I recently researched racks for a tour to go with my Ortlieb back roller classic bags and went with this.
It took a little playing around to adjust the bag clips until I had something secure, but I think that's the norm, and I'm happy with it. This is also the only rack/panniers I've used so I don't have other points of comparison.
I have a Zizzo Urbano which is extremely similar to the Liberte, and I use this rack. It sits roughly 5-6" above the wheel, which isn't too bad.
I could post a pic tomorrow if you'd like to see it.
I wish I knew the specific model, but a friend actually gave it to me so I'm not sure. I just took a look and it's a Blackburn brand rack with a attachment points onto the seat clamp. Hope that helps!
Couldn't find the exact thing online, but similar concept to this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DWKUAZK/
I think she’s sitting on a rear rack, not a seat per se.
Ibera Bike Rack – Bicycle Touring... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DWKUAZK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share but it’s super jerry rigged on there I need to find a better alternative but haven’t been able to find one that fits well on this bike
I never added fenders, and don't see much point in them. If it's raining, I'm getting wet with or without them.
Here's the rack and bags I got. I had to drill 2 holes in the rack to get it adjusted to my liking, but other than that, install was simple. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DWKUAZK
I'd highly recommend panniers. You can carry drinks, snacks, spare clothing, office paperwork, etc.
I went with this one that's like $2 cheaper, with this compatible bag. Super easy to install and they've both been solid.
carrier, carrier rack, fender board https://www.amazon.com/Ibera-Bike-Rack-Frame-Mounted-Adjustable/dp/B00DWKUAZK
Are you camping or staying on towns at AirBnBs? If you're staying on the trail, I'd def recommend getting some training in while hauling ~35lbs of gear on a MTB
Have you bikepacked before? A MTB is going to be great for the C&O (more like trail and muddy) but less ideal for the GAP (crushed limestone).
You can easily get by for under $100. As for me, my first run through, I used:
Essentially, one pannier was for clothes, supplies and tools; the other for food. I strapped my single person tent and sleeping bag to the top.
You could replace the panniers with something that has a super stiff backing plate in it, but that limits your options a lot, and unless you're using a piece of plywood there's always the chance that something heavy like a bottle of wine will still bend it into your spokes. DAMHIK.
My vote is to replace the rack with one that is designed specifically to prevent this, e.g. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DWKUAZK/ or https://www.tubus.com/produkte/hinterradtraeger/tubus-product/cargo-classic (these may not fit your bike, but you get the general idea of the shape). Basically anything that extends towards the rear rather than just going straight to the mount point will do the trick.
If you decide to get a new rack, I've been happy with my Ibera: https://www.amazon.com/Ibera-Bike-Rack-Frame-Mounted-Adjustable/dp/B00DWKUAZK It has those rear looping bars that stop my bags from getting in the spokes.
This thing has near 5k reviews in Amazon and is $35. If it fits your bike, it's worth a look:
Any of the standard stuff should work. For the rear, Ibera and Topeak have the most popular budget options, which should be plenty if you're not doing heavy touring or bringing a ton of soup cans home all the time. They also each have proprietary bags and attachments you might like. I have an Ibera rack with a folding basket hose-clamped to one side and a pannier I can use on the other, plus a cargo net - but Topeak has a very popular trunk bag that my friend even uses for bikepacking. It expands. Ibera also has trunk bags!
For the front, do you want something flat or a basket? The Wald 1372 is a reinforced basket that's quite popular. If you want a flat rack, Surly and Specialized have some, but I don't know as much about those!
Most good rear racks are frame-mounted, like this one.
I assume you're talking about seat-post mounted racks like this one.
(I used the same brand just to illustrate the point.)
Those seatpost mounted ones have a much smaller weight capacity and can give you a lot of tail wag. If you're going to use something mounted directly to the seatpost or saddle, you're likely better off with a seatpack (like this or this) and limiting how much weight you put in it. Some seat-pack setups use integrated mini-racks (like the Rockgeist Mr. Fusion or the PDW Bindle), but again, you'll want to limit how much weight you put in them.
There are many options for frame-mounted racks, including options from Blackburn, Velo Orange, Topeak, Tubus, Axiom, Tailfin, etc.
First, it's lame that two bike shops told you they couldn't figure it out, I would bet I could fit any old rear rack to that just by bending the front rack stays correctly or using the Salsa seat collar rack mount. Second, there are plenty of racks that could work. Bikepacking actually just published an article on a new OMM rack that will fit anything with the right fit kit.
The main thing is that ideally the rack has some sort of adjustable stays. Amazon has a $35 one that would probably work pretty well. And like I said, if needed you just put a bend in the top silver stays to meet up with the top bolt holes perfectly. Easiest way is to clamp them in a vise and push, gives a nice clean angle.
I have the Nitto M1 on the front of my Surly, which has basically the same bolt locations as your bike, except on the fork. It's meant for not SUPER-heavy loads, but all 4 stays are completely adjustable. Another one that looks like it would work well is the Surly Rear Disc rack.
If you mean the rack itself, I got it at my local bike store. I can't find the listing on their site, but it's a model similar to this.
If you mean the trailer hitch mounted on the rack, then it's two pieces I got off Amazon — this and this.
I'm confused are you looking for a recommendation for a rack or are you asking if it's a good idea to get a rack so you can haul stuff?
I have a rack similar to that one and I use these panniers to hold everything. Because my bike is electric, it means I can easily carry anything I need. The more you add to it in the bags, the heavier it becomes. Those bags can be removed easily and if you plan to leave your bike outside, then it's suggested you bring this and your lights inside. The lights here are good.
If you're asking if it's a good idea to get a rack to carry stuff, yea it's not a bad idea but a backpack would work. Just know backpacks generally cause sweaty backs.
This is the one I put on my S2. IIRC, I had to do a slight modification to get it to mount correctly. I either had to redrill a hole or cut off a bit of the lower arms to get it on there level.
Remind me tomorrow and I'll take off my panniers and take a picture of what I had to do.
I have this
Get a rear rack and mount it to that. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DWKUAZK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_156BBXE26JTJSHNH3GCW
I have the Kilo WT and use this one.
It works with their PakRak system that clips on, like this nifty grocery bag
They also sell combos of a trunk bags and rack for $80.
I have a PakRak rack and panniers on my touring bike. Quality stuff, and not expensive.
I'm looking for a rear rack for my kilo tt 47". The problem is that the kilo tt website's geometry page doesn't list the frame size. How do i know whether any particular bike rack that accommodates 26-29" will fit my bike? Please respond.
I'm looking at this right now: https://www.amazon.com/Ibera-Bike-Rack-Frame-Mounted-Adjustable/dp/B00DWKUAZK/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1534483626&sr=8-3&keywords=rear+bike+rack#customerReviews