To be honest I actually have looked at this book, It's Me, Edward Wayne Edwards, the Serial Killer You Never Heard Of, on Amazon and the reviews were somewhat compelling. The general gist of them seems to say that the book is poorly written and a lot of the material is pretty far-fetched but that there are some connections made in the book that seem like they warrant further scrutiny. The title of the book makes my eye twitch as an English major and writer with the odd use of commas and the ending of the subtitle with a preposition.
Excuse this if you are the author but this is book is a great example of why there needs to be a strong editorial sense in an author for them to make the most powerful arguments. This book seems to really dilute its case by trying to link Edwards with every prominent murder of the 20th century. As one of the reviewers put it "I’m surprised he didn’t blame him for the Lizzie Borden murders."
Care to make a case why I and others here should read this book? I read a lot of true crime stuff and buy books off of Amazon all of the time so I am in the demo but unconvinced based on the prevailing sentiment of the Amazon reviews.
Towards the end of the episode, Grey mentions how it seems more plausible that someone else killed Ms. Halbach and moved her body to the Avery property. Ironically enough, on Monday night, I had just met John A. Cameron (, the author of a 2014 book which asserts exactly that.
I had been watching Making a Murder and my co-worker here in the City of Great Falls, MT knew Mr. Cameron when he was a police detective here. My coworker had been listening to me talk about the show all week and when we saw Mr. Cameron out at a pub, he introduced me and I had the opportunity to talk with him for about 20 minutes regarding the case.
In the course of Mr. Cameron's involvement with serial killer Edward Wayne Edwards aka 'the Zodiac killer', he had come across elaborate cover ups reportedly set up by Edwards and it is Mr Cameron's assertion that he killed Teresa Halbach and set up the Averys for it. I have not had the opportunity to read all of the book yet, but Mr Cameron says he is 100% certain that neither Avery was involved in the murder of Ms. Halbach. He also doesn't believe that the police intentionally tried to frame Mr Avery, but that Mr Edwards took advantage of the situation to create that appearance.
He told me he has been recently interviewing the Averys in WI and is talking with people about a book or show that brings to light this theory. I was curious if Grey had ever heard of this book or theory as it struck me as so similar to the thoughts Mr Cameron had.
I just looked up the book, and from the reviews it seems that the one thing they do not believe in the book is his thesis about JonBenet being murdered by him. Here is the link