For sure, I bought mine from Amazon Japan, which after shipping was around $43.
Unfortunately now it seems they won't ship for 1-2 months, which is strange since I ordered mine this past Saturday and got it yesterday (Tuesday) so that was pretty quick. Guess I got in just under the wire.
I actually live in Japan so I can't give an extremely percise answer; however, I would check on Amazon as I believe they do international shipping at a reasonable price.
Of course! The Amazon Japan site will ship directly to the US :)
Link (
I grabbed one on Amazon Japan. It's 4,467 yen - which ends up being ~$40 USD plus $5 shipping to the US. They still have it in stock.
Keep an eye on Amazon Japan. Last week I wanted this imported to the US. But only resellers were selling on Amazon for around $60 USD. I waited two days and kept refreshing the page a few times a day. Finally, it was available by Amazon again. So then I ordered for $43 shipped. It doesn't ship until March 21 or 27 or something though. So just keep an eye out for when it becomes available again for the standard price of $40.
Square Enix may print more, but its been out of stock for a few months now. Here is the link to it on Amazon JP I would keep an eye on it there for Amazon to restock. I had it on back order and it took three weeks. Most of the third party sellers don't ship internationally.
Right now, I would suggest trying out I am Setsuna for the Switch. I got a physical copy, for $65..... because it was hard to get, now you can pick one up for $55 if you are a prime member. It isn't that long of a story, and to be honest from what I have played, it is kind of linear in some spots. But I love it, the music is absolutely amazing and reminds me of a lot of the old Final Fantasy games. It isn't super hard to play, but can mess you up if you strengthen one of your characters then they die..... a lot..... to a boss..... DAMMIT! I didn't know this for the longest time, but you can save anywhere outside of a city.... I played the whole time with the saves I saw on the ground, because frankly, I was playing Final Fantasy "3" (VI) on the SNES about a week before. Personally, I have not used that save button, because I like that I can use save points for that old school feeling. I think it is quiet an amazing game, and definitely something to keep, plus it just looks cool.
it comes out to about the same as the digital US version on the eshop :D