A charcoal filter like this
For 3D printing it's a little overkill as I don't find the fumes to be all that bad. But I use a similar fan to filter set up in my grow tent. You can be standing right beside the tent and not know there's cannabis plants inside because of how well the filter works.
A good one will also last for years
I beleive so. The actual link of the one I got is here. It's in German but the product is shipping from UK. Buuuuut I did break down and get the 4" T4 from AC Infinity despite the chat here and their input. It was 170 euro and I went w this filter here. I'll prob hook up 2 of them together like someone mentioned earlier. Same person also mentioned that most carbon filters seem to be the same for him from 50 bucks to 300 bucks. So fk it why not. People say it's better to buy good once instead of buying shitty multiple times. I just wasn't sold on other fans I was looking up. I found a Vivosun kit (just the filter and fan) for about 120 euro and I just said fk it and sprang a bit more with something that's going to last. The only downside is the shipping is about 3 weeks and flowering already started lol
Edit: Sorry Im just realizing that prob wasn't helpful in terms of a fan but ppl *REALLY* seem to love this iPower. So that's half your battle. The next best fan I could find here was that Vivosun. I'll let you do your own research on that but some ppl like it.
hey is it this filter you got and if not which one was it? i'm also in eu and finding a reliable filter + fan combo that doesn't have a ridiculous delivery cost is a major pain in the ass
one like this?
4 inch inline fan from home depot about $35 I think. The filter was from amazon for $36, https://www.amazon.com/iPower-GLFILT6M-Australia-Pre-filter-Reversible/dp/B00E582DV2?th=1&psc=1. Then I have standard 90mm computer fans, one on the side and one on the top blowing out.
You can take the duct work off the top easily and leave it off for the non smelly times.
Honestly, it's hard for me to comment on the noise. I dont think its loud at all, but i have my bucket in the basement, so it's not like I have to hear it in my day-to-day. But I can't hear it upstairs or anything, it's definitely not crazy loud. And the filter I bought is this one. I just got it delivered this morning actually but it's made a giant impact already. None of the DIY stuff worked for me unfortunately so I bit the bullet and bought that fan, the filter and the ducting.
Why not buy an actual carbon filter? It would only be $47
I hope your fan is an inline blower, and not some axial fan junk. Axial fans can't deal as well with static pressure (caused by obstruction such as a filter).
Also, why not buy 2-3 cheap home depot 5 gallon buckets? it will be easier to carry them around for watering/draining than having a 20 gallon garbage can filled with soil.
> PS: Is FFOF too hot to start seeds in?
Yes, it's too hot.
If you are low on budget, why are you spending money on things that only improve a grow (FFOF soil), but skimp out on necessities? (Filter, fan, 1 bucket per plant, etc). Heck, your autos will end up costing a lot over time unless you plan to make your own seeds. A photo could be cloned so you wouldn't spend money every harvest on seeds.
Yeah the fan is 12V, rated at 133 CFM and 6mmH2O. It seems to be working well. I think what the bucket really needs is 8 more passive intakes in between the other 8 holes. The fan sucks so much air but I think it can work better with even more holes. It sucks so hard you can see slight erosion in the peat once it dries, like little canals. I think a more powerful fan would be overkill.
If for whatever reason it doesn't work, I'll get one of these babies http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E582DV2/ref=twister_B00ZCJ4FOG and use the metal O-clamp that came with the rubber reducer. This fan should be plenty for it.
4inch duct green house carbon filter made by ipower. I use 2x 195cfm 4inch duct fans. When I bought the duct fans they were $25 and the filter was like $40
iPower 4 Inch Air Carbon Filter Indoor Plants Grow Tent Odor Control Scrubber with Australia Activated C for Inline Fan, Prefilter Included, Silver https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E582DV2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_T7KaGb23CGHBP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
VIVOSUN 4 Inch 195 CFM Inline Duct Ventilation Fan Vent Blower for Grow Tent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7S46YZ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_W8KaGbMF6QB4X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I got it all separate off Amazon, the filter was $65
iPower GLFILT4M Air Carbon Filter and Odor Control with Australia Virgin Charcoal for Inline Fan, 4-Inch https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00E582DV2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_QokbzbM12FCRM
I put mine in a cabinet in the garage. Then I bought the linked blower and carbon filter and put it in the cabinet. Works pretty well on high keeping all but one resin from smelling. (Monocure flex 100. And that was only a 10% mix!!! That stuff was vile!)
It wont really smell until it starts flowering, so I'm not too sure yet. Also I do have a carbon filter running in my tent. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E582DV2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Using /u/entreps adapter, this is the 4" filter I would use:
Entrees also shows how to attach the adapters to your Fan, as well as install ducting and filter.
I'm using a Scythe Ultra Kaze 3000 and I rigged up a scrubber today. The fan moves air, about 133CFM and I think 6 or 8 mmH2O static pressure.
I tested it with incense and I'd say it scrubs it about 90%. I couldn't smell it unless my nose was right up against it. I made it out of a 6" atrium grate, 6" to 4" "flexible clay pipe coupling", pantyhose and of course the carbon. I could also feel a good bit of air coming out and the temperature only went up by 1-2 degrees C.
But I am thinking of getting a 4" filter (like this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E582DV2/ref=s9_simh_gw_p86_d0_i1) just in case. This fan as well: http://www.amazon.com/TerraBloom-Inch-Duct-Booster-Inline/dp/B00WW4H8XY/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_sims.
I probably need more passive intakes too. I started with four 1" holes and then made four more with a big improvement. When the lid is on it still sucks shut pretty good so I am probably losing some potential airflow.
I was told to buy
iPower GLFILT4M Air Carbon Filter and Odor Control with Australia Virgin Charcoal for Inline Fan, 4-Inch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E582DV2/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_AOeZvbP5WMRBK
VenTech VT DF-4 DF4 Duct Fan, 100 CFM, 4" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F6BL11U/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_oPeZvbJ4KH2F5
I'm told a carbon filter is the only real way to clean out the smell. Good news is though it won't smell until flowering.