This study guide here is the one our school hands out. It lists every single laq or saq and full descriptions of every study that can be used for it. It's the only reason I'm not failing psychology. if you want I can send you some pictures of the pages so you know what it's like
Get your hands on a study guide. I use Oxford one and they're simply awesome. The learning outcomes are stated and then explained and you get both studies, theories, and evaluations summarized. E.g. BLOA is 17 pages in my psych textbook but only 6 pages in the study guide. I'm not saying you shouldn't use your textbook because you should read that too, the study guide is just better for (you guessed it) studying. I've been getting straight 7s all through IB1 and IB2 so far partly because of this.
I'm not actually done with the course but I took a final the first year (without the option content) and managed to score well so I thought I'd put a few things I thought helped out when I was studying :)
The best way to prepare for critical analysis (B) is to have the major issues with the studies and some of the arguments concerning the topic memorized. Put all the studies on quizlet, make flashcards, and memorize that sh*t. I found the easiest way to study was to have someone hold the paper with all the details of the study (including critical evaluation points) and cross off things I missed while I explained it to them. By having some key critical points memorized you don't have to fallback on intuition when doing the critical analysis, which is difficult and hard to do during the actual exam.
Natswimmer is dead on with writing outlines. It's a mammoth task but it really is worth it in the long run. If you struggle with procrastination try setting up a study calendar with dates you will have each topic finished by. It's a good way to keep motivated and keep track of the different study methods you may be using for the course.
If you haven't already make sure to include an evaluation of the study and its methodology directly after. Most problems with studies are pretty recurrent so having a list of key flaws to look out for is a good idea (i.e. generalizational ability, methodological concerns, sample size). After the evaluation make do a synthesis paragraph to connect the study back to the main thesis. An ideal format would be something like (T Std Syn Std Syn C, maybe an extra study and synthesis where necessary). I've found it helps separate the chunks of the essay into paragraphs where the different criterion are scored.
Some resources worth looking at for studying: - has good outlines of major studies, with evaluations needed for criterion B. The format for the studies is also really nice and gives a good structure for writing them.
-The study guide. if you don't have it, It's very much worth the price.
If you're after notes or anything specific feel free to drop a PM.