Hey Hermitage, Old Hickory here.
They are inflatable. $70 with paddle. My friends liked them (I have the red kayak). I haven't ridden in them personally, but so far I've only heard good reviews.
I've seen them for sale at Academy in Madison, or on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Challenger-1-Person-Inflatable-Aluminum-Output/dp/B00177J4JS/ref=sr_1_4?s=outdoor-recreation&ie=UTF8&qid=1499631726&sr=1-4&keywords=inflatable+kayak
I am the brother. I bought one from amazon. Intex Challenger K1 Kayak, 1-Person Inflatable Kayak Set with Aluminum Oars and High Output Air Pump https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00177J4JS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_arbjDb5A3BAH0
The price is always around $90.00. Don’t be fooled by the scam sale. I love this thing so much. It is inflatable and fits into the bag in comes in. The bag is a big duffel bag. I kayak to work and I am able to keep it in my locker. I absolutely love the freedoms this gives me. Without a car or a garage it is not feasible to keep a solid one. I keep it stored under my stairs in my condo. I have been out with it three times this week. Actually I really think it’s been three days in a row. Like another poster said, don’t think you’ll win races, it’s pretty slow and I paddle up stream to work. It’s tough but I love a challenge. It gets me out and I’m able to switch things up and not go biking every day. I have spelt hours reclined in this thing reading and I love bragging to my colleagues that, ”I kayaked into work today.” I have wanted a kayak for a long time but couldn’t handle the space so I never got one until I thought about getting one that could blow up. I searched on amazon and found this one. The reviews are really good. I was going to wait until this season to buy it but a freak sale came on late last summer. I don’t know why but it was listed for $26.00!!! How could I have resisted. Sometimes I see it at around $80.00ish but you never know when things are going to go on sale. Make sure to check out the other options on amazon. Just type in blow up kayak.
Frig been looking for a great inflatable kayak? Anyone have a good suggestion (links please) under 200$. Ive been on amazon for a while and have a few I like, but it’s hard to tell if it will be shit or not.
Leaning on this one: Intex Challenger K1 Kayak, 1-Person Inflatable Kayak Set with Aluminum Oars and High Output Air Pump https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00177J4JS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_whOTAbDGJMM64
I got one from amazon last year for like $80 Is not the greatest boat but it caught a ton of fish and was decently comfortable tracked well enough Sorry not more help with yaks in your price range cheap inflatable kayak
Intex Challenger Kayak Series https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00177J4JS/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_i_I9AnFbDWYSY4G
I was considering the 2 person version of this, seems like the best. Hope that helps. About 24lbs and lists packed dimensions. I ended up getting a 3 person boat instead.
Get an inflatable or take fart lord's advice. You can take it on the bus when your bike gets stolen.
These have finally come back down in price since pandemic inflation.
I have 2 of them, they are fuckin' awesome. Pack up into the back of our tiny car, <10m to blow up both of them and be in the water.
Really economical way to start.
If you are just looking to paddle around a lake, I would like to recommend getting a $90 inflatable intex kayak and spending the rest of the spring, summer and fall at Beaver Creek.
It's very sturdy, but water is going to get in regardless of how well constructed it is.
You can get an inflatable kayak for a few hundred box on amazon. I'll pay for it self by the 4 time you go. They are pretty sturdy now.
Like this for example.amazon
Myself and several friends purchased some inflatable kayaks last summer, which pack up small enough to be carried on a bike, which opens up some options, as you are mostly limited by spots to launch from.
Specifically on the Delaware, I think your best bet is Pyne's Point Park in Camden. It will put you on the Delaware/Cooper river next to Pettys Island, a really scenic preserve that is closed to the general public, and which I have of course never visited by boat.
Frankford Boat Launch or Palymra Nature Park will put you on the river farther to the Northeast.
Other spots to check out would be John Heinz Wildlife Refuge, the Lower Schuylkill from Bartrams up to the Waterworks, even FDR park. Newton Lake in Collingswood is another good one.
Are you sure you need a packraft? I've never used a packraft, but I kayak and did some whitewater with someone who was using a packraft. In order to be light enough to hike with, packrafts make tradeoffs on performance and cost. If you already do a lot of hiking, that might make sense for you.
But if your main goal is to do whitewater, you might have a better time starting in a kayak that isn't optimized for hiking. I'd start by finding somewhere you can take a beginners whitewater kayak lesson. The skills will transfer to packrafts if you decide that's wht route you want to take. If there's flatwater nearby you can get a cheapie inflatable to just get some practice.
LOL that movie has made me salty as all hell. My favorite hike was dry creek falls because you hardly ever saw anyone else there on a hot day (they all used to go to Oneonta because you wade through cool water the whole way or one of the ones that has lots of streams to dip in and stuff) and it's RIGHT at the bridge of the gods, where the movie ends. GUESS WHICH TRAIL SUCKS NOW.
The kayaks are made of a really thick vinyl, much sturdier than I expected (I share your inflatable mattress pain, can't tell you how many of those we've gone through out camping). We haven't gone over any sharp rocks as far as I know but I have been dragged along the bottom of Scappoose Bay for about 60ft and didn't so much as lose the rudder. We have used them in rivers too, they're great. There are reviews of the particular model we bought (with picture evidence) by people saying they take their dogs out in them no problem. We love ours, we only have a small car with no roof rack so it's ideal for us to be able to toss them in the trunk and go. :)
I've also noticed some items are priced higher than normal on the site while saying the original price was outrageously higher than retail.
Source: this kayak (http://www.amazon.com/Intex-Challenger-1-Person-Inflatable-Aluminum/dp/B00177J4JS) that retails for $70 and has comments mentioning the regular price!
In my experience, prices are very similar unless you're not buying directly from Amazon. There's always the odd crazy sellers that want to make extreme profits on rare items...
Look at the thousands of products that are prime eligible and compare prices. Of course, if you only look at the rare product, you may find outlier prices.
I just bought this https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00177J4JS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1, it's about $2 cheaper on the Canadian side.
I also bought this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007PJ4PN2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1, it's $4.50 more expensive on the Canadian sides.
https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B011DDC2K8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1: same price.
Compare prices on bestbuy.com and bestbuy.ca, and you'll find very similar prices.
I ordered this kayak that's only $70 on Amazon last week. It's really nice and I'm happy with it. Looking forward to more kayaking this summer.
The boat she is first officer on: https://www.amazon.com/Intex-Challenger-1-Person-Inflatable-Aluminum/dp/B00177J4JS/
Intex Challenger K1 Kayak,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00177J4JS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
this is what most of us have
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Intex Challenger Kayak Inflatable Set with Alumin… | - | - | 4.4/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Intex Challenger Kayak Inflatable Set with Alumin… | $122.45 | $122.45 | 4.4/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Intex Challenger Kayak Inflatable Set with Alumin… | $122.45 | $122.45 | 4.4/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Intex Challenger Kayak Inflatable Set with Alumin… | $122.45 | $122.45 | 4.4/5.0 |
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Intex Challenger Kayak Inflatable Set with Alumin… | - | - | 4.4/5.0 |
^Item&nbsp;Info | Bot&nbsp;Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Intex Challenger Kayak Inflatable Set with Alumin… | - | - | 4.4/5.0 |
^Item&nbsp;Info | Bot&nbsp;Info | Trigger
Deal link: Amazon
Just a 1 person inflatable kayak. Kind of like this https://www.amazon.com/Intex-Challenger-1-Person-Inflatable-Aluminum/dp/B00177J4JS/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=inflatable+kayak&qid=1629143043&sr=8-4
I don’t have an inflatable but have a friend who has one. Friends had a skeg can be a issue with shallow water and without it on kayak would not stay straight paddling. Otherwise is a great option if you’re limited on space!
Recently saw a folding kayak I am very interested in but a bit out of my budget. If they were $400-500 I’d probably bite and get one to try it out.
Intex Challenger Kayak Inflatable Set with Aluminum Oars https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00177J4JS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_TNJ1Z1TDSYZFXE1M2BMA
https://www.amazon.ca/Intex-Challenger-1-Person-Inflatable-Aluminum/dp/B00177J4JS We bought these last year and have enjoyed them! So far have taken them out 3 times (2x on a lake, once on the river). Quick to inflate and seemed sturdy.
Deal link: Amazon
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Intex Challenger Kayak Inflatable Set with Aluminum Oars https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00177J4JS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_APP7XBBRPH8FZHZWHY2B?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have similar inflatable one off of amazon and it work pretty well at $65. It pays for itself after a couple uses if your renting it.
When I was buying I had to go thru eBay as all retailers were out of stock. Here’s the Amazon link, but eBay does have some better deals: Intex Challenger Kayak Series https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00177J4JS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ahLCFb9SPPBJF
I'm not sure about rentals, but if you're looking for an affordable buying option, I use an inflatable kayak from Amazon! It works surprisingly well. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00177J4JS/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_i_.045EbD8G58VG
I have this kayak from Amazon. It's ~$60 and works pretty well, just annoying to inflate and deflate. Pretty compact though
Here's a pretty good one for only 70 bucks. I'm almost tempted to get one lol.