That's still a booster fan, you need something like this:
Booster fan + 1000w hps = heat stress and shit yield as you already experienced.
That tent is also too small for a 1000w. 4x4 or 5x5 is way more appropriate. Go for a 600 or 400 in that closet space.
You do know there's complete tent builds made up in the sidebar, right?
Yeah, that makes sense. Everything I've read says the once per minute is for heat not smell but heat I'm not worried about right now since it's winter. I might just get a 6" fan and use my 4" filter/hose for now until I need it. This will give me 175 CFM with my 4" stuff and over 400 if I upgrade to 6" later.
I got this one:
There might be others so you might want to browse their offerings. :)
This fan is heavy duty. Thick metal casing. Loud. Strong.
In my opinion, you want to keep your controllers and your hardware separate whenever possible. Hardware wears out and breaks down. Controllers usually don't. One day your blower will shit the bed. You want to be able to swap it out quickly and inexpensively. It's cheaper and easier to do this with simple component hardware.
Looking at your schematic: I would use blower like this for the HPS lights. I would draw air in from outdoors, blow it through both hoods with the bulbs facing into the windstream, and then vent it right back outdoors. I would not use any kind of filter on the hoods.
For the tent I would use an 8" blower and filter like this. I would attach the filter directly to the blower and mount it inside the tent. I would draw my air from my cool room with a passive intake, and return it to the cool room with the blower exhaust. I think this arrangement would be the best for controlling heat, odor and humidity. Good luck! I hope you have a successful grow!
All I know about is an inline booster fan:
You said 7". You meant 6", right?
I bought this fan from Amazon. Very similar, but slightly cheaper.