Other pay to win components of console, if we’re going off your definition, would be custom and/or modded controllers (see razer wolverine or just things like that), and adapters so you can use keyboard and mouse on console (see things like this or other adapters). So just because someone can buy something expensive, doesn’t mean it’s pay to win. If that was the case, literally everything in the world is pay to win.
There’s an adapter you can order from Amazon called a Keymander, it allows you to plug in a keyboard and mouse and use it on your PS4. Last time I checked, the retail price on it was about $75.00. I’ve never personally used one, but if you want to (almost) join the master race, and be even better at R6, it’s definitely worth looking into. Here’s a link, https://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-KeyMander-Keyboard-Adapter-GE1337P/dp/B00GBK434M
I have 0 personal experience with this myself but I have heard this is a thing.
https://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-KeyMander-Keyboard-Adapter-GE1337P/dp/B00GBK434M here's one adapter that I found on Amazon. They work by taking the inputs from your Kb/m and converting and making your Xbox think that it's from a controller
Insults? You called me a pussy and a cry baby among other things.
I called you a whiny bitch. Which you are. No one is on your side which is indicative of you being wrong.
If this is how you entertain yourself in between jerking off to anime then by all means. Glad I can make your day feel relevant. This really is no skin off my ass. I've spent ten minutes total responding.
You are ok with people cheating, that isn't really that uncommon. Most people cheat to get ahead. I'll gladly champion the people that try to challenge themselves.
You think there is no difference between kbam and controller so I don't really put much stock in your opinion.
Edit: IOGEAR KeyMander Keyboard And Mouse Adapter for PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Xbox 360, GE1337P https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GBK434M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9BQrCbRCMEBED
Does this device seem fair to you? Macros, turbos, software advantages. I'm sure it does cause you're obviously some elitist piece of fuck. You probably own one anyways, or you just used your allowance to buy one. Again, cheating is cheating. Cheers.
IOGEAR KeyMander Keyboard And Mouse Adapter for PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Xbox 360, GE1337P https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GBK434M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Ef1tBbB0K0WJ8
This will also work. It's still not the same as true kb/m support as it is an emulator.
It needs to be supported by the game. As far as I know, Fortnite is the only game that actually supports it.
For other games though, there are adapters that you can buy for Xbox/PS4 that allow a keyboard/mouse to emulate the controller input though. I can't vouch for how well they work though, I've never used one.
I agree. But it's dumb for the game to purposely give players the upper hand just because they choose to play with an inferior input method.
I'm glad this game is play anyway for the sake that it will exponentially increase the amount of time the servers are populated, but I don't feel bad about controllers being mechanically worse. People have known this for years. The developers got this game to run on essentially a pile of garbage. Pick up a $250 laptop, and have at it. Enjoy that mechanical advantage.
Or get this right here.
I could only find this on amazon
But you could also look into custom fightstick to have a keyboard layout instead of the traditional hit box layout. It'll be a pricey investment, but you'll have the flexibility of having multi platform support.
Buy a Razer Naga (not the Hex one) or a Corsair Scimitar. These have both got lots of thumb buttons. This assumes your brother in law can use his right hand. Just map the buttons how he wants in the appropriate software (Razer Synapse or Corsair Utility Engine) and save the profile to the device itself (IMPORTANT). Now buy one of those mouse-to-PS4 devices (like this one, for example). Now your brother in law can use the mouse to aim, and the thumb buttons to move and throw grenades or whatever!
its usually something third party like this https://www.amazon.ca/GE1337P-KeyMander-Controller-Emulator-Consoles/dp/B00GBK434M or you can try and do it yourself, the device just acts like a controller sending the inputs for the joysticks and buttons when its really just a keyboard and mouse
Keymander should be a really good choice to fit your budget, however, you need to manually configure it via PC but it should be easy. Like the xim with keymander, you can eliminate the dead zone usually associated with a lot of console games, which stop the player moving if its analog stick is a bit wonky.
This is the type of device they're referring to. It digitizes mouse input into controller inputs and is used to dominate in console first person shooters. https://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-KeyMander-Keyboard-Adapter-GE1337P/dp/B00GBK434M
*May get you game banned
yes, there are a couple devices you could use to use a keyboard and mouse on ps4 (or any console for that matter). 1- http://xim4.com/ 2- http://cronusmax.com/cronusmax-plus/cronusmaxplus-new-features/ 3-https://www.playstation.com/en-us/explore/accessories/tac-pro-for-playstation-4/ 4- https://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-KeyMander-Keyboard-Adapter-GE1337P/dp/B00GBK434M
:) a adpater for ps4 to being able to play with mouse n keyboard
here is a youtube tutorial if needed
You're in luck, you can use your KB&M on any console!. I would also agree Forza is awesome.
wow what is a CronusMAX? or XIM Technologies? or Titan Two? or IOGEAR KeyMander? or Xbox Adaptive Controller? Here is 5, for now, the rest later. It is funny tho detections can not happen with these products because of existing products like the Xbox adaptive controller would give WAY to many False Positives and put the wrong players in the wrong lobbies. So I am Certain you need to stop talking out your ass and like I said get out of my posts.
Internet tough guy, out.
Holy shit people, it is a question, no need to attack him. So what he wants to use keyboard and mouse on Xbox? Let the boy. I will be glad to answer your question since no one here will. You can plug in a keyboard and mouse to your Xbox but only the keyboard can be used to actually interact with fortnite the mouse will not work, so to use both keyboard and mouse you need to buy an adapter that converts your mouse input to a joystick input and mouse buttons to triggers. Here is one that may work: https://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-KeyMander-Keyboard-Adapter-GE1337P/dp/B00GBK434M NOTE: Xbox has been working on keyboard and mouse support and may release it in an update this year. Sorry for all these people attacking you for just asking a question
Well I know for a fact that this is 100% undetectable.
There's plenty of results for looking up how to hack on consoles, but I don't think I'm allowed to link them here. It's insanely easy to find, I believe in you.
keymander for all you ppl that want one http://www.amazon.com/KeyMander-Controller-Emulator-Console-GE1337P/dp/B00GBK434M
You might want to look at something like this http://www.amazon.com/KeyMander-Controller-Emulator-Console-GE1337P/dp/B00GBK434M
I have an xbox one & ps4 and this is a must have, i personally cant stand controllers for shooting games (which i play a lot of on my xbox one and ps4) and this is basically an essential for me! Good luck brother!
Oh and I brought the XB1 because all my friends game on it and my family got the PS4 for free with a new TV so i cant sell it unfortunately even tho i need a GPU update!
You can, but you'll have to purchase an adapter like this one. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GBK434M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_abHUBbD4PV0PF
Because you can cheat by using a mouse and keyboard against 96 players who mostly are not using a mouse.