I think this particular book would be too difficult for N5-N4, but there is this collection of parallel short stories for beginners:
"Japanese Short Stories for Beginners: 20 Captivating Short Stories to Learn Japanese & Grow Your Vocabulary the Fun Way!" https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1951949226/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_i_DS97YJCN51HM12NX5FS3
It presents you the full story in Japanese first, then breaks it down paragraph by paragraph with the English translation. It looks pretty awesome and it's made for beginners.
It's well rated and looks awesome. Enjoy!!
4 dollars on kindle(amazons reading app). You can just buy it there and read it instantly
Japanese Short Stories for Beginners was a great resource when I was N5 level. Highly recommend.
Hi! Yes there is this book which is well rated for beginners:
"Japanese Short Stories for Beginners: 20 Captivating Short Stories to Learn Japanese & Grow Your Vocabulary the Fun Way!" https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1951949226/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_i_DS97YJCN51HM12NX5FS3
It presents you the full story in Japanese first, then breaks it down paragraph by paragraph with the English translation. It looks pretty awesome and it's made for beginners.
Alongside parallel texts, there are also graded readers, which are books made for a specific level (like N5-N4). They're in Japanese only, but they are written specifically for beginners to be able to understand. And the level goes up appropriately with each story.
Whether you prefer Japanese-English parallel text or a graded reader, there's something for you! Enjoy!!
If you are trying to learn grammar, the best sentence option is probably this (I recommend buying the source Japanese Basic Grammar Dictionary as well so you can read up on the finer details):
NHK Easy Web has short new stories that are regularly updated.
US Amazon carries Japanese works as well:
https://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Short-Stories-Beginners-Captivating/dp/1951949226 (no referral link included)
Japan Amazon has many children's books as well, bedtime stories 365 is dense and cheap on a per word basis, but N4 is a stretch. Try kids manga like the Doraemon books too.
You've got six weeks or so. Make them count. And stay off Reddit :p