If you want academic studies on internalized white supremacy, check out this book. It’s written by a psychology professor and clinician psychologist. This book is what made me open my eyes.
This book is on her wishlist! If there was a game, I sure as hell lost it.
Start with this Professor.
After that, I want you to check out this book. It's written by a clinical psychologist. He is a psychological professor up in Anchorage, he helps mostly with the native American tribes over there.
Third, I want you to understand what white fragility is. If you haven't overcome white fragility, our discussion over racism and white supremacy is not going anywhere. White people live in their little bubbles their whole lives and completely shield themselves from people of color. They don't have a clue of the white supremacy reality. So of course you feel good, cause you don't know jackshit about the reality. You've seen The Matrix? This is my favorite quote. “You have to understand. Most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.” Take the blue pill and stay in wonderland and you can choose to believe whatever you like.
The Sugarcoated Language Of White Fragility
White Fragility Leads to White Violence: Why Conversations About Race With White People Fall Apart