The one I used was this
Invision TV Wall Bracket Mount...
It sits nice and tight to the wall whilst giving you a lot of flex rotation (to get it dead straight), alongside having a moveable arm which comes out scary far!
It’s a £20 tv mount from Amazon. This is a 43” monitor and it holds it with ease. No need to get an ergotron, but bear in mind this one can’t tilt any more than 5 degrees. Nevertheless, definitely worth it for the money saved!®-Ultra-Swivel-Bracket-Mount/dp/B010G6972O/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=1YQFH3UG1LI0S&keywords=tv+wall+mount&qid=1641158959&sprefix=tv+wall+mount%2Caps%2C67&sr=8-5
Invision TV Wall Bracket Mount for 24-60 Inch S...
This is the one I have, it supports my 55” TV just fine and the hinges feel really sturdy.
Yee most definitely, would you reckon the mount below would be able to handle this ?
That's the one i have for my G9. Holding Great so far and support well above the G9's weight.
Hey, I just used a couple of heavy duty tv brackets:
It works better for me having the desks flush to the wall so wall mounting is the way to go :)