I just thought of an artist who didn't go to art school but is now a story artist at Disney: Natalie Nourigat. She has a really great comic about her career journey: I Moved to LA for Animation. It's from her perspective as a story artist but it has great info about job searching, animation culture, and LA stuff that is useful for anyone in the industry. Hope this helps!
You don't have to be in California to work in animation, especially not at this moment. Most in the industry are working remotely right now anyway. But assuming we get through the pandemic and everything returns close to normal, only one thing really matters. How good is your work? You'd have to be earthshatteringly amazing to land a writing job with no industry experience or connections. Can you draw though? If you're good enough, you could try to get a job as story artist first, and then work your way up to a writing job. Or you could try to get an internship at a studio, but that'd require you to be studying at least part time and working towards a degree in most cases (well, at least for the major studios). Have you read Natalie Nourigat's book on this exact subject? I think it would be helpful for you.
Go to your local comic book shop or book store and pick up the new graphic novel "I moved to Los Angeles to work in animation" it's incredibly helpful and applicable to anyone moving to LA for an entertainment career (I'm a film editor).
Here it is on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1684152917/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_kW2mCbXTXKWYV