> I’ve been saying this entire time the worst part of the Trump presidency is what it’s done to the left.
Huh? It was the right that got the US into this conflict in the first place at the cost of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars. The "left" just doesn't believe that we should be throwing aside our allies just because Trump wants to protect his Trump Towers and because he loves Erdogan so much.
You can't reinvent history.
> Now Russia is basically Nazi Germany
The right has been anti-Russian for DECADES. The "left" doesn't care for Putin very much since he tends to be anti-Democratic, but none of them are saying that Russia = Nazi Germany. Where are you getting your nonsense from?
> the CIA are all the sudden trusted patriots
That's how truly horrible Trump is -- he makes the CIA seem like the good guys.
After all, everyone in the CIA isn't a villain. There is a difference between analysts and field officers. Read In Search for Enemies, which is a great book on African CIA activities written by a former CIA agent, John Stockwell, for an example of how CIA officers view their agency.
> and foreign intervention is a-okay as long as orange man opposes it.
What nonsense. Trump has been supporting Saudi Arabia's Yemen war for years. And Trump is using drones at a far higher rate than Obama ever did.
You don't hear liberals pushing for new invasions, but you sure hear Trump often threatening to use violence when it suites him.
> They’re completely changing their position on the most important issues because orange man bad it’s disgusting
Trump is the one who green lit a Turkish invasion that has killed many people, so what are you talking about?