Can someone recommend a good power bank for charging electronics when the power is out? It seems there are battery powered ones, solar powered ones...not sure which is the best. I was just looking for a simple inexpensive cell charger but went down the rabbit hole on amazon and am now seeing stuff like this. This is way overkill right? That seems crazy expensive.
I'm also looking into battery powered fans in case the power goes out for a long time in the middle of summer. Not sure what else could be done to keep your home cool with no power, but if anyone has ideas let me know.
You could keep something like this charged up:
Basically a small battery and inverter combined. It has a wall charger and maybe one of the smaller panels could charge it directly in an extended blackout with some rewiring.
Before investing in a kitchen setup, I was primarily eating at chipotle and stuff and even though my setup has an upfront cost to it, it is 10000% more worth it and I’m able to do everything inside.
My setup is:
Jackery 500 [amazon](
Alpicool C20 fridge [amazon](
Dezin Hot Pot [amazon](
Rice Cooker [amazon](
The hot pot is the game changer. The 150 watt setting on the hot pot uses around 250 watts or so on the Jackery but it heats up quickly and is able to boil water. I’m able to cook chicken, steak, mushrooms, eggs, basically anything I want on it. I roll down the windows, place the hot pot on the center console and am able to cook from the drivers seat.
The rice cooker uses around 300 watts and is able to cook rice very quickly.
The fridge uses around 30 watts or so and that plugs right into the 12 volt on the Jackery. Keeps food cold and I’ve had no problems with it.
The Jackery gets charged by my Prius and since I sleep with the car on most nights, I never have to worry about it draining.
A usual day of cooking only uses around 20% of the battery which gets charged up quickly by the Prius.
>I'm hoping to spend no more than $500 for something that can keep an indoor heater running
Electric heaters take alot of power. And isn't the best use of making heat. A portable heater like a Mr. Buddy would be better.
>our phones charged.
Buy this.
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 500, 518Wh Outdoor Solar Generator Mobile Lithium Battery Pack with 110V/500W AC Outlet (Solar Panel Optional) for Road Trip Camping, Outdoor Adventure
I know you mentioned dealing with extended hours, in which case those little portable batteries probably won't cut it. If you've got money to burn, something like this is probably the most straightforward option. A CPAP machine with heat/humidifier on will usually draw somewhere in the neighborhood of 50W, so 500Wh is probably a decent guess for capacity to reliably last a single night. Multiple nights you could go bigger.
That's too much. Your gonna kill your battery and won't be able to start your car! I have this power station, link below.
So you can charge it at a Starbucks, solar panel, or while car on. Sorry, nothing is cheap. I recommend the jackery 500! Unless you got money then get the 1500 version.
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 500, 518Wh Outdoor Solar Generator Mobile Lithium Battery Pack with 110V/500W AC Outlet (Solar Panel Optional) for Road Trip Camping, Outdoor Adventure
> people who do shipments out of a storage unit--how? With no power or internet.
I used to do it. I had lights, scales, laptop, printer, etc. I used the wifi hotspot on my phone for internet access.
I used this...
A full charge would power both my storage units for a week (for an hour a day, while I did my shipping).
I've had mine for years, but I get more usage out of battery powered units than I get out of it. It's extremely rare that I lose power for more than a few hours at a time. One in each room gives each person the basics they want/need.
You need the constant power so that even if the switch is off it's still getting power. The only way I think you can get around this is use external power sources with a pass through.
Always check your portal chargers. Test to see how well they last. I keep 3-4 to every phone. Ridiculous yes. But I've been through storms like Ida and not contacting relatives left to many wellness checks.
Ice chest. Full or up with ice. Power goes out put your basics in it once the fridge starts to get a little warm. On the note of fridges, in your freezer always get a cup with a solid block of ice in it and put a coin on to of the ice. You'll know if food is bad once the coin hits the middle and bottom.
A few luxury items I have are these. A battery operated radio. The silence is insanity to me. Board games and card games keep you entertained with your family once the switch dies. Rechargeable and battery operated lights. Propane stove and lanterns. This specific power bank has solar panels you can get and is amazing but very expensive.
Never store propane and gasoline near your house. Always get some extra propane and gas to fuel any generators you have.
Most importantly, leave if you can if you feel you need to. Better leaving as an overreaction than stuck in hell.
This is what I use ...
Works well with the fast charger but maybe not the most economical.
Perhaps this should be its own post, but how does dual battery stack up with a "camping battery" or power station like this one?
Capabilities are similar, right? Wouldn't this do the job and actually be more flexible (portable, several charging options, etc.)
On second thought, it'll be way easier to just buy a "solar generator". You can charge off the cigarette lighter during the day and run the inverter as needed.
You'll still need to check with the "kill-a-watt" meter to confirm the max wattage your appliances draw, but a Jackery 500 might be good enough for you.
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 500, 518Wh Outdoor Solar Generator Mobile Lithium Battery Pack with 110V/500W AC Outlet (Solar Panel Optional) for Road Trip Camping, Outdoor Adventure
The cooler will come with a plug that will fit the typical round 12v "cigarette lighter" It has that 2 prong on the back to allow it to take various cords.
Battery, the battery pack you linked would run the cooler for a theoretical 30 hours (in a prefect world). Ive never heard of that company and would not buy that.
But the all in one solution like that is the way to go and will be less mucking about. Something like the Jackery 1000 would run that cooler for about 80 hours. Their 500 would run it about 40 hours And once you use it, you just plug it into the wall and it will recharge for the next time (or add solar panels and charge it that way).
The 500 is about $500 and the 1000... is $1000.
If I were you I would find an all-in-one unit on amazon that has tones of good reviews and can be charged by 12v solar panels. One of those “jackery” units seems to be the ticket. The largest you can afford. And then down the road you can charge it off your vehicle or buy solar panels and use those. I would stay away from anything without a lot of reviews because you don’t want to be sold cheap cells that will only last a season. It may not be the best bang for your buck vs the car battery route but it should give you a robust and versatile system. Solar is sweet for festivals!
Some things are terrible for battery driven operations. Air Fryers rank up there with toaster ovens, hair dryers, and space heaters.
I highly suggest aginst this.
If you want power for other things, like ab efficient TV or laptop, consider getting an oversized Lithium Ion battery bank. Not one of the ones for phones, one of the ones meant for camping or emergencies.
Maybe this one would help you out?
Maybe it depends on the Volcano model. In the hybrid manual it says the heating element uses 270w while the pump only uses 10w. I'm guessing you would need something like a 300w+ inverter for your 12v cig outlet in your car. Or something like a Jackery 500.
This blog looks to cover just about everything.
I am about to finish putting together my own. The total cost was $350 for a complete setup including a solar panel, charge controller, battery, inverter, and cabling yielding 650Wh of usable stored power and constant charging throughout the day with a panel.
Compare this to popular commercial brands. The closest capacity Jackery power station has a usable capacity of 518Wh for $449. That does not include panels or cables.
So this is what I'm planning to send
PS: Planning to use a voltage step down converter with this to convert 240v to 110v
Lots of good suggestions on here. Definitely pre-camp at home ahead of time - make note of what you need.
I have a portable battery generator (it's a battery - no motor) with solar panels for charging it during the day. The big battery offloads the juice into the smaller/portable batteries you'll need to have with you during the day. Due to the high volume of people there cell phones will spend their day "hunting" for a signal to lock onto a tower and this will draw down most cell phones to near zero mid-day. I always have a spare battery on me for this reason. This is the battery I have with their solar panels The solar panels will keep the battery topped off during the day quite well and there are a number of USB ports on the big battery for charing more than one thing at a time. The battery is quite light and it's very easy to setup. Of course coming in on Friday you'll be close to the main showers which has a LOT of outdoor charging stations. I consider it an outdoor "Best Buy" store given the number of electronics charging there.
Some folks have commented on the weather last year. Yes the storm was significant, but there was a huge amount of lead time going into the storm - I want to say at least two days. One way to stay on top of that is to sign up for EAA's texting services ( where they send out pertinent information.
A 182 with three people makes me wonder if it's 3 adults or two adults and a child. Three adults means potentially 3 tents, but a family is one tent. Beyond the additional weight of needing 3 tents you'll be a little tight on the camping space. The basic rule of thumb is as long as the tent fits within the "footprint" of your plane. You did say it was you and your husband, so I'm assuming the third is an offspring.
I'd also recommend bringing some lightweight/portable chairs. Especially if you're coming in on Friday. Saturday is a great day for pulling up a chair to the flight line on 27 and rating (judging?) landings. I managed to make three of my best landings there one year (yes all on the same attempt). The chairs also come in handy for the fireworks show or the movie theater at night. You're out on Wed, say the fireworks is out - but Saturday night they are showing Top Gun. Another fun thing to have for the flight line is a portable radio to listen to the ATC traffic.
Someone did mention services before Monday. Nothing is open other than the showers, the red barn grocery store and maybe some walking around outside the main drag. So plan accordingly for food. There are a few places right off the northwest gate on the north 40 to walk to. Ordering in food is quite brilliant. I'm planning on grabbing a Lyft with some friends and heading to some of the local places in the community I've gotten to know.
Something non-camping related (if you've read this far) was hopefully to help with your husband getting involved to make it an enjoyable experience. I took my wife for her first time last year. She's a great flyer but has proclaimed on more than one occasion she is done camping. Making sure you have a good air mattress for your (or more to the point - his) sleep comfort will be important. If he doesn't sleep well he'll have less fun. The campgrounds come alive quite quickly after 6 a.m. Given you're leaving on Wednesday you likely won't have too many airplanes starting when the airport opens for the day, but it's possible. Last year I don't recall the 6 a.m. airport buzz by a WWII airplane (I only hear the radial engine, I can't get out of my tent early enough to see it), but you can't sleep through that event.
I was concerned about my wife enjoying the event - but she actually wound up making friends with some of the campers next to us last year and she said she was going back this year and had made plans with people before I had spent much time on it. (I knew I was going and had the plane reserved, but beyond that - that was it). So getting him involved with something he enjoys will be a good key for success. If it's hot out and he wants to cool off - there is the museum and the sea base. The sea base is very peaceful and serene. It's a fantastic way to "unplug" from the show. It's nowhere near as loud or busy.
I would sit down with him now and go over the hundreds of things to do at the show. It doesn't really matter if you make them or not unless they are either a one-off event or there's an extreme interest. You've been to Oshkosh, so you know the gig. It's a busy loud and very active place to be and for someone not interested in aviation/flying this can get annoying quite quickly. Finding something he may like will really help with things.
Lastly, I had a rule with my wife last year (which still stands) - the moment you get bored, you can hop on one of the shuttles to the Appleton Airport and get on a commercial airline and go wherever she wanted in the states. You're both off and it really makes no sense for him to be miserable. It would just set things up for a very uncomfortable flight home.
We will be arriving on the North 40 (assuming it's open, etc. etc.) to camp on Friday around noon/1 p.m. So we'll be in the same general vicinity. Feel free to PM me when you get there and I'll be happy to help.
If you really want to spend some money get a Jackery or the cheaper generic in what ever wattage you need, like this 500 watt one that would run most computers for an hour+
These machines plug into to your outlets [or solar] and convert crappy noisy sine waves directly to DC then charges the battery where you draw a brand new clean inverter sinewave. A bit pricey but can be used to keep a refrigerator running in an outage or used for camping etc.
Thank you for sharing. Just a few more things to add. These are a few things that I purchased... and yes, I've linked everything in case someone wants to check them out.
Ummm... I think that's it.
Rather than the generator route, I would offer something in a different direction: Go small and portable, and reduce the need for a generator in the first place:
After doing some research, its probably better to invest in something like this and keep it in the trunk if needed. What do you guys think?
After doing some research, its probably better to invest in something like this and keep it in the trunk if needed. What do you guys think?
After doing some research, its probably better to invest in something like this and keep it in the trunk if needed. What do you guys think?
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 500, 518W… | - | - | 4.8/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
If you know you will be at a certain hotel, have it sent ahead. $50 coupon right now too
Wholeheartedly recommend this one:
It holds a complete charge for months on a shelf. I use it camping and can get several nights of use out of it (with humidifier)...and charge cell phones at the same time.
One of the best purchases I've ever made.
Ah yes I understand. I meant this with a plug would be great since you can charge it with your van
Looks like a little more than 100W (1/7 HP)
You could roll your own as you are thinking or buy an all in one solution like this: which should run the rig for a couple hours:
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Love this brand. They have different sizes and options.
They have a couple sizes and models.
I’m looking into this same topic. I’ve been considering the Jackery 500 since you can charge it as you drive, or solar, or a wall outlet.
All of those sound really nice, but what I would recommend is,
Solar panel(s) on roof. You can get 100 watt panels on Amazon now for under $100! The rigid ones "may" last longer, but the nice, thin, and uber light weight, flexible panels work just as well (for the most part), cost roughly the same, and are far, far, easier to install. In fact, you can actually Velcro them on, or use a permanent roofing tape, and run the cord through a side window to charge your battery(s) or power pack.
After installing your solar panels, you might want to get a nice lithium portable power station, with battery and built in inverter, such as a jackery or yeti, like this one
You can charge it with you car battery, but a100 watt solar panel will also charge it in roughly a day, and you won't have to worry about running down your car battery.
It will run all your 12 volt devices, and with the built in inverter, 110 volt as well.
The above power station is 500 watts, only weighs about 10 lbs, but depending on your power needs, you can get one that's larger or smaller.
With a power station and solar panel, you can pretty much generate all the power you need. Won't run A/C though, but that's about it.
3). I can't tell what kind of refrigerator you may or may not have, but unless you have a 3 way that you're really attached top, I highly recommend getting portable compressor refrigerator that opens from the top, like an ice chest - which makes it far more energy efficient, and can be run off the Jackery and other portable power stations.
The ones made by Dometic are generally the most energy efficient, utilizing only 1-2 watts, or less, but they are expensive.
There are far cheaper ones, which do utilize more power, mainly because they aren't as well insulated -- but you can always buy insulating covers for them instead.
Always have cold food and never buy ice again.
4). Only other thing I can think of is that if you want to update the interior, paint it. I think it looks fine the way it is, but current trend is use white paint to brighten the interior. Those cabinets look like they're oak though, and I personally wouldn't paint over oak.
You could probably get away with this to do that.
Get something like: Jackery Portable Power Station Explorer 500, 518Wh Outdoor Solar Generator Mobile Lithium Battery Pack with 110V/500W AC Outlet (Solar Panel Not Included) for Road Trip Camping, Outdoor Adventure