This is the one
It doesn’t eliminate liter completely, but it’s the best I’ve found. We got it when our kitties were old enough to climb up into it (about 6 months)
A popular top entry litter box is IRIS. It's not a flip-top though, I have yet to find an affordable flip-top version.
The modkat liners could get dirty pretty quick, it's not easily washable, and it's pretty expensive in the long run. I use a front entry litter box and use a johnny cat litter liner to easily dispose the litter every 3 weeks. Cleaning the litter box has very convenient for me.
My cats will do the same thing, they think is a game and will kick out all the sand/pellets leaving a mess everywhere on the floor. You definitely need an X-Large litter box that is covered or better yet has only a top entrance. I bought a couple for my cats and have not had a problem, no more messes! I got the little boxes off Amazon and they work wonderfully, yay!
I’d still try taking the lid off! As she gets bigger she might not feel comfortable with the lid. When my cats started showing dissatisfaction with boxes similar to the ones you just shared, I went on the hunt for something semi-covered and large enough for our big boy (our three girls are pretty dainty). Now, I have several of these boxes and all four cats love them. They can stand up, walk around, spin in circles… the works! They’ve got privacy but aren’t actually enclosed.
All the suggestions to use less litter wouldnt work with my cat. He seems to have a grand ole time spending 5+ minutes digging his litter. To cover his poo he'll kick all of his buried poo all over the floor. We always woke up in the morning to a huge mess. Thankfully top entry litter boxes exist. We got this one and it works great for us.
We have a litter mat too, but honestly no one makes mats large enough to really be effective for our little guy.
I like the litter mats that have two layers, one that traps the litter and another that allowed you to pour it back in the box.
We also have a top entry cat box instead of front. Like this: IRIS USA Top Entry Cat Litter Box with Cat Litter Scoop
Thank you! We have one like this but any top entry one would probably do the same. Definitely considering getting a cheap seat cover if you think your cat will be nervous in the car, but once they get used to it you won’t need it too much
IRIS Top Entry Cat Litter Box with Cat Litter Scoop like this one. I find that I can add a little more litter and they don’t kick it everywhere. We’ve got two of them. On like the link and another that is similar but had a different top. They’ve worked well for us.
Don’t tolerate feces on the floor. You deserve better. Try this litter box:
I agree with scruffing, double sided tape, and honestly permanent bathroom ban (mine is on this and honestly, it gave me peace). Add one or two more scratching posts and reward for use or even just leave treats on them to attract him.
I agree with timeout tbh. if you’re gonna use the carrier, make sure the zippers are tucked underneath and at the bottom so he can’t pop out. My cat’s carrier also had zippers on top. I just tied them together with a zip tie since those were easier to push and open. The side entry one, once at the bottom, he can’t reach to open the space. 20min in there and only letting him out when he stops yelling will help. Now my cat knows he’s acted out when he’s out there, is actually peaceful there, and doesn’t fight anymore. And leaves much calmer than before. Do this in conjunction with set wand play 3x a day for 10 minutes, and I think this will help.
Put away all your valuables. Get childlocks for all Cabinets. Stop losing precious items and money to him.
If all else fails, pick your mental health first!
That’s interesting. I’ve fostered a lot of kittens, but it’s usually the little ones that think the litter box is a fun place to “play.”
Maybe try a new litter box? I honestly bought this top access litter box because an adoptive partner showed me what he got and I loved idea of less litter in the floor. Was skeptical that my cats and fosters would like it but they all used no issue.
IRIS Top Entry Cat Litter Box with Cat Litter Scoop
I LOVE the top entry box for the sake of the gravity action that drastically reduces litter tracking. That said, we got a second box from amazon that is the same idea, but for significantly less money: IRIS Top Entry Box..
I have a top entry box and I love it. Hides the litter, makes it harder for my cats to spray it or track it. The hole in the top means the smells don’t get stuck inside so my babies don’t get asthma coughs or otherwise dislike it.
I have this top entry litter box and I could not say enough good things about it.
I also live in an apartment with minimal space, so this is able to be incorporated into the decor without screaming “LITTER BOX.” Also, it’s plenty big enough for my boy and he seems to appreciate the privacy.
no problem!! the cat with this issue has since passed away but we recently got a top-opening litter box like this and i wish we had done so while that cat was still alive bc it makes SO MUCH less mess haha. it gives them no chance to fling litter or pee outside the box, and even the “medium” size is pretty huge. my 15 lb boy cat fits in no problem. it can obviously throw your cat for a big loop to hsve such a different style but we just let them transition to it slowly, gave them lots of treats around it, etc. i haven’t cleaned up a pile of litter (or anything else!) off the bathroom floor once since we got it! (edit for typo!)
I found it on Amazon . For some reason when I was looking to buy one many of them were wayyy outta stock. Maybe since it’s kitten season but that’s the best looking one I’ve found. I got it in large cause I’m getting two cats but my apartment is small and I think both of them should efficiently be able to use it.
I have this litter box and love it! Occasionally, litter will get on the lid, but it’s great overall. I use Arm and Hammer Slide with no smell issues, whatsoever. I keep the litter box in the closet with the doors open and I use a litter genie to store the dirty litter.
IRIS USA 587055 Top Entry Cat Litter Box, White/Tan it looks like this
I also live in a small one bedroom with my boyfriend and we have two cats! We bought two litter boxes, which are this and this
My cats like the top entry one for privacy and I like that it comes with a scoop. The other one (I recommend getting an x-large size) is simple and they use it for pee usually. I clean the litter box once or twice a day (sometimes more, I like scooping out litter after they poo) and I bought a small metal trash can for the litter. In the litter trash can, I line it with multiple trash bags, with each trash bag filled with a small amount of baking soda to help mask the smell. And everyday at night before I go to sleep, I throw out the litter-filled trash bag. Keeping the litter in the trash can for more than one day makes it extremely smelly, and can develop a fly problem.
Overall, there's no bad smell! Just clean after your kitty and you'll be good!
This one works perfectly for my cat. She loves to kick and play in her litter box and there’s no mess.
IRIS Top Entry Cat Litter Box with Cat Litter Scoop
Try the open top ones if you’re having issues with space. Something like this one. Your small dog shouldn’t be able to get in there.
This top entry litter box has nearly completely solved this problem for me!
You can also try using a top entry litter box. Here is an example: IRIS USA Top Entry Cat Litter Box with Cat Litter Scoop
Top entry litter box work best for us.
IRIS USA Top Entry Cat Litter Box with Cat Litter Scoop
That's what I was thinking. I have three of these and I think OP has a smaller version. Here's the link, they have a different number of grooves on the lid if that means anything about the size.
It looks like this one. I have three and definitely recommend them.
A note: mine seem slightly larger than OP's unless his cats are just massive.
I use the oko cat litter which looks similar to yours.This is the litter box I use. I love it!
Get a top entrance potty.
I've tried multiple litter boxes with my Siberians and they've always preferred the Iris Top Entry. Not the best for older cats, but my cats at least will always choose this one over a front entry box regardless of size:
Dr. Elsey's Kitten Attract Litter was also incredibly helpful when box training them initially:
My boyfriend and I are first-time cat owners and we got two! We picked one, then 5 days later when my boyfriend started feeling bad for our kitty for being alone, we picked up her sister! We got two litter boxes (our apartment has no room for a third one unfortunately...but they seem fine!) We got this one and this one in the extra large size. We also got litter mats that you can find on amazon! I would get the jumbo size.
The litter we use is Dr. Elsey's. Food depends on where you adopted your cat. There are many threads on how to transition cats to different food brands. But wet food is overall best for your kitty. We add some dry food and baby pumpkin puree to their wet food during their meals.
When we first got our cats, they unfortunately had coccidia. They had diarrhea all day and I had to wipe their butts. We had them on medicine for about a month until they cleared up. Currently, they sometimes have accidents where some poo gets stuck on their butthole or they accidentally step in it while burying. Having baby wipes on hand is good, as well as foaming pet shampoo. It works sort of like a dry shampoo.
Cat tree, cat scratchers are good toys. A toy my cats can't get enough of is an old drawstring tied to a chopstick. They love those. There are little mice toys you can get on Amazon that are super cheap. Anything new can entertain a cat.
I think our cats have encouraged us to clean up after ourselves better. They're curious and love to explore—so be sure to clean up after you eat, chop food, take a shower, use the sink, etc. Research what foods/substances are poisonous to them.
But overall, good luck with your potential adopted cat(s)!
What about a litter box with the access on top? Would that work?
IRIS Top Entry Cat Litter Box, White