There are a lot of bilingual readers available as well on Amazon.
Japanese Stories for Language Learners: Bilingual Stories in Japanese and English (MP3 Audio disc included)
That are cheap and have vocab etc. I have this one and it's good for basic reading comprehension. Manga can only take you so far before you plateau.
Try a book that has both languages in it so you can compare them. Something like this: This way you can try and read the Japanese but easily fall back on English if you need. I'm not specifically endorsing this book. There are lots like this that you can search for based on language ability.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Japanese Stories for Language Learners | - | - | 5.0/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Japanese Stories for Language Learners | - | - | 5.0/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Japanese Stories for Language Learners | - | - | 5.0/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Would something like this work?
My motivation has been rock bottom for a couple of months now. I was kind of taking it easy before I was due to go on holiday for a month, then covid ruined my holiday plans and I lost even more motivation. I've had Wanikani on vacation mode for a few weeks and I haven't touched Bra-ban in ages...
I decided I need to power through this slump and I've started reading Japanese Stories for Language Learners which I'm enjoying a lot. It's also still really nice to stumble across Japanese text online and be able to read it, even if it's something simple like this. It reminds me why I'm doing this.