I finished it a few months ago. Brant Pitre is a wonderful writer, and I didn't find anything at all questionable in the book. He writes at a very accessible level, and has done quite a bit of study into the Jewish culture at the time. Another book of his I'd absolutely recommend is "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist"
Go to the Mike Tyson of Catholicism, at least in my opinion Dr Brant Pitre. The book is a good grounding in understanding Catholicism. God Bless you OP.
Hey OP this is a really good book that I believe you could really benefit from
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper https://www.amazon.com/dp/0385531869/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_F1BYWRXCS4FSA662D3G3
Just about everything.
Jesus is a Jewish Messiah. He is the fulfillment the God of Israel’s promises to the people of Israel (and thus to the whole world).
Jesus explicitly understood Himself in every way to be Jewish.
So in understanding the full wisdom, insight, stories, rituals, and culture of ancient Judaism we can better understand out Christian faith.
If you want to read more about this I’d highly recommend the works of Dr. Brant Pitre.
I especially love
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper https://www.amazon.com/dp/0385531869/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DADM52B1VASYHX7KSQDA
Definitely check out “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper” by Dr. Brant Pitre. The audiobook you can borrow for free on Hoopla.
Also, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Brant Pitre.
Its incredible to see the natural progression from Judaism to Christianity. /u/PersianCats08, since you're a literature expert (or at least preparing to be one), you might find biblical scholarship to be an interesting field, and perhaps helpful for your current problem of faith. Its important to note that Judaism is not the religion it used to be. The very center of the religious life in Judaism has been totally absent for 2,000 years (the temple). Studying how Catholicism is actually the natural conclusion to Judaism is IMO one of the most fascinating issues in western literature in all of history.
Feel free to PM me if you ever want to chat about it. I'm happy to offer book recommendations as well.
I would strongly encourage you take check out Dr. Brant Pitre’s book “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper” (https://www.amazon.com/dp/0385531869/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_cN-qFb5DWRCEX) There is a lot to unpack on this one central sacrament of the Church and it should also help clear up some of the conflicts u find with the old testament.
Preview: https://youtu.be/NFmgYbC3OYw
You can actually borrow the audiobook, as well as “Jesus the Bridegroom”, for free on Hoopla (if you’re in the US or Canada).
The deeper meaning and significance of Christ being "the bread of life" and the Eucharist being more than just symbolism is rooted in how the first Christians and early Church understood the new Covenant (maintained through the more ancient forms of Christianity today); specifically, through the typology that’s inherent to the new Covenant and Christ himself (i.e. Christ being a new Adam, a new Isaac, and most importantly a new Moses--Christ being the prophet Moses was referring to at his death). Some of this typology is demonstrated here… https://www.agapebiblestudy.com/charts/Typology%20of%20Moses%20and%20Jesus.htm.
With typology the old (the “type”) is always less than it's corresponding "archetype" in the new (the fulfillment of the type). With this in mind Jesus and his institution of the Eucharist was relevant to the anticipation of a new Exodus. Just as with the original Exodus Moses provided manna from heaven as he led the Israelites from the bondage and slavery of Egypt (to the earthly Jerusalem), Christ is leading us on a new/final Exodus from the bondage and slavery of sin to a new Jerusalem (Heaven), offering himself as the bread of life in this desert of everyday modern life.
What we see then is Jesus being greater than Moses; the heavenly Jerusalem being greater than the earthly Jerusalem; and consequently, the new manna from Heaven (the Eucharist) being greater than the old manna. So, where the manna of the old covenant provided earthly life, the new manna provides everlasting spiritual life.
This is why the new manna (the Eucharist) is more than just ordinary bread and more than just something symbolic. To drive this point further, consider the following videos/talks by Dr Scott Hahn and Dr Brant Pitre, both biblical scholars and theologians.
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Dr Brant Pitre (based on his book https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Jewish-Roots-Eucharist-Unlocking/dp/0385531869/ which is available in audio format to borrow for free on Hoopla)
The Forth Cup by Dr Scott Hahn (also based on his book)
Transubstantiation by Aquinas 101 (by The Thomistic Institute) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93lauv161ks
“Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper” by biblical scholar Dr Brant Pitre. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0385531869/
“Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told” also by Dr Pitre. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0770435475/
“A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God's Covenant Love in Scripture” by biblical scholar Dr Scott Hahn. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0892838299/
Surely the early Jews who embraced Christ as the Messiah were able to make these connections for a variety of reasons. Whether there’s agreement over such interpretations (among many others) is another matter as it’s what essentially divides Judaism from Christianity.
For what it’s worth it’s understood that Jesus fulfilled the five criteria of the original Passover in the following ways. https://sjvlaydivision.org/new-paschal-lamb/
The above is a brief summary of what Dr Brant Pitre discusses in his book “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist”, where he discusses this topic much more in depth.
You’d be overjoyed and thrilled to tears to know that you can listen to his book for free on Hoopla ;) The upshot is that you wouldn’t have to pay a single dime to get an even deeper understanding of just how confused we Catholics/Christians really are LOL.
Obviously this is a debate that transcends a mere exchange of comments on Reddit which isn’t the healthiest place to engage in such a dialogue anyway; not that I’m even capable of such a debate, nor do you likely believe one is even justified.
By the way, i know its not always, if ever mutual, and I completely understand why (especially more recently) but I’ve definitely come to really appreciate the Jewish faith far more deeply than I ever could have had I not investigated my own faith more deeply or had I not been raised Catholic. As ignorant and wrong as I (and Christianity in general) might be to yourself and other Jews, I know myself and many other Catholics do have a great respect for the Jewish faith and the Jewish people. Anyway, I don’t mean any disrespect.
In time we’ll hopefully see eye to eye, even if it’s on the other side death in the new creation (upon the fulfillment of Isaiah 2:4 and Isiah 11:6).
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper
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Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper https://www.amazon.com/dp/0385531869/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T1AT2PPY3Q63ESKEYW1N
Biblical scholar Dr Brant Pitre thoroughly unpacks the significance of events leading up to the new passover, established by Christ at the last supper, in the form of the Eucharist which is celebrated daily around the world.
He offers a summary of the book in the following talk he gave.
Download the free Hoopa app (works with your local library account) and check out the audiobook by Dr Brant Pitre, “Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper” https://www.amazon.com/dp/0385531869/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ffFeGbR4ESMJJ
Also, on Hoopla is the ebook “Surprised By Truth: 11 Converts Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic”, by Patrick Madrid https://www.amazon.com/dp/0964261081/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SgFeGbJ251AF1
They have several other excellent books as well (ebooks and audio).
>First of all, Palestinian wine was literally watered down grape juice
I don't know much about Palestinian wine, but it's just not true that it's grape juice. Without pasteurization or refrigerator, any grape juice ferments very quickly. Below are some articles on why wine and not juice. Also, Catholics do water their wine at mass.
As for the Eucharist, it's a complex topic, but the gist of it is this: Does the bread and wine become (Catholic, Orthodox) or embody (Lutheran) Jesus himself? Lutherans, Calvinists, Catholics, Orthodox, and some Anglicans all says yes, whereas most evangelical denominations say no.
A good book on the topic is here. An outline of the book can be found here, and a corollary here.
The doctrine that Jesus is actually, literally present in communion - the Real Presence - is absolutely a historical view of very early Christianity, and you can find excerpts in their writings here. One of the reasons I left AoG was because AoG did not have this doctrine, which is very well defended biblically and historically, imho.
Hope that helps.
Wine links