A new SIM will almost always be $5 at a store - the size you'd want for the S8 is a "nano SIM" - Amazon and other places even have adapters to use a nano SIM in a micro SIM slot (what the S4 has), so if you kept both as nano SIMs, an inexpensive SIM adapter could offer some flexibility: https://www.amazon.com/SIM-Card-Adapter-Nano-Micro/dp/B00R25GJJW
SIM-locking is to a carrier, not a line, so you can swap as much as you'd like with any AT&T-locked (or unlocked) device and they'll just work.
The only exception would be MetroPCS who matches the SIM to the device in their system and you have to call if you're going to change to another.
if its worth it, you could get a sim card adapter and try it.
I have a nano and use a kit like this one and it works in any device. Right now it is in the full size adapter and a device for full size sim. Never had any issues like you describe.
You can get an adapter on Amazon for about $5.
That way you won’t have to switch again when you get your phone back.
> I have a gUDP on my iPhone. I pulled the sim to put into the T1114, but it is smaller than the sim that was in there, and wouldn't recognize it when I tried to line it up.
I use these adapters with a piece of double sided tape to hold the nano SIM in the adapter:
> iphone 5
The iPhone 5 uses a nano SIM card. Idk what size SIM your jetpack will use. If it uses a nano SIM, then after you get the plan changed to the $15/mo Loyalty plan, you can put the nano SIM in the jetpack.
If the jetpack uses a micro SIM, you will need to order an adapter from Amazon or ebay. I use these with a piece of doublesided tape to hold the SIM card in the adapter:
There are other adapters out there but some don't work well with Verizon SIMs, for instance the Noosys don't. I like the one I linked to above because you can keep the SIM in the adapter securely with the double sided tape. If the SIM dislodges from the adapter when you go to remove it, it can ruin the SIM card reader so it is important to keep the SIM in the adapter securely.
You can get an adapter that your iPhone's Micro or Nano sim can fit into.
Edit: https://www.amazon.com/iSYFIX-Card-Adapter-Nano-Micro/dp/B00R25GJJW
> I was thinking of getting 2x S7 and using a nano to micro adapter if needed.
I think you mean a SIM cutter to cut down the micro SIMs. You can do that but sometimes people mess up the SIMs when they cut them down.
L1: TDP Note3 Yes --> S7
L2: UDP Note4 Yes --> S7
I would call 611 tonight and tell them you are getting an S7 for L1 and to mail you a nano SIM for it. I would do that tonight. They mail them for free and it should arrive by Friday or Monday.
Then order a nano to micro SIM adapter from Amazon, make sure it will ship soon. Don't get the noosy's, those don't fit the Verizon nano SIMs. I use these with a piece of double sided tape to hold the nano SIMs in:
Then you can upgrade L1 to the S7 that L2 wants. Once the S7 is active on L1, you can log on and do a switch device to get the S7 and its nano SIM active on L2. The Note4's micro SIM will be active on L1, but you can put it in the Note3. Then you will have this:
L1: TDP Note3 No
L2: UDP S7 Yes
At that point, if you can do the upgrade transfer from L2 to L1 to order the S7 that L1 wants, great, you can do 4ever and Leave the Phone on the TDP Line. However, the PU may show back up on L1 once the S7 is active on L2 and that will prevent the upgrade transfer. If that happens then you can put L2's nano SIM in the adapter you ordered, and put that in the Note4. Then log online and try to activate the nano SIM you ordered from Verizon in the S7 to get the S7 back on L1 so that you can do the upgrade transfer from L2 to L1.
Once you have done the upgrade transfer and ordered the S7 that L1 wants using L2's upgrade, you can put the nano SIM that is active on L2 back in the S7 and put the nano SIM that is active on L1 in the adapter and into the the Note3. Then once the second S7 arrives, you can activate it with the nano SIM that it ships with.
You will have a spare nano SIM at that point.
Another solution is use a nano sim card adapter https://www.amazon.com/iSYFIX-Card-Adapter-Nano-Micro/dp/B00R25GJJW&ved=2ahUKEwjd_d3r7572AhUTIrkGHZNcA1sQFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2mgV8T4bjCK4CMImNqreMw
Just get a SIM kit like this: https://www.amazon.com/iSYFIX-Card-Adapter-Nano-Micro/dp/B00R25GJJW/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=sim+kit&qid=1634708325&sr=8-4 to use a non SIM in a sim tray that expects a larger SIM.
No, but you can order a sim adapter on amazon for under $5.
That work?
I'm using this and it works great! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00R25GJJW?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00