> Kabylake isn't even out yet
It is. There is a Kaby Lake system I just built sitting in my entertainment center as a HTPC.
There's the i7 on Amazon available to purchase right now.
When you say upgrade, from what? Do you have a z170 motherboard?
Also $350 doesn't sound like a sale, sounds like full price. You can get an unlocked 7700K on amazon for cheaper and that can overclock.
Thank you for replying. I think I will just return both my 1080s and get the Xp since it is the same price. Is the Titan Xp different than the other Titans? When I look at the prices on Amazon compared to the Nvidia link you graciously provided, the price difference the X (very expensive) and the Xp (cheaper) is astounding.
I am going to order the Xp now. Thank you for linking me to it. Is this CPU good enough for the Titan?: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MXSI216/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Thank you, so you think this one will work ? I checked this list and I think this is the best possible for the board https://www.amazon.com/Intel-i7-7700K-Desktop-Processor-unlocked/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=sr\_1\_1?dchild=1&keywords=i7+7700k&qid=1629338745&s=electronics&sr=1-1
https://www.amazon.ca/Intel-i7-7700K-Desktop-Processor-BX80677I77700K/dp/B01MXSI216 379.99$ on sale and sold by Amazon not 3rd party hassle.
I'll add I have a b150 board and I updated the bios and dropped a 7700k in it. Wasn't too bad of a process. Just let the bios flash work it's magic before fiddling with cycling power
Well I had an old motherboard which I got about 4 years ago and realized it was about time for an up grade and so am now looking for one and I had purchased a new CPU (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MXSI216/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 this one to be exact).
Right now I have the following:
i5 4690k shit tier micro mobo EVGA GTX 970 FTW edition 16GB GDDR3
I have a good PSU, plenty of SSD storage, and a really nice CPU cooler. For christmas I am looking to do a few upgrades. Namely to my Mobo, CPU, and RAM. For the CPU I've been looking at the i7-7700k. Anyone have an idea of a good mobo and 16gb DDR4 RAM to add to this to make it a nice, cohesive build? Also, I am not married to that CPU. Please suggest any good ones you think of!
I should also preface this with I am planning to upgrade my GPU during the next gen of GPUs. Right now the 10 series isn't enough of a boost in future proofing that I want to immediately upgrade. I would rather upgrade the older parts of my PC then upgrade my GPU later. Or if you think I'm being silly about upgrading this just tell me pls.
found 7th gen i7 7700k on amazon at $330 but it may go more on sale looking at price charts. works at 4.0 GHz and boosts to 4.5 so it'll be bigger upgrade there. If the i7 goes on sale and your i5 doesn't then i would recommend.
i7 5960X is bad example. i7 7700k, cheaper and faster than 5960X, also more eager to overclock than Threadripper
I'm not one to give advice on PC builds but I almost went with the 7700K and considered the 8700K for the viewport speed. I decided to go with the threadripper because you can still overclock them to 4GHz and I do plan on going with 4 gpus in the future. I haven't pulled the trigger yet, probably won't for another couple of weeks.
EDIT: I have read that the 7700K gives you the best single thread performance for both C4D and AE and they are on sale at Amazon.ca
Amazon had the 7700k for ~$410(I think) with two games. Assassins creed origins and war hammer 2. The deal details are kind of sketchy so I would talk to a rep first to confirm. Edit. It's $430. https://www.amazon.ca/Intel-i7-7700K-Desktop-Processor-BX80677I77700K/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1507781200&sr=8-2&keywords=i7-7700k+processor
But, to be honest, I've been thinking about upgrading for a while now.......I'm thinking about getting this -
There's no point in buying 6700K when 7700K is literally cheaper and 8700K is releasing in a few days, along with new motherboards.
Anyway, pairing the i7 with a 1060 is a waste of money for the i7, you're better off buying Ryzen 1600 and GTX1080, or just keeping the 1060 and get Ryzen 1600 or even 1500X. If you do stick with 1060, don't get the mini one, Define Mini C will easily accommodate dual/triple fan cards (better cooling, less noise)
550W will be enough, unless you're getting the 1080 then pick 650W.
Also yeah, 6700K/7700K don't come with a CPU cooler, Ryzen 1500X and 1600 do.
I don't know honestly, thats just what my friend told me to do lol.
So I discovered there is a newer version of that processor here. If I wanted to upgrade to this, what else would I have to upgrade, and if its not too much of a bother would you mind linking me what exactly you would recommend purchasing in that category if that makes sense? You said that I would need to upgrade my motherboard and RAM and such, what exactly should I upgrade it to is what I'm asking, links would be very much appreciated. :)
The production/editing is pure casual, it's not going to be intense or to meet deadlines, but I'll put the i7-7700k in @£309 as an option and look up a few comparison videos, thanks!
Would you consider the rest of the build solid?
Nope the Intel HD graphics works fine, I can connect to the motherboard's (ASUS IX formula z270) HDMI output everything works great. I will post my pcpartpicker link but this the CPU I have:
Intel 7th Gen Intel Core Desktop Processor i7-7700K (BX80677I77700K) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_fGAyHwDykNABJ
IIRC my 6600k was listed as "boxed" but came without a stock-cooler. I know it used to be that "boxed" CPUs came with one, but I'm not sure anymore.
This amazon offer doesn't include a stock-cooler.
A 4th generation processor? Eww... (And its not compatible with that mobo)
Better and compatible Processor- https://www.amazon.com/Intel-Desktop-Processor-i7-7700K-BX80677I77700K/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1488243868&sr=8-1&keywords=i7-7700k
Still nothing posted online stores for sale. I saw it posted on Amazon yesterday for $350 but it was then pulled.
It was at this site. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MXSI216/
I almost pulled the trigger, but was waiting for confirmation from my buddy (the intended recipient) and didn't hear back.
If you don't care about the games, amazon is selling it for $289.99 I7 7700k from Amazon
384.99 on Amazon atm. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01MXSI216/?tag=pcp0f-20
Amazon has some in stock right now.
Also $295 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Intel-Desktop-Processor-i7-7700K-BX80677I77700K/dp/B01MXSI216
Really struggling to decide if I should get this or ryzen 1700
thanks I've check and i think this is the best possible for my board https://www.amazon.com/Intel-i7-7700K-Desktop-Processor-unlocked/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=sr\_1\_1?dchild=1&keywords=i7+7700k&qid=1629338745&s=electronics&sr=1-1
> You still can't find it anywhere
amazon has same price with prim shipping available
You find the occasional deal where a company will eat the loss of rebates by going lower in order to clear them out, but it's rare that a first line distributor (Newegg, Amazon, etc) will go below Intel's MSRP because the rebates that companies get by staying above the MSRP are HUGE.
It's why the 7700K is still ~$320 and why the 8400 maintains the same $200 pricepoint as its predecessors.
if you can afford it the I7 8700k is on sale on the Mexican Amazon
but you should be good with just reducing battle size, according to User Benchmark it's only a 7% diffrence between the reccomended spec and yours
https://www.amazon.com/Intel-i7-7700K-Desktop-Processor-unlocked/dp/B01MXSI216 This one is what we're looking at I believe.
Intel Core i7-7700K Desktop Processor 4 Cores up to 4.5 GHz unlocked LGA 1151 100/200 Series 91W https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_JvBDDb1MPGPS6
Not really...
I currently have an Intel Core I7-4790 3.6GHz, 4 Cores, 8 logical processors, but im looking to buy this one in the future
and thank you cos the 7700k is the one im looking to buy ahaha
I’ve been looking at this bundle:
Will that fan be enough for it?
Workaround these for building your PC.
Now the 7700 and 8800 apparently have minimal differences. I would go with the cheaper one, but then again it's only an extra 20-30$ why not just go with the 8700k.
It's a terrible time to buy GFX cards right now since everyone in their mother is mining coins. I would go with this card though. I have a card like this and its perfect.
Then I'd use it to update the BIOS, and then I'd get this if it ends up cheaper than your current CPU
Intel 7th Gen Core i7-7700K Desktop Processor (BX80677I77700K) https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_eo0qAbMAB356S
Would this work? Would i have to get a new motherboard?
I think if you're looking for high end gaming with the 1080ti, getting an i7 7700k would be worth the extra $30.
Aswell as DDR4 3200 RAM
Somebody may have a better suggestion, but this is what i think in terms of spending $100 more.
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Url (amazon.ca): https://www.amazon.ca/Intel-i7-7700K-Desktop-Processor-BX80677I77700K/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1509783476&sr=8-1&keywords=7700k
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I guess you mean in the sub?
$327.99 on Amazon atm.
Sorry, I feel this is a dumb question Is https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16813157792 compatible with https://www.amazon.com/Intel-Desktop-Processor-i7-7700K-BX80677I77700K/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1510285863&sr=1-1&keywords=intel+i7+7700k ?
They both specify LGA 1151 Socket type, but the MBD also says (300 series). I plugged my build into a benchmark website, and it tells me they are incompatible. Thanks for the help!
Well I was looking at this: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01MXSI216 and this: https://www.amazon.ca/GIGABYTE-GA-Z270X-Ultra-Gaming-LGA1151-Motherboard/dp/B01N66ZESI/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1504746560&sr=1-1&keywords=GIGABYTE+GA-Z270X-Ultra+Gaming to go with what I have already.
Everyone recommending a Ryzen 5 1600 here is crazy. I'm assuming you'll be mainly gaming (no video rendering or editing) and the Ryzen 5 1600 would bottlenec the 1080ti for sure and probably the 1080 also. hat's espcially true for 60fps. My recommendation is a 7700k, or a 7600k if you can't afford the full i7. The 7700k is the decidedly best gaming cpu (and all that anyone pretty much ever needs unless you do professional stuff like 3D modeling) so that would be your best choice.
here's the processor i mentioned above: https://www.amazon.com/Intel-Desktop-Processor-i7-7700K-BX80677I77700K/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1499856273&sr=1-1&keywords=i7+7700k
its $310 and has a processor speed of 4.2 GHz, but again im pretty new to the whole processor/PC building thing so there's probably more to the comparison than i am aware of.
Also i'm not sure if this is the same processor but i found a ryzen 5 1600 on amazon for $200, as compared to the $295 one listed on PCpartPicker link below: https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Processor-Wraith-Cooler-YD1600BBAEBOX/dp/B06XNRQHG4/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1499856568&sr=1-1&keywords=AMD+-+Ryzen+5+1600+3.2GHz+6-Core+Processor
Z270 with free steam voucher - http://www.ebuyer.com/769278-gigabyte-intel-ga-z270x-ultra-gaming-lga-1151-atx-motherboard-ga-z270x-ultra-gaming
or if you want to save some cash - http://www.ebuyer.com/769873-msi-z270-a-pro-intel-socket-1151-atx-motherboard-z270-a-pro
I am getting this cpu: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Intel-i7-7700K-QuadCore-Cache-Processor/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1491069404&sr=1-1&keywords=intel+core+i7+7700k
And I think I'll be sticking to the stock cooler for a month or so, and after, maybe get this cooler: https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Fans-Cooling/Noctua-NH-U14S-Ultra-Quiet-Cooler-NF-A15/B00C9FLSLY/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1491069450&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=cpu+cooler&psc=1
Uh I'm talking about a desktop i7. They've had integrated GPUs for many years now. Very common on desktop PCs across price ranges.
Check it out: https://www.amazon.com/Intel-Desktop-Processor-i7-7700K-BX80677I77700K/dp/B01MXSI216
Sold by OnlineSavings on Amazon
So, what would be a MOBA optimized for the Intel 7th Gen Intel Core Desktop Processor i7-7700K (BX80677I77700K) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MXSI216/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_AR-YybYWY0ZG9 ?
Sorry to be annoying, but would you mind checking this out and telling me what you think and if you've got anything you would change:
RAM (Is there stronger DDR4 RAMS and if so what are they?): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Crucial-CT2K8G4DFS8213-DDR4-288-Pin-Memory/dp/B01BIWKUVC/ref=sr_1_3?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1488571140&sr=1-3&keywords=ddr4+ram+16gb
Cooler(not sure about this one, please tell me what you think and if all fans are compatible with the motherboard and processor): https://www.amazon.co.uk/DEEPCOOL-GAMMAXX-400-Cooler-Compatible/dp/B007JEMXYQ/ref=pd_cart_vw_2_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZZ9BQGCSPWNK555ZZPY3
Sorry to be annoying, but would you mind checking this out and telling me what you think and if you've got anything you would change:
RAM (Is there stronger DDR4 RAMS and if so what are they?): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Crucial-CT2K8G4DFS8213-DDR4-288-Pin-Memory/dp/B01BIWKUVC/ref=sr_1_3?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1488571140&sr=1-3&keywords=ddr4+ram+16gb
Cooler(not sure about this one, please tell me what you think and if all fans are compatible with the motherboard and processor): https://www.amazon.co.uk/DEEPCOOL-GAMMAXX-400-Cooler-Compatible/dp/B007JEMXYQ/ref=pd_cart_vw_2_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZZ9BQGCSPWNK555ZZPY3
Sorry to be annoying, but would you mind checking this out and telling me what you think and if you've got anything you would change:
RAM (Is there stronger DDR4 RAMS and if so what are they?): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Crucial-CT2K8G4DFS8213-DDR4-288-Pin-Memory/dp/B01BIWKUVC/ref=sr_1_3?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1488571140&sr=1-3&keywords=ddr4+ram+16gb
Cooler(not sure about this one, please tell me what you think and if all fans are compatible with the motherboard and processor): https://www.amazon.co.uk/DEEPCOOL-GAMMAXX-400-Cooler-Compatible/dp/B007JEMXYQ/ref=pd_cart_vw_2_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZZ9BQGCSPWNK555ZZPY3
I'm going on the i7-4790k being equivalent because AMD fans have said the i7-7700k is equivalent to the best Ryzen CPU whilst also saying the i7-7700k is essentially the same as an i7-4790k.
How is AMD sticking to their sockets for longer periods a good thing? Not releasing a new architecture is five years is barely a good thing at all.
The DDR3 issue with the i7-4790k is there, sure.
However, the i7-4790k is only £20 more than the i7-7700k, with the i7-7700 being cheaper than both.
Good point, don't fall into the Ghz myth. Regarding the recent reviews about AMD R*, they are 12% more efficient in IPC than Kaby Lake.
It still leads me to consider Kaby Lake (or Skylake) chip because when it comes to compare single thread performances, Ryzen CPU's score has to be scaled up (by deleting Intel's cache).
Thus, despite all rumours, Ryzen is not that cheap... When you don't include a ridiculously overpriced CPU like the i7 6900K which is 10% better than a i7 7700K and 700$ more:
so would these two be good? plus id need to buy new ram https://www.amazon.co.uk/Intel-i7-7700K-QuadCore-Cache-Processor/dp/B01MXSI216 https://www.amazon.co.uk/ASUS-1151-STRIX-Z270E-GAMING/dp/B01N0TEB9M/ref=pd_bxgy_147_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=8EMR9QQ8QKC23C7K0VQT
> i5-7400
What about this one?
That markup is brutal. I only paid $350 here.
the Amazon listings for the Kaby Lake chips have been removed now...wonder why?
(example: https://www.amazon.com/Intel-Desktop-Processor-i7-7700K-BX80677I77700K/dp/B01MXSI216)
> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MXSI216/
Just clicked that link and it says 350.
> pretty sure you're wrong about this.
Why would they keep making 7700K when it cost the exact same (for them) to make a 9700K and they make more money selling the 9700K? Why does Amazon ($8700K is even OOS now) and Newegg stop selling 7700Ks? (you will see ONLY 3rd party sellers and used)
> Do my Amazon gift cards apply to eBay?
LOL, and how was I supposed to magically guess that? Besides, why not take the CPU for $40 less on ebay, you WILL use your amazon.com gift card for something else in the near future, and average it all out, you'd still be $40 ahead buying a cheaper CPU now, right?
> I'm asking about average re-stocking times.
You're literally asking for the "Average" restocking time for Amazon.com? with 480 million products? With 485,000 new products added EACH day? Really? What would you do with that information? That won't make your cpus come any faster. If Amazon, probably the best company in the world regarding logistics doesn't know, it's anyone's guess. Have you ever seen vernacular like "ETA of 2-4 weeks" that's as good as it gets. And they are VERY good at it.
> You're a bit of a prick
That was easy. I'm sorry if I made you realize how impossible your question is the answer. That's why nobody else answered it, so I can either tell you why nobody can answer it (I thought it was more helpful, even though it makes you so upset) or leave it unanswered leaving you in the same position of scratching your head wondering why. Sheesh, educate someone on how internet pricing works, and give them the best deal on the product he wants and still they'll be offended when no offense is intended.
Good luck! I'm sure you'll only be waiting a few days.
$42 difference.
edit: wtf, can you guys do the math?
Amazon the most popular e-tailer in the US by a long shot
1700x $381.77
- 7700k $339.00
= $42.77
Not to mention you can just get a 1700 anyways which is even cheaper than 7700k especially when you consider a free Wraith Spire (RGB)