I swear by my Jackery 240 ($200), I've had it for 1.5 years and it is rock solid reliable and you will not even use 50% of it in 4-5 days. The Jackery 300 is more future proof with the USB-C jack, but cost $100 more.
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8HHQ5E9BN90PSX7XM5RJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use this battery plus the 12V cord for my CPAP. The charge only drops about 15-18% a night. Whatever you end up getting, make sure to try it out at home first.
We just bought a Model 3 and at the moment I'm charging it overnight in my garage using the 'mobile charger' plugged into a standard 15-amp outlet. I got a quote from a friend (a friend I trust) that it would cost approx. $2,500 to upgrade my home's ancient fuse box, run the conduit & cable and install a 50-amp outlet. As we'll be moving when we retire in a few years, I'd prefer to save my pennies now and spend those dollars on our next (& final) house.
In the meantime, I'm wondering if a portable power station, such as this Jackery unit, or an alternative, may be able to provide a faster charge than the wall outlet. The Jackery (or alternative) would be plugged in all the time, with the Tesla plugged overnight as needed. Would it or an alternative unit be able to provide a quicker charge?
A second benefit to having a portable unit like the Jackery is that it could be used on camping trips. Not just to charge the car (or provide a top up) but charge cell phones, etc.
A third benefit is it could taken on long trips and potentially used as an emergency charging station, in the event that we're running low and either not near a permanent charging station, or there is one but all the stations are occupied.
Does anyone have experience using a portable power station to charge their car?
I used to be a huge Goal Zero fan... I now recommend Jackery battery packs. They come in various wattages / price points. I own several sizes...
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_mhcuFbS37WK9G
Remote start isn’t going to help your car start if it’s cold. Totally dependent on your engine design, oil viscosity, battery, starter, and a few other math engineery things. Unless your car is like 30+ years old or has a weak oil pump, it only needs to idle for 30 seconds to a minute to get the oil thin enough to properly lubricate. If you want your car to be warm when you get in it, I guess. But your car will reach operating temp after ~5 min on the road. Also, nobody seems to know this but don’t turn your heat on until your temp gauge is close to operating temp. Heat is your engine coolant being rerouted through a longer path into your heater core. If you keep it off, it will travel less distance and warm up faster. Id say spend the money on one of those portable battery chargers or just save the money altogether.
My issue is how companies use proprietary technology, so even if it's the same exact battery power wise, you can't use a dewalt battery on a makita, vice versa. That's my main issue, so I did some brainstorming and found out a cool idea.
A power generator! It's small, handheld, can put it in a backpack or something, and it will take wall plug in tools! So you just tie up the power tool's cord to be shorter so it's just from backpack to power tool. The generator also has USB ports for your phone and what not. Really cool,
Power stations like this one can recharge off of AC power or solar. Very useful for power outages, camping, or just having a portable power source around the house and yard.
Buy one of these things and plunk it down in the middle of the table
I've been using this battery.
Jackery Portable Power Station... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Get the DC power cord for your CPAP so you don't lose energy making the DC/AC/DC conversion. If I turn the hunidifier off, it only uses about 20% of the battery per night.
You can use an inverter off your car battery as well. Did that plenty of times and never had a problem starting the car in the morning. Just bring a jump pack as an emergency just in care.
check this out. They come in different power ratings as well but more power means more money. A heater doesn’t run constant either so I would expect it to last quite a while on something like this. Also be sure you have tight fitting lids. This will help keep the heat in. In long outages some people will even throw a blanket over their whole tank. Also for the air pump you can run them like an hour on then an hour off to save some battery. That will be enough to keep oxygen levels up.
What battery would I need to power raspberry pi at full load all day? (self.raspberry_pi)
submitted 38 minutes ago * by NaughtIdubbbz
Raspberry pi 4 8b What about for 2 days? Is this possible?
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_5JF5GRQR0ZNJCTMDRMQB
Would this be enough?
I assume you are talking about inverter generators. I couldn't tell you the load needed but I would guess you would want 800-1000W on a 3500W inverter generator to be worth it. Any less could be handled by a 12VDC inverter. Especially if you just want to charge a phone. At that point, I suggest this.
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_1Q2JV8AZ1GP6J75TRDWJ
Thank you for the advice, however 500watt power stations seem to be around 500-600$, so would this power station work? I would be putting frozen ice cream in the freezer, then plugging it in and taking it to a park. Would that work or would the ice cream melt by the time it gets to temperature?
Portable generator: Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9EKW3F8194Y8VZTGZM1F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It doesnt support usbc charging so you need somethig you can plug in your power adapter to. https://www.amazon.ca/Jackery-Generator-Portable-Power-Station/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=asc_df_B07D29QNMJ/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459448841694&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13892645687422864474&hvpone=&hvptwo=&h...
Any of them should work, something like this for example: https://www.amazon.ca/Jackery-Generator-Portable-Power-Station/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=1KQEBM7CCYFK2&keywords=portable+power+station&qid=1636042682&sprefix=portable+power&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkU...
You can also rent them from your local music store. How long it will run depends on how much power your setup draws.
All a good idea. With a good CO detector, you can do that and be safe.
A side note, if you can afford it- one of those cheap "generator" battery packs can power your phones and some simple LED lights for days. great when its rolling blackouts.
Not an endorsement of brand- this is an example for type of device I mean only:
We use a cheap battery device like this for our notebook in the trailer, since the 110 plug is in an inconvenient location. Only needs to be recharged about every 3 days or so. Ours will also do USB devices.
Something like this...
Limited-time deal: Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_dl_PADMP2VN0ZM0YQH6PH2C
Basically a battery and an inverter in a package. This is the cheapest model, there are more expensive ones and they have solar panels you can plug into them.
I'm not saying this is the best solution to this problem, just a solution.
Get yourself a little Jackery power bank. It’s perfect for small spaces. We’ve got two, one that lives in the RV and one whose responsibility is to run the wifi router for short term outages. Charging my iPhone 8 only uses up 2% of the 240 Explorer. You can later add solar panels if you want alternative charging methods.
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_K9GXXJYY85T8JXC50XA5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I recently went car camping with my CPAP. I have the availability to charge the portable battery during the day, so my requirement was that the battery needs to last one night.
ResMed Airsense 10
"Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240". www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D29QNMJ
"KFD Car Charger DC Adapter for Resmed Airsense 10". www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07P6H994Q
The results for my first night were promising, so I went for broke the second night by turning airplane mode off and turning the humidifier back to its normal settings. I was not disappointed. I used it for eight continuous hours each night.
First night:
CPAP airplane mode: on
CPAP Humidifier: off
Battery level start: 100%
Battery level in morning: 75%
Second night:
CPAP airplane mode: off
CPAP Humidifier: on, level 6
Battery level start: 100%
Battery level in morning: 25%
I am happy with the Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240.
I recently went car camping with my CPAP. I have the availability to charge the portable battery during the day, so my requirement was that the battery needs to last one night.
"Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240". www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D29QNMJ
"KFD Car Charger DC Adapter for Resmed Airsense 10". www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07P6H994Q
The results for my first night were promising, so I went for broke the second night by turning airplane mode off and turning the humidifier back to its normal settings. I was not disappointed. I used it for eight continuous hours each night.
First night:
CPAP airplane mode: on
CPAP Humidifier: off
Battery level start: 100%
Battery level in morning: 75%
Second night:
CPAP airplane mode: off
CPAP Humidifier: on, level 6
Battery level start: 100%
Battery level in morning: 25%
I am happy with the Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240.
Generators ≠ big batteries.
If you mean something like the Jackery Portable Power Station that is 100% acceptable. However any gas powered generator is not only rude to your neighbors, but should be in the banned list of all events and should be common sense not to have other people experience that because you can’t be without high wattage electricity for 3 days. It’s like smoking a cigarette on a train.
Dude throw out the stupid solar packs that literally only charge your phone once. Buy a Jackery Power station!!! I swear, this is hands down the BEST thing I've ever bought for festivals! Between my group of 4 we charged all of our phones, every day, for a 4 day fest. My friend and I straightened our hair (twice each) using it, she charged her apple watch with it, and when I got home it only had lost 50% battery life. It charges with a wall plug, a car charger (both included), or you can get the solar panel that's sold separately. We just charged it at home before we left but it lasted all weekend! I promise you this will be the best thing you've ever bought!!
I'm gonna try to insert a link for ya below. Also I'll add that this is not sponsored. I am just the dingus who bought wayyyyy too many solar chargers and those small portable battery packs before I dropped the $200 on this life saver. 😅
Yeah they just updated the FEMA site 40 mins ago.
When you mentioned portable power stations, did you mean like the Jackery 240? Do you have solar panels to recharge them or are you planning to recharge off you car?
This will keep your gadgets juiced all day and more. I use one for camping.
I'm super into DIY battery and power electronics, but to be honest, this is not the best first project to start with. It's actually somewhat complex as others have mentioned, as you need to implement a BMS to manage the lithium ion cells properly, plus you need an inverter, etc. I would suggest starting with the smaller and simpler DC only project as your first foray.
For this particular purpose, I would recommend just buying one of these jackery batteries, it will be all in one and much cleaner solution: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_K5V8EP7CBDRY37D4MQ9S
I have a Jackery 240 I bought off Amazon after the last hurricane power outage we had (I'm in Florida). Did a little testing and it works fine. I also bought a 100W solar panel to charge it. I later bought the Jackery 60W foldable solar panel.
I got this one because it can charge off the cigarette lighter port or a 120 outlet. Probably can do solar too. It's light and small which is nice
That is possible I think. I've never used a power bank with a dashcam but I have one of these at home to get through power outages. I got the 240Wh size but you can pay less if you get a smaller capacity one.
The 240Wh one is enough to run a modem/router combo for wifi for a day or two (since we have fiber internet) and also charge phones and tablets. You can probably get by with a smaller one for a dashcam application. If you compare your camera's power consumption to the power bank capacity that should give you an idea what size you need.
It can charge from the DC outlet during the day when you run the car, and power your camera at night. I'd hide it under a seat or something and run the cable from there so your car doesn't get burglarized and your power bank stolen.
Disclaimer: I've never used the power bank for a dashcam, so while a good idea in theory I haven't tested this to see if it actually works. Maybe someone else here with more experience than me can comment.
If you are comfortable using your own CPAP machine, why not look into one of these instead.
It can be solar powered, or recharged while you drive. And very useful for other power needs. Note that this is the Canadian Amazon. Your prices could be different.
I have a pretty good collection of N95s already. I uhh even have a full on gas mask in the event I have to come home under downright hazardous air quality (It happened once last summer, I wasn't even the only person on the bus wearing a gas mask haha)
Outdoor videos are a good idea. Help to soothe some anxiety and take the mind off of the smoke.
Yeah power is a serious concern. My best idea is a power station of some kind?
Jackery 240 is on sale right now on Amazon
Limited-time deal: Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_61G9BXFDG86R0WK44VZ2
Like others have said the laptop adapter will only pull 150W at most. When the battery is very low or your doing something that very CPU or GPU intensive, like gaming or rendering video. If your on the road charge it while your driving or get a solar panel to charge it while your stopped. This small of a battery pack is only really good for charging or running small things. And you'll get better energy use if you look for DC versions of your usual AC appliances. For example, instead of using a regular box fan, look or a DC or just USB fan. Also, looking at the listing, it's noted you can not charge and use the power station at the same time. So keep that in mind with your power use. Units that are just a little more expensive, like a Jackery https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_fabc_3BPA263NW9YFZ1S950R7 can be charged and used at the same time and have a nicer inverter circuit.
Fold down the back seats down and we cut the edges to fit a full size mattress topper. Fits both of us great! I have an inverter and this little guy to help with crazy situations and just regular camping Other than that I swapped out my dome led’s for blue because...why not and I have a dashcam.
So you listed your board max input as 51v 3A, but your brick output as 51v 4A... Also not sure why you listed 220w max... 51 x 4 = 204... Is it not 51v?
Anyway, this box supports up to 200w not more. If you need more, then look at the 300 model. They are heavy, like 8 lbs each.
I use my old 2013 Macbook Pro, which has windows installed for my image acquisition and guiding. I do all my stacking and processing on my beefy desktop. As far as I know, the acquisition and guiding software doesn't require a whole lot of memory and processing power. You could get by with a relatively cheap laptop (used or new).
You could also go the ASIAir/Stellarmate/Rasp Pi (w/ Astroberry) route if you want to avoid laptops altogether. During the Spring, Summer and Fall seasons, I use my laptop and my ASIAir occassionally. However, during winter, I only use my ASIAir as it can get pretty cold up here in the north (laptop doesn't work properly in these extreme temps...) I've had good success with ASIAir and am starting to use it more frequently.
The battery on my mac, with the brightness and backlight tonded down, gives me around 3-5 hours and if need be, I use a jump starter battery back I got from Costco to get me through. This, I find is enough for a single night session. I am considering getting a beefier powerbank, which I hope will be a better option than the jump starter I currently have.
Buy a lithium “generator”. Something like this (I have no personal experience with this).
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Optional) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_AbZkFbVKMF0KX
I have been shopping for something to use rv camping when we are off grid. As I understand, insurance will not pay and the CPAP specific battery backups are much more expensive for what you get.
UPS can last a long time. Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Optional) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_nYzkFbDXWN2MZ
Sounds like you'd probably be better off with an off the shelf solution. Stick the phrase "battery generator" or "portable power station" into amazon, and you'll find results like this one. Depending on the TV, divide the Wh number by 60 and you should get a rough indication of the lifetime of the battery in hours.
In Canada it's also on sale ($390 CAD - $25 coupon), but not as nearly as good as US sale - https://www.amazon.ca/Jackery-Portable-Power-Station-Generator/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ref_
amazon.COM doesn't ship this product to Canada, at least to my location anyways...
You buy anything less than this and I lose all respect for you https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_R1T1MFV6RMZNBB29VCVD
Thank you so much for the feedback!! The solar panels are each only 25 watts (100w) in total it is enough to sustain my Xbox one and my tv during the daytime when I am charging but at nighttime they drain very quickly only giving me about 3 hrs of gameplay I usually play my Nintendo switch at night because of how much power difference it is from the Xbox one the battery’s need an upgrade for sure I only have 136 amp hrs of battery the main components just to get me started back in January was just a jackery explorer 240 Roof hatch Mr buddy propane heater
Good question, I’ve been looking for the same solution. You could buy power station on Amazon that you can use a solar panel to charge during the day. Like this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_A5BP5ZKGXB7H7KEH3TR5
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/
Just as a starting point:
This isnt how I would do it, but it gives you a starting point.
What I meant by wire it up is to wire an outlet. An electrician to wire an outlet will likely cost less than the two items I pasted.
I use this battery plus the 12V cord for my CPAP. The charge only drops about 15-18% a night.
I posted about my setup a couple weeks ago. Here is my Battery:
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/
Here is my 12 Volt charger:
KFD Car Charger DC Adapter for Resmed S10 Series,ResMed Airsense 10 Air Sense S10 AirCurve 10 Series CPAP and BiPAP Machines,90W Resmed S10 370001 Replacement Vehicle Power Supply Cord Cable Charger https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P6H994Q/
To keep my nose lubed up I did use NasoGel and one shot of Afrin in each nostril. I didn’t wake up dry or congested. I think a little water in the chamber helps too since the air blows through there.
Over 2 nights I was able to run my CPAP (Resmed Airsense 10) w/a little water in the chamber and all heating turned off. Turned on Airplane Mode, turned off humidity and temperature settings. I was also able to charge my iPhone and Apple Watch (also on Airplane Mode too) each night to full power.
After 2 nights I still had 25% battery life left in the battery! So maybe I could have gotten a 3rd night? But I did have to get the Cub Scouts home.
I have an air sense 10 and I have been using this jackery recommended by another redditor. I have taken it camping twice already with success.
Jackery 240 battery is 41% off - $176 USD + tax.
I don't know the requirements of your bike, but I'm assuming they're modest. Would something like a Jackery be an option?
I'm thinking you could charge it up while you're out, and then bring it out to the e-bike when you get home.
This maybe isn't an AA specific question, but a flying question in general or to see if anyone has experienced something like this, but has anyone tried to fly with a "power bank" like the one I will link below? I am car camping at Coachella in a few weeks and I am renting a rental car, but will be sleepingin my rental car. One of my main goals is to not use the car's battery as much as I can because that would suck monday morning having a dead car lol I think I have planned around getting basic battery powered equipment so I don't use the car's battery, but I am looking at getting this "power bank" that seems to last a long time to charge phones, maybe use hair straighteners, etc. I thought about just ordering one if this is the one I decide and picking it up from an Amazon locker when I arrive to Coachella, but then I remembered I would need to charge the power bank, so I would like to do that before I leave for the festival. I know this has a big wattage, and I understand it is lithium ion batteries so I will have to carry it on, but I can't find the maximum one that TSA will allow (or they said on their site it is up to the TSA agent's discretion and that isn't good enough for me since I need a guarantee that something expensive like this can make it to the plane with me), and AA's website doesn't really mention it (that I can find). Please let me have any advice!
Ninebot F40. Has a real world range of 17mi.
Why can't you charge at destination? It would be huge if you can get a 30min to 1hr charge. I've been looking at these which does enable you to charge on the go if there's no other option:
Like most things in life, planning is your friend. So figuring these things out now is a great start. My friends and I fly in from the midwest and have a pretty workable system. We all come in on Wednesday or earlier so we have more time to play around with, but you can do all this even coming in on Thursday.
We happen to know someone in Palm Springs, so a couple weeks before our trip we send her a box of things that aren't worth flying with, yet don't want to purchase once we get there. Things like batteries/electric generators, tarps, air mattresses, rechargeable lights, chairs, solar panels, pumps, etc. can all be shipped. But you don't need to know someone out there to do this. You can buy things on Amazon and have them shipped to lockers or an Amazon Ship location. Or you could buy things now and send yourself a care package using USPS General Delivery, a FedEx location, or a UPSlocation. They'll all hold for at least two weeks (most are 30 days before returning to sender.) So there is plenty of time to ensure the package is there when you get there. Obviously you'd want to plan a trip to the location from the airport, so knowing where you're going is helpful.
We also buy things from Target to be ready when we get there. Walmart does this as well. Dry good can be bought a few days out to make sure they're in stock (a lot of people are buying the same things these two weeks,) while the perishable stuff can be bought the morning of and will be ready to throw in a color (that you also purchased at Target) when you pick everything up.
My wife and I rent a full size SUV for car camping (Costco Travel is definitely your friend on this) and we sleep in it. We send ourselves the tarp, then just drape the tarp over the SUV and secure it to the wheels with bungees that we bring in our luggage. We have a giant tarp that's silver on one side, but I couldn't find a link to it on Amazon. We may have bought that at Home Depot. Make sure that if you go this route, your tarp has grommets. We also each have a small inflatable mattress that rolls up really small (see link above) and fits in our luggage. (They make them in queen size, but I bought mine first, so we just bought her a second one instead of one large one when she started making the trip.) Others in our group send themselves full size air mattresses, but these work fine enough for us.
We make the controversial decision to not bring an easy up, but we also have a large group and someone will have one somewhere near us. We thank them with beer or food and we are pretty fun easy-going people, so there's not been trouble with that plan yet. And to touch on your concern about not setting up a proper camp, don't fret. Most people are in groups. So that group will often have a centralized camp set up and everyone else in the group just has their car (and tent if they go that route) and maybe some chairs. Nobody will think twice about a person with no camp set up. Hell, in 2017, the people two spots down from me parked their car and we never saw them the whole time. I'm sure they had a group of people somewhere else in camp and stayed there. But it's not unheard of for something like a random car to just be in a spot by itself.
Finally, we are fortunate enough to all make a vacation out of it, so we send all our stuff back home sometime during the week before we head home. But leaving Monday means finding a place that's open to ship your stuff back before your flight. Otherwise, as a last resort, try to give anything away to your neighbors that you can't take home. At the very least, you're that kind soul who gave them supplies for next year.
Hope this helps a little. And I hope you have an amazing first Coachella!
I have been to cubes that use disc golf backpack harnesses and Li battery packs like https://www.amazon.com/Jackery-Portable-Power-Station-Generator/dp/B07D29QNMJ They also have an audio setup to amplify the sounds form the video clips. I have asked them to post here.
I don’t have one but to be honest the only thing on Amazon that I really need right now is a Jackery so we could have night time power.
From Amazon, here’s the link. Jackery Portable Charging Station
Deal link: Amazon
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240W… | - | - | 4.8/5.0 |
BLUETTI Portable Power Station AC200P 2000W 2000W… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240W… | - | - | 4.8/5.0 |
BLUETTI Portable Power Station AC200P 2000W 2000W… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
I think you need to invest in a better powerbank to keep your laptop charged. Other ideas are enough solar panels and batteries to cover the entire surface of the boat to provide power. I have an Asus G17 and that thing will consume power like crazy while gaming. You will have worse issues with the Lenovo Legion 5 since they speced out a 300W charger but only a 60Whr battery or 80 Whr battery inside the laptop. The Asus models ship with a 240W charger tied to a 90Whr battery.
Best suggestion would be a solar generator with sufficent power storage for your needs.
This one will do about 1 hour storage at 240W usage.
To monsters like these:
2000Whr battery means about 8 hrs of usage at 240Watts.
Other ideas are to look for less power consuming laptop where it can run on a 180W or 135W charger.
Jackery Power Station Explorer 240 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_MYWJQE1DC0119147P0PG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240, 240Wh Backup Lithium Battery, 110V/200W Pure Sine Wave AC Outlet, Solar Generator (Solar Panel Not Included) for Outdoors Camping Travel Hunting Emergency https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_BPSZT7CSYME81WDPY3NR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Jackery SolarSaga 60W Solar Panel for Explorer 160/240/500 as Portable Solar Generator, Portable Foldable Solar Charger for Summer Camping Van RV(Can't Charge Explorer 440/ PowerPro) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PGS2WN8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_AEVCX9VAFBBMSN20ZCR7
I recently went car camping with my CPAP. I have the availability to charge the portable battery during the day, so my requirement was that the battery needs to last one night.
"Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240". www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D29QNMJ
"KFD Car Charger DC Adapter for Resmed Airsense 10". www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07P6H994Q
The results for my first night were promising, so I went for broke the second night by turning airplane mode off and turning the humidifier back to its normal settings. I was not disappointed. I used it for eight continuous hours each night.
First night:
CPAP airplane mode: on
CPAP Humidifier: off
Battery level start: 100%
Battery level in morning: 75%
Second night:
CPAP airplane mode: off
CPAP Humidifier: on, level 6
Battery level start: 100%
Battery level in morning: 25%
I am happy with the Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240.
Uh...I guess there's these things?
There might be a cheaper or lower-end version of this concept. They're generally sold as camping gear.
I suggest that you slightly change your approach and go with an AC plug-capable battery like Jackery.
Then use a dummy battery that plugs into the AC (wall power) like battery.
These portable powet packs are amazing for many other purposes (just last week, I was able to power a Zoom video conference with a laptop, full hdmi monitor, mic and gh5 outside).
I now have multiple Jackery batteries of different capacities and weights; and a solar panel for other emergencies.
What's your end goal for doing this? If your goal is to work at a location that has no or very bad power then their are now some small "generators" that instead of an engine have batteries and would last a while. Here's a couple of examples https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D29QNMJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_2S1CHDEHT61HWC69FVVP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
And if you want to go large https://www.lowes.com/pd/EGO-NEXUS-POWER-STATION-BARE-TOOL/1003130770
Consider something like this. Cheaper, more power, and more useful for other things during a critical outage as well, like your cell phone, etc.
Deal link: Amazon
Of course! My battery is a Jackery 240 that is currently $200 (I paid $250 for the first one and $200 when I got the second one a few weeks ago and see the sale is still on). It comes in larger sizes, too. I can run my router and modem for 8 hours plus charge up my laptop and use probably 50-60% of it. I move it around depending what I need to power (finding out it can run my water heater's controller was the best!). So I decided a second one was worthwhile to run things in multiple rooms only because I got more use out of the first one than expected. It's small and light enough for camping, beach, picnic, etc.
The generator is $900 from Costco. I haven't gotten it yet, but I watched some YouTube videos about it and the reviews were pretty good. If you're not familiar with generators, I recommend doing a bit of research on the types, sizes, starting, and maintenance. I was going for smallish, relatively quiet, low maintenance, and easy to start. Turns out portable generators are really big with the RV crowd, and that was a good source of info.
Deal link: Amazon
Could plug it in to a Jackery unit. Or Goal Zero ect ect.
I'm not 100% sure what size unit you'll need.
Thank you so much for your detailed reply!! I really appreciate it.
So I went ahead and got an electricity usage meter so that I can see how much power the devices I plan on taking with me will use. Like you said, this will allow me to better plan my setup. I should have done this first actually.
Another setup I'm considering is a power generator similar to something like this. What I'd like though is that it has 2 inputs for charging: one from the car and one from the solar panel. I don't want to be having to change inputs when I drive, and then change it again when I'm stopped. Most of the power generators/stations I've seen only have one DC input though. I tried looking for a male to female DC splitter but the ones I've found I don't think are strong enough to run the current from the two charging sources simultaneously.. the only one on Amazon I found is 22 AWG, which according to wikipedia can handle at most 6-7 amps. Did I understand that correctly? Does a DC splitter with a lower AWG even exist?
Another feature I'd like is the ability to use the generator while it's charging, but unfortunately even here most of the units I've seen cannot do this.
I'm going to wait till I have a better idea of the max amount of power I'll need before I research this again.
Thanks for the advice on how to run the fridge efficiently btw. I didn't even consider this. Those are excellent points. Also your idea on the passive water supply for the evap cooler, that's brilliant! I'm going to try fitting that into my design. And I say this bc it can't be that big, but I can perhaps have a half a gallon bottle..
Deal link: Amazon
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Something like this might fit the bill for what you're looking for. Could even augment with a solar panel for longer run time. I think they also have larger units.
Hey There I am known as Oliver Adventure. I have a 1996 Dodge Ram B-2500 I built out to a Camper van. It was the most Awesome thing I have done in my life. The Adventures I have had in it have been Awesome and the freedom to have a home on wheels that is completely paid for gives me a piece of mind. Here is a link I found for your van with an awesome setup and everything you will need. Sienna Conversion
Since you are a digital designer go with this for your power requirements it is self contained and light and gives you Big power well worth the money you can go with the 240 can run about 50 watts for 5 hours and use this to charge Solar panels
I have watched a DJ run a mixer and 2 powered speakers for 5 hours on this.
Go with a good cooler that holds ice for 4 days
if ya want a shower spend 23.00 on this and its also nice to wash dishes rinse your feet off at night etc 12 volt shower set up I am going to post an install video soon very simple and it runs outside specially cool to wash your surfboard off and sand
Go with a simple propane cook stove and store it under your bed/sofa
Your van is smaller and going be a lot better on gas a big 8 cyl van such as mine uses some gallons while traveling. Use the money to make your van very mechanically solid go over it good and use it for your build. Let the Adventures begin. I am so excited for you!
If you can power your setup off a single outlet at your gigs an 1800W running 2300W starting generator will be more than adequate. If you are US based, household outlets are 15A in your bedroom, and 20A in your garage or kitchen. You won't find any venue with an outlet larger than 20A.
My (2) moving head lights, light bar, controller, laptop, wireless mic, mixer, (2) "1000W" speakers and (1) "1300W" subwoofer barely draw 7.5 Amps (900W). Everything was cranked up loud as evident by my older neighbors in the street wondering what the hell I was doing.
I got this generator for my setups if needed: Sam's Club - 1800W Generator
I got this small battery pack to power one of my "1000W" speakers and an iPad for 4+ hours if needed: Amazon - 240Wh Battery Pack
Keep in mind most generators are sold to the RV market. That means they need to power 30A - 50A for an entire camper. That includes the fridge and A/C - high power devices.
Could look into getting something like this. But the insulated pump thermoses are pretty awesome, too.
I apologize,I had been thinking of something like the Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 240 which I misremember as 240 amp hours rather than 240 watt hours. They also make a 500 watt hour model for ~500 dollars. That’s probably two recharges a day for most mini fridges with the 240.
I did find this fridge the Ausranvik Car Fridge Portable Freezer which uses 32watts DC when it runs apparently (and won’t run all the time) so except in the hottest weather it should keep you on once a day recharge, or a few days with a big block of ice.
You could also lean on friends in the dorms to keep a big jug of water in a communal freezer for you and swap it out every few days.
Something like that? I always just suggest not spending anything to do with charging limes, thats just a cost youll need to recoup before making profit.