If this is the book I think it is, I got it for my brother as a gift for Christmas years ago. I think he lost it though which is super lame. I personally have not read it. But it's called "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The 7 Secrets of Awakening the Highly Effective Four-Hour Giant, Today."
its from the always sunny in philadelphia "self-help" book
you can buy it on amazon
It’s from the Always Sunny book.
Second to last day at work.
Got my forms filled out and turned in. I hope I did them right this time. If I calculated everything correctly, I'll be off until after Thanksgiving. WOW. Took 3 tries to fill out those damned forms (and count days on the fucking calendar).
Was able to log into the disability website, finally. Started applying. And then I stopped because they wouldn't let me go further because I didn't actually start leave yet. I can't apply until AFTER I start leave.
Girl for the September display came in, we took her picture. I got all the display stuff read, and I sent the email to the person taking over (and also my supervisors) letting them know how to do stuff, and what I have lined up.
A came in and I gave him some magazines. He asked about his dvd and a coworker looked, but she never actually looks on at the name of the item and then on the cart for that item, just his name on a slip in the item on the shelf. Basically, I figure if you're going to drive/walk all the way to the library to see if something came in, I might as well look for the title you ordered on the unprocessed cart instead of saying "come back tomorrow after we've scanned all the items in and your name is officially on one". Anyway, I'm the only one who bothers looking. So he came, he left, I looked on the cart and saw a dvd with the same name as the one that said was in transit for him. Scanned it and....his name printed out. Texted him...he'd just gotten to the recycling center. So after he finished all that he came back. I got a hug.
Anyway. Goddamn I'm fucking tired. My legs hurt, my back hurts. One more day.
Danger brought me hot dogs. I love hot dogs! He said he would put together the pack & play on Sunday. WOW. I thought I'd be doing it myself. Or my friends who are coming Sunday to take pics would do it.
I'm just kinda down overall. Trying to stay happy. But I'm tired, and I want to move to a deserted island. Or the forest. Maybe not the forest. K said one day he wanted to build a house in a forest and we could live there and grow our own foods and stuff. It's funny about how all of my dreams were his dreams too. Until they weren't. Nothing is real.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdzI-191xhU&list=PLJgwmu7SJUurEMieQNqUkdV3ZYYF4kffm been listening to a bunch of Odesza, on Amazon Prime. If I still like it at the end of August, I might listen to it while in the hospital.
https://www.amazon.com/Its-Always-Sunny-Philadelphia-Awakening/dp/0062225111/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1422920353&sr=1-1&keywords=its+always+sunny+book not sure why nobody linked the name of the book or page
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The 7 Secrets of Awakening the Highly Effective Four-Hour Giant, Today https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062225111/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_ecrZFb2ZVXHS1
> always sunny book
These two books, a framed drawn picture of ourselves, and a rice cooker since he loves rice.
I debated about getting two tickets for Medieval Times, but my dear man beat me to the punch and got us tickets to this NYC Sleep No More-type theatre thing near Christmas. I'll leave that for Valentine's Day. c:
The 7 secrets of awakening the the highly effective four hour giant today
I especially enjoy the recipe for Rum Ham