We fired in an Anagama Kiln, specifically Masakazu Kusakabe's smokeless kiln (plans can be found in this book https://www.amazon.com/Japanese-Wood-Fired-Ceramics-Marc-Lancet/dp/0873497422) In this firing we did a reduction cool for 9 hours till about 1550 F. I know that we reached at least cone 12 at some point during our firing. I will need to check the firing notes for more details because I can't really remember much else sorry! We mostly used cottonwood and pine, the cottonwood produces a lot of blue ash. I did use at least four different flashing slips. This head was located behind the bagwall of the kiln. If you want the recipes I can get them to you in a couple of days when I get back to my studio. As for the casting slip I know it is porcelain and I can provide the recipe for that as well if you are interested! I had several other items in this firing that also came out amazingly well if you would like to see pictures of them!?