You need a “safety plan” for leaving an abusive man.
I would not tell him since he’s been violent before.
I’m sorry you have to deal with this
It's My Life Now: Starting Over After an Abusive Relationship or Domestic Violence, 2nd Edition
First, congratulations on making the decision to take care of yourself.
I highly recommend this book. We took a look at it in one of my classes and it's extremely helpful to people leaving abusive situations.
You need to go to counseling. It sounds really cliche, but it's going to be the thing that genuinely helps you work through these problems. Try to find a therapist who works with people who have dealt with domestic violence and is compassionate. It's okay to try a few people before you find a good fit. A good therapist is 100% worth the investment, because it's for your future and your wellbeing.
There are also support groups you can go to to talk about your situation, which will give you some reassurance. Your therapist will be able to point you in the right direction here, or you can google it if you live in a big city and you'll definitely find something. You might feel uncomfortable in these groups at first, but people are always so welcoming and will never pressure you to share more than you wish to.
Domestic Violence Shelter Search Tool
Women's Law-- legal information for abuse victims
Some resources for emotional healing after leaving. I know it isn't strictly safety planning, but maybe seeing this will help someone else have the courage to leave