James Sexton, divorce attorney and author of If You're in My Office, It's Already Too Late frequently explains in his interviews that marriage is the second most significant legal event in your life (with your death being the most important). Everyday people look over contracts to buy a house, car, occupation etc, and sometimes even have lawyers for those. But they agree to a marriage license in the same manner as agreeing to the Terms of Service after downloading Angry Birds on their phone.
When you get married, you are combining two financial entities, with all of its assets and debts. In fact, combining finances was one of the original functions of marriage. The concept of marriage for love is a relatively new phenomenon, going back about 100 years.
As a person who likes to be well informed before making decisions, I wanted to know what are the reasons why marriages fall apart before proposing to my SO. I highly recommend watching Marriage Secrets from a Divorce Lawyer with James Sexton. It's 75 min long, but you can watch it at a faster playback speed and pick up all of the info. It's more informative than I would have guessed by reading the title.
Okay, I am 27F. I am only in this group because I dated a man over 35 once.
I do not want to be married nor do I really want kids. But Marriage really is beneficial in many ways.
I would employ upon you to get a prenup agreement. Or at least look into it. This will hopefully reduce any fears you have in the risks of marriage and continue to provide you with the emotional and financial benefits you seek with the right person. Marriage isn't a negative and it can be a positive with the right person. No one gets married to get divorced but because its a possibility, protect yourself and assets before you bind yourself.
I love this book because it provided me with tons of insight on marriage and how to save/maintain one: https://www.amazon.ca/Youre-Office-Its-Already-Late/dp/1250130778
Also, this is a great podcast episode I heard on the benefits of marriage vs common law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJiUyQek2-E&t=1292s
I hope that this helps you!
Absolutely - that is why I just don't do it. Also, I find dating super repetitive and boring.
I think where we differ is that I do not get super attached for months, even after having sex. And I generally find sex boring. When a guy leaves, I am usually sad for like 2-3 weeks and then its meh.
You need to identify why you are anxious and obsessive first. Yes - sex bonds us to another really well but why is it hard to let go for you?
On the perfection and having problems thing - my shit stinks, so his is going to as well. Understanding that you're two imperfect people will totally help you to have compassion and navigate difficult communication. Its gonna happen but unless its abusive, do not stress.
Lastly, therapy can help! You don't have to go forever and ever, but even going for a while can help you work through these things. It has for me.
Also, reading this book has changed all of my romantic relationships and views on them: https://www.amazon.ca/Youre-Office-Its-Already-Late/dp/1250130778
You can delete the apps and try and meet people in person. Its up to you! You just need to learn to kinda view dates as "interviews" but don't act like a Manager on a Panel. Don't attach anything to it and just get to know them!
I hope this helps!
My all time favorite book that I will always recommend is “If you’re in my office, it’s already too late.”
Here’s a link to it and a very great interviewthat hits on some points on the book.
The premise is a “what not to do” book from a divorce lawyer fingering out what essentially went wrong. It’s also a HILARIOUS book with amazing voice.
This book: https://www.amazon.ca/Youre-Office-Its-Already-Late/dp/1250130778
Its called, "If youre in my office, its already too late". Amazing read about what makes relationships fail from the eyes of a divorce lawyer. This book changed my life and the way that I relate to others better than any text I have ever read. Because it plainly laid out what people do and how to correct it.
What I got from it is that it doesn't matter what your attachment style is, you need to pay attention to others and communicate. If you can't do that, you will always fall into problems. I have actually implemented those two things and seen my relationships change drastically.
I'm still avoidant, but a communicative avoidant. Is that a thing? haha