This is my personal favorite. Fry an egg to make it even better!
IndoMie Fried Noodles! This is a "dry" ramen, so you don't have broth, you completely strain the noodles, and it's so god damn good. Best instant ramen I've ever had. Before I went vegan, I would top it with a sunny side up egg, and it was really amazing. But now I top it with raw cucumber and a lot of sriracha.
I buy mine in bulk at H Mart or Lotte, but amazon has decent pricing, as well. Rounds out to about $.62/pack.
Edit: Oh, and unless your spice tolerance is really great, do not use the spicy sauce packet that comes with it. You'll burn your taste buds out of your head.
Change from ramen to Indomie, put some chicken in there, maybe an egg. You will seek out that 40 cent packet, not despise it. Seriously though, Indomie is some good shit. favorite flavor right here. I'm all out at the moment, and my mouth is watering goddamnit.
If you haven’t tried it before, give Indomie Mi Goreng a try. You eat it without soup (cook it in hot water then pour the water out). It’s one of my favorites.
I'm in the US and buy them either at my local Asian grocery or on Amazon:
I’ve never had this brand. I always get these and the seasoning just just right
Deal link: Amazon
You could try this stuff. Not really ramen (same noodles but you eat them without broth). It is actually really good, fry up an egg and saute some vegetables and its even better.
Deal link: Amazon
Indomie, Indomie, Indomie. By far my favorite instant noodle, and it is really damn cheap as well.