quick search on amazon this one looks fine as long as your buying a digital ballast. https://www.amazon.ca/iPower-Inch-Reflector-Light-System/dp/B00BDGHI82/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2PRJZDIKFO4NA&keywords=cool+tube&qid=1646342989&sprefix=cool+tube%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-3
Your setup looks pretty good. I was wondering what zone you are growing in, or if you want to share your general geographical area? My climate is very dry and as soon as the vents kick on all of my humidity vanishes. I've concluded that I need to isolate a flow of air to only cool the lights, but I'm using Quantum board LEDs so they don't really rig up to existing inline fan housing for lights but if you are growing with HID, you can get your system into something like this where you can cool the bulb only and let your humidity from your machine remain unaffected.
What do you think?
Cheap CoolTubes use cheap materials. You could make that work for you, and buy a small CoolTube but cut off the bottom half of each wing. Sounds like you really only want this thing to keep light from going up, not so much directing it down (with a 7' spread to try and cover).
I'm not sure tape would be the answer. You want the sticky side reflective, and able to withstand the heat.
If you look here, the reflector is a wing on top, but there also is a piece inside.
So some sort of piece of aluminum would work (not foil).
This guy made one out of painted metal: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=101298