Above is a good website. Not all psychologists are equal and they can only go off what you tell them. It's not an exact science. Another good link here. Did you know it can manifest many ways and one hallmark is denial? Just a book about an unusual case. Not terribly well written but interesting, it's by her Dad.
Even highly trained doctors with 10 yrs of school and years of experience get that diagnosis wrong and you're diagnosing yourself. So I'd ask you to consider that.
The "center can not hold" is also good, maybe the best I've read.
Realize two things. You're driven to hold on to your beliefs and only common symptoms of mental illness exist. How it manifests in each person is as unique as a fingerprint. Here's a final resource. It's worth skimming at least. I agree with others that an MRI is warranted especially if they occur with headaches or other issues. You can respond if needed but I'll be not back to work until later next week.
Hopefully, this is useful I'm speaking from personal and professional experience. Kind regards, Korbin