What's your disk enclosure model? As others have pointed out, that sounds like it's the most probable issue. I'd suggest something that's got a UASP compliant chip, particularly, one of these:
JMicron JMS567
JMicron JMS578
ASMedia (ASM1153E)
Like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FCLG65U
Good point, but after searching around, it seems like there are some good cheap enclosures out there.
This ugly enclosure appears to use an ASMedia 1053E chip instead of the crappy JMicron ones for example.
Pretty much any kind of SATA HDD/SDD enclosure. You shouldn't have much of a problem retrieving the data if you're using elevated permissions to access the drive. You may need to change the control for the admin in the security settings of the drive to "Full Control".
i had the same issue with my mac mini. it's really finicky with usb drives. i ended up getting a 2.5" drive enclosure and putting my own drive in it. no more disconnects ever. this is the enclosure i got if you're curious: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FCLG65U
What external USB enclosure are you using? I've run VMs from my rMBP fine using one of these with a 240Gb Crucial SSD in there and it's worked flawlessly.
I'm using this one. Replacing the internal drive with an SSD won't be as quick as fitting one externally. Although having both would be awesome if money is not an issue.
After some research I discovered this hard disk enclosure that uses the UASP protocol, pumping near 400 MB/s over USB3. The big problem is: how do I know if my iMac supports the UASP protocol?
I have an iMac 13,2.
this morning I put the drive into this enclose and it works just fine.... so yea something is wrong with the other cable.
it's really strange because on my laptop the other star tech cable gives me usb 3 speeds when moving large files around.
well mystery solved.
Ah okay. I mean I was only planning on getting a 2-3TB at first but at the time, the prices were very odd. It was like just over $100 for a 2tb and for an extra 30 or so I was able to have a 5tb. I doubt I'l ever use all that space, but I got it just in case as I have quite a few downloaded games. Your application does make sense since you plan to "recycle" it into your PC, I wasn't sure if for some reason you were buying it uninformed.
To answer your first question though, I don't think an SSD can actually hit the power draw limit of USB 3.0 alone. I think you should be fine with a barebones adapter, but if you wanted "better protection" I'd get the enclosure. Personally I wouldn't want to put a bare SSD on top of it (depending on the location of the console) but if you wouldn't be able to spare a power plug outlet, you won't need one. Something like this might not be a bad option because it doesn't require external power but still acts as an enclosure "just in case"
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00FCLG65U This gets read/write speeds of over 400 which is awesome!
And a Samsung 840 250gb SSD to go with it should do the job nicely... If I can set my mind at rest about the TRIM issue this is the perfect solution! I have a £60 amazon voucher too so I can get all this for £30 :D
For USB 3.0, I've seen this enclosure (classic version) that's fairly cheap and gets pretty good reviews.
You can use the hard drive from your laptop, after buying a hard drive enclosure (which is basically an adapter to let you connect via usb)
I use this enclosure for my SATA hard drive, but you should check what connector the drive from your old laptop uses.
To install Windows 8.1 with a pre-created usb drive, I would use bootcamp assistant to partition the drive and get the support software. After that, I would boot into the usb and do a manual Windows install (Make sure to select the empty partition!).
For full disclosure, I think this should work, but I've only worked with usb drives created by bootcamp. If something doesn't work here, maybe I can help you figure out what the problem was that caused the "full on stop of progress" when you were trying to do it that way.
Got it. On the other hand, there's a cheaper enclosure with an ASMedia ASM1053E chip. Would the enclosure with the JMicron chip be a better choice?
I went with this one: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00FCLG65U/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Works perfect with the pro and my 1tb crucial mx500 :)
Just put the ssd in the caddy, hook it up to ps4, and good to go, it doesn't even need an extra power supply.
Plus you can start moving games to it right away, no need to reinstall your whole ps4.
Not sure where you're from, but I'm sure you can find the same in the amazon store of different countries as well...
If I do that then use one of these external enclosures will that be fine for gaming?
Does your y70 already have a M.2 SSD as the OS drive? If so you need not Image the Hard Drive to your old SSD. If you do not have the M.2 SSD in there: Then Image the Laptop Hard Drive to the SSD and then swap.
The SSD would most likely fit in the laptop. This should be plug and play..
and get a external USB drive Enclosure. Here is the 2.5 inch one I like to use for laptops. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FCLG65U/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Pop your SSD from your old system in that then image copy your existing Laptop Drive to it.. Once you are done with the SSD you can put your Laptops Hard drive in the Enclosure to use it as an external drive for backups (That is what I use them for anyways)
I use Macrium Software | Macrium Reflect Free
Once you have it imaged to the SSD you can swap it with the Hard Drive in the Laptop.
For the HD from your old system you can also get a USB Drive Enclosure for it.
It all depends on if you want it more permanent or not.. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=3.5+Inch+USB+3.0+Hard+Drive+Enclosure+External+SATA+HDD
Here is the disassembly guide you can utilize . https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles_pub/lenovo_y40_50_series_hmm.pdf
This is the one I use with no problems. Inateck 2.5 Inch USB 3.0 Hard Drive Enclosure External SATA HDD and SSD Case - Optimized for 9.5mm 7mm 2.5" SSD, Tool Free (FE2002) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FCLG65U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_-zEuybM60PPDQ
It needs to be USB3. This is the one I use: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FCLG65U/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
https://www.amazon.com/Inateck-Inch-Drive-Enclosure-External/dp/B00FCLG65U something like this
thank you can you tell from this pictures http://imgur.com/a/oyf6f
if a case like this would probably work? http://www.amazon.com/Inateck-Inch-Drive-Enclosure-External/dp/B00FCLG65U/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1465168387&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=external+hard+drive+case+usb+3.0&psc=1
Something like this:
For 1tb though it's going to be hard to keep close to 150 but in the not to distant future most external drives will be this setup.
this morning I put the drive into this enclose and it works just fine.... so yea something is wrong with the other cable.
HDD / SSD Enclosure Drive + 2.5 HDD
Put your Images into proper named folders so you can sort them by date, events, etc...
Not just theoretically, you can actually run off USB. Using this plus an ssd I get WAY better performance than the included 1TB Fusion Drive.
Okay so I used the Inatech method of buying this enclosure to boot from USB3 (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FCLG65U/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) to a Samsung 850 EVO 250GB and the speeds are WAY better than stock. I'm seeing speeds of 400write and 425read, but I wonder if I was to purchase a USB3 to TB adapter, would I get those juicy speeds? This is the adapter I'm looking at: http://www.apple.com/shop/product/HGC82ZM/A/kanex-thunderbolt-to-esata-usb-30-adapter?afid=p238%7CsFXUVsoDR-dc_mtid_1870765e38482_pcrid_52243322050_&cid=aos-us-kwg-pla-btb-slid-
Its no problem. And yes definitely a marketing tactic companies use to confuse their customers.
Also guywhomadevideo, you could look into buying HDD or SSD and buy a enclosure to go with it like this for example. Sometimes its a bit cheaper to go this route but not always (even sometimes with some brands it isn't worth it). http://www.amazon.com/Optimized-Inateck-Enclosure-Tool-free-FE2002/dp/B00FCLG65U and then buying a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147372 (I know they are in US but just for ideas). Also before going down this route note that ones that do come with enclosure are usually better tested for being portable/are designed to be moved around per se. But again just to give you ideas to work with.
These are examples, I am not familiar with Inateck brand. I am familiar with the Evo and it is a great SSD usually priced well.
Also, even the example I provided isn't that great. Just did a search and for me it would be cheaper to just buy this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147376 than the enclosure and the SSD.
I happened to have an internal SSD laying around.
So I bought an enclosure, and just popped it in and plugged it into my PS4.
For SSDs use something like this http://www.amazon.com/Optimized-Inateck-Enclosure-Tool-free-FE2002/dp/B00FCLG65U
> If there were external ssds using USB 3
....any SATA drive can be USB 3.0 just put it in a USB case I've benched it, in a good case an SSD will perform similar enough to native SATA.
If you have some stupid hard on for a 'true' USB SSD Samsung makes one