. Russell & A. Beigel (Eds.), Understanding human behavior for effective police work (3rd ed., pp. 397-418). New York: Basic Books