To remove the backplate you need Torx T5 screwdriver bit, there are total of 10 Torx screws and there are two standard Philips screws under the XPS logo.
I've personally found this kit to be great for almost any electronic teardown. It will have all the pieces you need.
Keep in mind that those screws are super soft and low quality, so it is likely you will strip those down. However, if you have patience and are careful you might be able to get them out without stripping them.
In case you do end up stripping those, Amazon will have replacement screws.
I use a standard T5 screwdriver for the screws on the bottom panel and a small Philips under the flap of my 9560. I'd imagine the newer models use the same screws
As for toolkits, I highly recommend picking something up from iFixit. Most brands on Amazon use cheaper bits that aren't really high of a decent quality, but they do get the job done
Edit: This'll do the trick for just about anything
If you're going to be doing small electronic repair/cleaning, this toolkit is great. Much better quality than most of the generic triwings (or whatever) AliExpress sellers throw in with their spare parts.
I have this guy:
It does it's job, no complaints so far on quality but it's had an easy life.
You're right. Totally forgot it. They have different sizes of kits depending on your needs. Here's the basic one : IFIXIT on amazon
Ultimately you are the person with the system and will be the best to determine the status of the battery.
If you don't have the proper tools, purchase them. Here's an excellent ifixit kit that is an absolute necessity for any Nintendo handheld system owner.
A good driver will do you more good. Legitimately, I went from fearing stripped screws to never having one again. The 4 OEM ones I would 100% keep are the 4 bottom corner ones. They seem to make fitment better. The other ones I haven't noticed any issues
This driver set has exactly the screws you need. J0 and y0. Note these are different from Phillips, Phillips aren't the right ones for the j screws. Also, the drivers people use to take out the y screws (tris) suck ass. These mistakes cause more to strip a screw
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bit Set for Electronics Repair
Would you be able to take a look at this it has a lot of screws in it iFixit Mako Precision Bit Set, Bit-Set with 64 Precision bits (4 mm) to Repair Electronic Devices Like Smartphone, Tablet, PC, Camera, PS4 / Xbox
If you are following instructions and the instructions say "Use X" and you're trying to use Y. I'd suggest using X.
If you don't have the appropriate tool, you should obtain it.
iFixIt has a great set that is a must for anyone who is doing DIY stuff on consoles, controllers, and handhelds.
I'd take the orange and black, but personally, I'm perfectly content with my "knock-off iFixit" screwdriver.
I find the smaller size to be an advantage for the smaller electronic stuff I tend to work on and it cost me a whole $28 on AliExpress.
Even a authentic iFixit (or at least I think it is authentic) here is only $50 CAD while this single screwdriver would cost me well over $100 CAD when you factor in the exchange rate. That's the price of an entire iFixit pro-tech tool kit. I plan to get one, but despite my extensive use over the years of that thing (including some rust due to my carelessness of leaving it out in the rain once for a few days), I STILL have not found performance to be a major issue.
Point is, that 90% of us don't NEED robust high quality products. The plastic low end stuff can perform 90% of the function for 50% of the cost.
If I was an electrician that needed to screw and unscrew things for hours a day where hand fatigue can actually become an issue, then I could see the utility of this product. Great construction, super strong magnet, and price doesn't matter all that much when one uses it for work.
But I'm not. I'm a computer engineer who likes to tinker with electronics, I simply do not need the higher torque rating and durability of such a screwdriver.
Then again, it's still a decent high quality product that performs it's job exceptionally well and it does support the channel more than even thousands of YouTube views ever will.
iFixit tool kits are awesome and decently priced. I own two of these (one for home and one for work):
I always recommend the iFixit kit. To me, hands down best tech tool kit for the price.
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for Electronics Repair
Thats a non-affiliate link btw, Im no scumbag.
Also, the lid on the kit has a grid pattern inside of it, which is useful for placing screws and mapping out where they belong.
I would not cancel an order due to a battery. Batteries can easily be swapped out on a DS Lite.
If you're going to be playing older consoles, particularly handhelds, you should get used to being able to open them up and do basic work on them. Here's the small electronics kit I use.
This would work too if you want a kit that can be used for other things. Otherwise a PH0 screwdriver would suffice. And no you don’t need a 6mm hex key. Even if you needed a hex key, you’d need a 3mm one at most.
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for Electronics Repair
Those little screwdrivers in the top left are terrible. I would say I can't undo maybe 70% of normal screws I try with them. If you open a lot of devices up, then I'd suggest looking at something like the iFixit Mako kit. I love mine, it lets you open virtually every device that uses fasteners, and it has a bunch of security screws as well. If you want to save some money you can get some generic third party one, but when it only costs £30, I'd say it's a steal.
I bought one of their kits here, and am so far quite happy with it. Good selection of bits, I've used it to build a few computers so far and it's been very helpful. Put together a couple mining rig frames that had a bunch of different sized hex screws, was able to use this kit instead of trying to use included allen wrenches, which is always nice. It is a bit small, so if you need more leverage or something it won't work, but it's great for smaller projects.
I noticed that you mentioned that you don't have any tools. I'd suggest getting this ifixit kit. that has everything you would need, with the exception of pliers and tweezers. It's been a life saver for pretty much all of my electronic needs, including mobile phone and computers.
Nonstandard screws really aren't a big issue any more (even I have a kit that has pentalobe, tri-wing, security Torx etc.). The bigger issue is the ability to buy parts for third party repair and I really hope that Rossman keeps on with his battles.
If you plan to open more stuff grab an I fixit set. It has all that plus every phone bit and console bit. Pretty much everything
Sadly this advice is buy some good bits honestly I like this set. I tried like 5 or 6 sets before I found 1 I thought was decent. And always use the correct bit 1 that is a little smaller might work but it's not a good idea.
iFixit does a great kit that includes almost every small screwdriver head you might ever need, even obscure ones. You can probably get away with cheaper ones but the iFixit ones are properly solid.
I’ve been using this ifixit kit never had any issues with the bits stripping anything out. I think the ifixit driver is the best. The wiha bits might be a little better but the ifixit ones are fine and if you find you want to grab some wiha bits later you can.
As others have said a little glasses or jewelers screwdriver will work.
If your gonna be going to work on your console or other consoles often though I would consider investing in a little kit like this one.
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for Electronics Repair
That one will probably be great but if I’m spending already $15 for a one time use screw driver I’d rather double it and get this from ifixit.
Any cheaper alternatives to ifixit it or wiha?
(ifixit has the bit for $2.99 but shipping kills the deal)
I have the older version of the toolkit but I've used it on every tech project I've ever done. 11/10
I have this iFixit driver set:
It includes basically any bit you will possibly need for any small repairs and maintenance for knives and electronics.
As others have said, majority of knives uses Torx screws in typically T6 and T8 sizes.
Look it sucks, but if you are going to pony up do it right and get this:
Why? It's going to cost you more yes, but you will never need another kit ever again, no matter what electronics you are working on.
Not quite as cheap as yours, but I've been extremely happy with my kit from iFixit if anyone's looking around for alternatives.
Unless you're working with a lot of small screws this might not be worth it, but I work in an IT shop and I get this for all my techs.
Those look like standard philips head screws, just small. If you are gonna play around with electronic stuff I highly recommend getting an ifixit driver kit.
Unfortunately you need a T2. I've got this kit at work and it has what you need.
I'd strongly recommend investing in something like the iFixit Mako kit if you open a lot of electronics. There are cheaper alternatives as well, but my iFixit ones have been super strong and I've only broken one which was the second smallest flathead (and that was my fault for using it like a lever).
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for Electronics Repair.
Meets all your gaming Fix it needs.
I'm genuinely surprised I don't see many actual "tools" like a good screwdriver set or side cutters or a bag of zip ties. I rarely go a day without the need of a screwdriver to reach a spot that Leatherman would never fit.
I’d recommend the ifixit tool kit on amazon or a set of 2uul brass screwdrivers on AliExpress I switched to these a month or two ago and after repairing phones for the last 5 years these are definitely the best tools I have used.
Also for unplugging connectors or removing battery’s I bought a set of plastic car trim removal tools they slide right under any connectors and pry up battery’s no problem! You can find these on eBay
Starter tools I’d recommend - Tweezers Plastic pry tools Decent screwdriver set
2uul kit these can be found cheaper on aliexpress
I did this last week! Was initially terrified but the YouTube videos I used made everything clear. I’m on mobile now but I will update this comment tonight linking the videos, scripts and purchases I used to swap mine out.
First thing on the list should be an SSD. Really good speed improvement with game loads so far.
Videos that helped:
Straightforward tear down (ifixit)
Complete teardown with reassemble
Step-by-step video (with scripts in the info section) for setting up a new (not cloned) XB1 HDD
Things I bought to do the teardown and formatting:
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for Precision Electronics Repair (minus the spudger and tweezers)
Magnetic Project Mat Showpin Large Size Small Parts Work Mat Peg Board with A Board Marker
USB to SATA USB 3.0 to Hard Drive Adapter Cable Converter for 2.5 3.5 Inch HDD
Samsung 860 EVO 1TB 2.5 Inch SATA III Internal SSD
USB Flash Drive - Larger than 2GB
My post-install experience:
Everything mostly went smoothly. I had to reinstall the OSU1 files twice because the OSU1 I initially used was weeks old. So for best results, download it and install on the flash drive that day you're hoping to boot up.
Unplug your ethernet connection while doing the update. Otherwise the update will be greyed out.
BEFORE YOU INSTALL YOUR GAMES BACK, be sure to do a complete power down and make sure it boots back up normally. If it doesn't, don't panic...make sure you have the latest OSU1 and try another manual system update. If you controller doesn't seem like it's connecting after the update, try connecting again and using the controller d-pad (the thumb sticks won't work) or your tv remote if it's a 'smart' tv.
Good luck!!!
No, but if you plan on messing around with small electronics you should definitely get a tool kit like this one.
This excellent IFixIt kit is a must have for anyone who does work on small electronics.
Anyone tinkering around with small electronics should definitely have this excellent IFixIt tookit.
Normally this isnt ideal, but when i was new i used the Ifixit tool kit. Its made for electronics but i found it worked fine with my rc car too
I still use the ifixit driver kit till now sometimes
You should safely dispose of the battery at your local tox drop. Until you can do that, you can store it in a durable plastic or glass container. The likelihood of it "exploding" is unlikely unless you apply heat/flame to it. Puncturing it should also be avoided.
Gamestop hires anyone with a pulse to work. They have never repaired consoles.
As noted, most times when you order a part you'll get a screwdriver/tools to get the job done. But I'd highly recommend this iFixIt kit. Anyone into handheld consoels should have this kit.
The n2dsxl is probably the hardest 3DS family system to actually access the battery. It isn't impossible, just not super easy like it is on the others. Here's a good teardown video guide to follow.
This iFixIt tookit is a must for any type of small electronic DIY stuff.
I like messing around with Gameboys, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS , and Nintendo controllers.
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bit Set for Electronics Repair
le fixit I personally own this guy and I’ve been running it for years and an iPhone fixer (just personal and for sum friends) and it’s more then enough, I’m a car mechanic and I find my self using this set so some stuff, there’s time where you’ll be like fuck I need to open this stupid random thing, this has it. 100% recommend with a set of pry tools like these finger cuter openers
Anyone doing DIY work on consoles and whatnot should have this kit from ifixit:
The n3dsxl back plate can easily be removed because that's where the SD card slot and battery are. Grab your toolkit and make sure it is securely on
I used this when build my PCs and last GPU repaste I did:
For paste I used this:
And just make sure you have some 90% isopropyl wipes or spray to clean the area around the GPU.
Any hobbyist should have this ifixit kit. The screws that come from spare parts on ebay/aliexpress usually aren't high quality.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
iFixit Mako Precision Bit Set, Bit-Set with 64 Pr… | £29.98 | £29.98 | 4.9/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for El… | $34.99 | $34.99 | 4.9/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for El… | $34.99 | $34.99 | 4.9/5.0 |
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Item B0189YWOIO | - | - | 0.0/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for El… | $34.99 | $34.99 | 4.9/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for El… | $34.99 | $34.99 | 4.9/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
For a desktop, all you really need is a regular philips screwdriver.
For laptops and other mobile devices, you can't go wrong with iFixit:
You can find small driver sets with square bits online. ifixit is fairly well regarded.
If you are a tinkerer, you need this set.
Not sure haven't opened my FE, but just get yourself a good screwdriver repair set like this and you'll have everything you generally need for this kind of work.
As other redditors said and correctly, what you need is a proper precision set of good screwdrivers like a IFixIt kit or better a Wera ser of screwdriver bits with handle instead of a electric one.
You can apply proper force and angle on a manual screwdriver easier than a electric one, and undo screws better without stripping them. Also you get proper feedback of the tightning force and when a screw will start to strip.
Electric screwdrivers are good for Hexagon and Tork screws because the bit slots on the screw and the chance of stripping them is reduced than a Philips or a Pozi Drive Phillips ( this last one ironically was invented exactly to prevent the stripping).
Would this one work?
I own the iFixIt driver set:
It has a hundred other uses, but it also happens to have the correct size bit for removing an M.2 stand off.
I know you don't want to spend $35 just to remove a stand off, but it's come in handy in a ton of other scenarios.
If you absolutely don't want to buy that, I would just use a small pair of needle nose pliers to carefully untwist the standoff from the board.
I'd recommend this one from iFixit. It comes with a ton of bits and is super handy to have around. Plus the driver on iFixit kit is very well made.
you want a screwdriver with smaller bits, which you can get at a hardware store. Typically sold as jewelers screwdrivers, or for watches.
Or order on amazon.
Typically laptop cases use phillips #00 size heads.
But always good to have something for electronics, like an iFixit kit:
Might be overkill but I like the ifixit sets.
Boliermaker checking in!
For an engineer, many of the kits tend to be kind of limiting. Especially the kits that overlap your area of expertise - it always seems as though there are better options out there if you build your own.
My most-used tools and toys include:
Arduino kit - the ATmega microprocessor that Arduino is built around is what I learned micros on at Purdue.
iFixIt miniature screwdriver set - I use the heck out of my kit for all manner of building and fixing things. Something like this one is what I have:
Wera kraftform combo screwdriver: I use this thing for "normal" screws; it's very compact and really high quality:
3D printer: I just bought an Ender 3 V2 for Christmas, both for me and my high-school age son. It's definitely going to be something to play with rather than a production tool, so if your son enjoys tinkering, this is a great option. If he views a 3D printer as a means to an end, maybe not a great option.
Tool and parts storage: the kits I was required to use in college never came with a good storage option. I tried a variety of parts storage boxes, tool boxes, and fishing tackle boxes to contain the chaos. There's not a one-size-fits-all option here, but Milwaukee and Dewalt/Craftsman/Irwin (all owned by Stanley B&D now) are doing some fun things with small parts storage and pack-out storage. There's also these great, much cheaper, containers from Husky at Home Depot:
Happy to help. When I built a new computer a couple years back I picked up this toolkit and haven't regretted it for a second:
I just checked my kit and it looks like the 1.5mm hex head was the one that fit the screws on this board.
Finally you'll need a keyboard, mouse and monitor. Keyboard and mice should be cheap at first as you can always upgrade them later. Mice are very subjective as it depends on the size of your hand - I would check out Rocket Jump Ninja and r/MouseReview for ideas. Keyboards can be super cheap, I used to use a Logitech K120 keeb for £14 for a year before I upgraded. Then again you can spend silly money on them, it's up to you!
The thing you wanna spend money on is the monitor! You want a decent one with low latency, fast refresh rates and good response times for fast paced gameplay. Honestly 144hz (144 frames per second) is incredible and once you try it you won't go back! Go to r/Monitors for advice on what to choose, depending on your budget. If you wanted good bang for your buck, a £150-200 monitor should be good.
Alternatively you can use a TV while you save for a monitor.
Misc things you'll need - screwdriver set, great one found here:
There we have it! You have all the components to build your PC! Now how to build it.....
Follow this guide and copy what he does, I did the same and turned out fine:
Will take you a loooong time (I took 8 hours) but whaddya know, you've built a PC! Sorry I couldn't be more specific in places as I don't know your budget, but I hope this helps you if you ever decide to learn more or possibly get into PC gaming. I was a console gamer my whole life (still am) but PC is so flexible with what you can achieve, I love it :D
Also a note about your question " Following the instructions is fine, it's just understanding what I'm doing and troubleshooting that would be the problem". Millions of people have built PCs so if your stuck, chances are someone has had the same problem as you. Furthermore, most PCs are just plug and play now, as long as you have the right compatibility parts (which can be checked on r/buildapc or they slot in and work automatically. It's a lot easier than people make it out to be.
If you have any questions please ask! If not I hope this was helpful to you - put a lot of time into this so I hope it was worth it :)
Do you mean a 1/4" to 4mm driver adapter like on this ifixit kit?
I found a really nice 64 bit driver kit from iFixIt. $35 on Amazon.
iFixit Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits for Electronics Repair
Hey! For the tools, I would recommend the 64-bit iFixit Driver Kit, which you can get on Amazon. US - Canada - For buying the antenna, I wouldn't go with AliExpress, I would check Amazon, eBay, or Newegg, and you'll need your PS4 model number which can be usually found on the bottom of the console and will be something like CUH-11XX or CUH12XX depending on the year. Sorry for the long post, hope this helps!
You find the right screw driver @ google and amazon!
iFixit 64 Bit Driver Kit Set mit 64 lange bits aluminium bithalter präzisionswerkze...
>Also be very careful with the led light connector. It can rip off the board really easily.
Thanks pal. Your suggestions are valuable.
About ifixit...Are you talking about this one?
It has PH000 smallest size in Philips head.
Can this work? or should I go with this one
PH00000 is the smallest.
It look me about 8 hours to assemble my mk3. I've since assembled two more, 6 hours and then 5.5 hours. Read the manual carefully and I strongly recommend using a nice spinning hex driver like one from ifixit. They are much faster and easier to use than the included hex key.
I use this one: (non-affiliate link, just sharing as an example)
I use the 5mm nut driver in my screwdriver set to remove motherboard stand-offs. It is the perfect size and shape for the job.
You can either buy that whole driver set or you can get the single one you need.
Kinda overkill to use for Nintendo Switch shell replacement. Some of that stuff you get with that bundle would only be necessary for some invasive smartphone repair.
I instead got this cheaper kit (which is still pretty overkill to use on the Switch but is a good kit to have for all your electronic repair needs) plus this tweezer set. Buying these would save $20.
If you have a small screw driver you could try using a rubber band to remove the screw.
Next time get you one of these sets.. You can find cheaper sets but the ifixit quility is worth it imo.
Ah ha! Found it.
What? Really. I mean maybe I just have a good toolkit.
Literally a 30$ set of screwdrivers for taking apart tech and you have the bits you need.
The "essential" toolkit also includes those same bits.
I also never took this as OP calling his Macbook special. The only reason this was even posted was because OP thought his laptop from 2010 would be any different than any other laptop ever taken apart.