I've found ways to keep my SDGE bills down. And yes, I do keep the central heat OFF at all times, but do this to stay warm:
1) Bought this 250w/500w portable radiant space heater, which is perfect for keeping 1 person sitting in a chair very warm, or just maintain warmth on the 250w setting. Also it doesn't' feel like it's going to set something on fire like the usual dish type. It fold up and sits on my bookshelf with the rest of the books when not needed.
2) Always loved my air fryer, which I move outside to my balcony to cook with in hot weather, and in winter it's inside warming the place. I recently discovered I love "grilled" tomatoes on everything, but they require a lot of cooking (20 mins at 400F per batch), and grilled pineapple as well. So, I cut those things up the night before, and started the air fryer as soon as I wake up, which brings the room temp to about 71F on cold days. Also, I pre-cook whatever I'm making for dinner (usually Vons $0.99/lb chicken thighs), which means I cook them at a low temp until they are 75% done, and finish cooking them when I'm ready. That means most of the heat is created when needed most, and in SDGE's lowest rate on the TOU plan.