Morons with no objective analysis going on rants identical to Alex Jones on YouTube are not "valid" at all no matter how badly you want the propaganda to be true.
Second, nothing from Wikipedia is a valid citation. It's pure fiction made up by left-wing political ideologues internet trolls with zero valid citations in most instances.
For examples:
The only valid critics can be other psychologists, the bogus Wikipedia link can only cite two on planet earth:
Lynn and Vanhanen are correct that national IQs correlate strongly with measures of social well-being and this is perfectly consistent all over the world in all studies such as:
>1 IQ point is associated with slightly more than 0.1% faster annual GDP growth; given their β estimate of slightly less than 2, they estimate that 1 IQ point predicts 6% higher steady-state GDP per capita.
>We survey the psychological literature on cross-cultural IQ tests, and conclude that modern intelligence tests are well-suited for measuring an important form of a nation’s human capital.
>A large body of research has found that there is a statistically significant, positive link between country-level IQ and various measures of economic activity, such as GDP growth
>Are country incomes and IQs correlated? A recent study using a sample of 157 countries finds a high and statistically significant correlation between the two. One might conclude, then, that it is the lower IQs of their people that explains the lower average incomes of people in the world’s poorer countries. Lynn and Vanhanen evidently think so.
>The average IQ of populations appears to be endogenous, related to the diverse stages of nations’ modernization, rather than being an exogenous cause of economic development.
Etc. etc. etc. etc.
Then you say:
>Furthermore, 70% of Venezuela's economy is privatized "sOcIaLiSm RuInEd VeNeZuElA!!1!"
"Privatized" means a transfer of a business, industry, or service from the government to private ownership and control. None of the Venezuelan economy is "privatized" at all. There has not been a single business, industry, or service from the government transferred to private ownership and control.
The ever-shrinking number of businesses still existing are wholly controlled by the state and only exist by paying corrupt politicians to remain open. If a business disobeys the government or offends anyone, the government shuts the business down...unless it's a local warlord, then the citizens have to fend for themselves.
Yes of course. Buy the book.
Very interesting