Jesus definitely did exist and was crucified, this is an accepted fact by even the most staunch atheistic bible scholars. James Dunn^(1), Bart Ehrman^(2), John Dominic Crossan ^(3) , and Craig Bloomberg^(4) to name a few. That being said, the consensus is also that Jesus did not foretell his own crucifixion and that his prediction of the crucifixion is a creation by the church. In addition, other Jews around his time were killed and buried by the Romans, during the Jewish revolt against the Romans ( Jehohanan for example)^(5). That being said, the premise of him being buried in a tomb that was then left empty, that doesn't have much merit, from what I've read. Ehrman is of the belief (as am I) that he was "left to decompose and serve as food for scavenging animals"^(6)
So, in short, he was crucified, and he did exist. However, he wasn't buried in a tomb and came back to life 3 days later