I purchased mine second hand off a friend who was upgrading their system - it was one of these style fans (with a 10 inch exhaust). I had it installed with a variable speed controller (I was told not to have it run much below 50% power as it’s not ideal for the motor) - mine is installed in a utility closet off the lounge and with about 20-24 feet of insulated duct work to reduce noise to the first vent (I have three total).
Hope that helps!
iPower 10 Inch 862 CFM Inline Duct Ventilation Fan HVAC Exhaust Blower for Grow Tent, Grounded Power Cord https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071P8Y33V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EBVBJQHVKABSAY4Y7N8E?psc=1
I live in Medellin Colombia, doubt that we would be shopping in the same markets.