On your skimmer basket. It catches all the pollen, palm hairs and other stuff that would make it thru the skimmer basket and the pump basket to get caught on your filter. I do have to hose them off once or twice a week but its easier than cleaning filters.
Throw one of these on the skimmer basket before puppy time and you should get most of it.
You need more chlorine if you let your dog into the pool in addition the dog hair can really do a number on the filter and it's often advised to use something like skimmer socks. But, lots of people do it.
Personally, I wouldn't really like to do it. It's not really enjoyable swimming with your dog as their paws can really hurt. My last dog never understood jumping in or walking down the stairs so he only went in the once when he fell in while chasing a rabbit. However, he loved lakes and streams where he could gradually walk in and he swam in those whenever he could.
Look for a skimmer sock. Just wrap that around maybe with a rubber band or a zip tie.
Impresa Products 20-Pack of Pool Skimmer Socks - Excellent Savers for Pool Filters, Baskets, and Skimmers - The Ideal Sock/Net/Saver to Protect Your Inground or Above Ground Pool https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XS63TWJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_B99BWFTXEK0VNP1C5HRJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If you happen to be an Amazon user.
Get the intex filter. Dog hair will not ruin it but only having the intex filter alone will result in having to clean every day the dogs use the pool which is a real pain.
So, in addition to the intex filter, get the following:
Pool Skimmer Socks - Cheap and easy to clean every day. Prevents most dog hair from going to the intex filter.
Dolphin Robot Pool Cleaner (Vacuum) - A real workhorse and very reliable, will last for years. You don't have to get this particular model, it's just an example. Shop around for a Dolphin without all the bells and whistles - they are all great time savers even the basic models. Use this when the main pool pump is not running to filter all the dog hair below the water surface.
Automatic Pool Cleaning Solar Robot (Water Surface) - Again, shop around for the best deal, it doesn't have to be this brand but this model has worked extremely well for me. There's much annoying dog hair that accumulates on the water surface that the Dolphin Vacuum will not remove. This solar robot runs continuously while the sun is shining and eliminates time consuming manual removal of water surface dog hair with nets. Also, use this robot along with the Dolphin while the main pool pump is not running.
You want to do everything you can to prevent the dog hair from getting to the intex filter so you don't have to take it apart and clean it so often.
I have 2 large dogs, one with very long hair. I run the pump with intex filter for about 5 hours before the dogs (and humans) use the pool. The Solar Surface robot runs all the time except when pool is in use. I schedule use of the pool after turning the pump and intex filter off. After using the pool, I run the Dolphin Vacuum robot along Solar Surface robot. The Dolphin runs for an 2.5 hours. After 2.5 hours, I clean both robots (takes about 5 minutes). I check the pool skimmer sock. It usually only requires cleaning once a week since it only filters when the pump is running and the great majority of the dog hair has already been removed by the robots then the whole process starts over again.
Bought a 20 pack 3 weeks ago, still using the 1st sock. Works ģreat, especially during these heavy pollen filled nights... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XS63TWJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_W5CDBR3Z83HF0A0MBP97?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You could also get a sock for the basket, it filters fine particles