If the parks haven't been closed around your area, find a place with a chain link fence and a solid surface. Bring some tape, and you can outline a net.
Also, I live in a house with thin walls, so here's something I do when I can't be noisy. I use sponge pucks. I have shooting tiles, but any hard surface you can shoot off of will do. I shoot into a hung up moving blanket, but you can use anything soft that will absorb the shot, like a couch, but watch out, if it hits something hard, it'll rebound all over the place.
I used these two pucks. The second one is what I use for stickhandling. It slides better because it has a plastic core. But all in all, shooting works better than stickhandling. But like I said, if you have no other choice, something is better than nothing. Maybe these will give you an idea for a DIY project.
Also, I've seen this puck on amazon. Not sure how well it works, but it's a little too pricey for me to experiment with.
Hope this helps.