Rear rack is a necessity. If you don't want to spend on a pannier right out the gate, rear rack + milk crate is stupidly effective - so long as your volume of groceries doesn't exceed the volume of the crate and you don't mind how it looks. Also, don't forget to bring a bag (maybe your string bag) to put your food into and then put that into the milk crate. Cover the top with one of these cargo nets (here's another one for example) and you're golden. Just regular bungie cords would work too
I've always just used a cheap bungee net. Something like this will work:
Other people swear by Rok Straps, but I've never used them:
I don't know how well they'll secure a huge backpack though. When my pack has been fully loaded I usually just wear it while riding. It kinda sucks. You can rest some of the weight of the pack on the passenger seat, but that only helps so much.
Typically when I'm travelling by motorcycle, I use either hard or soft panniers and if I need a backpack with me, I strap the empty pack to the panniers and load the panniers up with all of my gear. When I get to my destination and I'll be travelling on foot, I load up the empty pack and leave the empty panniers on the bike.