I mean, I'm just telling you the truth. As I said, Vox Day wrote an entire book on him that is unflattering to say the least: https://www.amazon.com/Jordanetics-Journey-Humanitys-Greatest-Thinker-ebook/dp/B07JY9XV38
Vox Day is alt-right. If you go to /pol for instance, you will find some people supporting him, but then you will find the people who type things like ((them)), which if you don't know what that means it's code for alt-right people making references to Jewish people, saying how dumb/bad Jordan Peterson is, and how he is probably "controlled opposition" and various things like this.
Once you dig into the extreme alt-right, you will find they despise him because he doesn't play identity politics, which is the cornerstone of the alt-right. Not sure why you want to die on this hill. I've already conceded to you that Conservatives/right people will tend to gravitate toward Peterson's message. That's not really a controversial view point. But the alt-right despise him, and really anybody who does not share their extreme views.
The main reason the alt-right will never go anywhere is because of their exclusionary tactics. They refuse to accept anyone who doesn't swallow their entire doctrine, which is why they excommunicate people at similar rates to the Left. If someone doesn't "name the Jew" as they call it, they refuse to accept them. People who are extreme on the Right are not extreme enough for the alt-right, and one little thing can go wrong for you and the alt-right will disown you. They seriously are very extreme and I suggest you dig deeper into some groups or some of them and really see to what extent their extremism goes.
Some people might think this is not appropriate for this sub. I am approving this for the following reasons:
JP is a public figure, and therefore is a legitimate subject of debate.
JP is not without his flaws, as there even exist entire books devoted to criticizing him.
It is possible that we have a number of JP followers here, giving us great debate potential.
However, I am warning you. Anyone caught flaming or being uncivil will be given a ban of no less than 7 days.
This is a test of virtue. Will you be able to defend (or attack) something dear to you in a civil and constructive manner? Let's find out.
>Hitler also had a great deal of problems with cultural Marxists. Like Peterson, he despised socialists.
Oh no! Everyone who hates socialism is a Nazi!
> Peterson’s idea that you have to put your house in order before getting politically involved is designed to stop young people (who are generally left-leaning) from entering politics.
The idea that young people should act as individuals to improve their lives is horrible, I know. Literal Nazism!
> Peterson has worked for PragerU, a reactionary organization with politics indistinguishable from Hitler.
Yes, PragerU is preparing the concentration camps for the Jews right now, you figured it all out!
> Peterson is a climate denier, meaning that the extermination of the entirety of the human race is okay with him, so long as he makes a buck first.
Such a shame that the Nazis were actually known for their environmentalist policies then. Probably the only good thing that the Nazis ever did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_welfare_in_Nazi_Germany
> Self-proclaimed Nazis and Trump supporters have claimed Peterson as one of their own. There’s nothing wrong with calling people Nazis when they’re actually Nazis.
Like who? The alt-right seems to hate Peterson. A famous alt-righter Vox Day has written a whole book attacking Peterson. https://www.amazon.com/Jordanetics-Journey-Humanitys-Greatest-Thinker-ebook/dp/B07JY9XV38
The video is hilarious, I'll just timestamp his core thesis: "What you're talking about with Peterson is a neo-thelamic retro-updated theosophy. This all goes back to Madame Blavatsky, Yeats, and Crowley. Peterson is using those esoteric works, drawing upon them, in order to present this secret knowledge and this 12 rule path to people who are trying to fill the void in their lives. What he's offering is a substitute for Christianity. He's trying to stand against the revival of Christian nationalism. I got some heavy anti-christ vibes when I first heard Peterson speak. Peterson is not the anti-christ, but he is certainly an anti-christ. He wants to be the Pope of this new religion of balance. And it's incredibly dark. It is the spirit of the religion of the Tower of Babel. You can't be fooled by the way he talks as if he is an opponent of things like the United Nations and other globalist institutions. Peterson is filling the hole created by the New Athiests years ago. He wants to be the Pope of the new left hand path."
The book, "Jordanetics: A Journey Into the Mind of History's Greatest Thinker," is currently the #1 bestseller in political philosophy on Amazon. The book is summarized on Amazon in this way:
>Jordan Peterson is believed by many to be the greatest thinker that humanity has ever known. He is Father Figure, Philosopher-King, and Prophet to the millions of young men who are his most fervent fans and followers. He is the central figure of the Intellectual Dark Web, an academic celebrity, and an unparalleled media phenomenon who has shattered all conceptions of what it means to be modern celebrity in the Internet Age.
>He has, by his own admission, thought thoughts that no man has ever thought before. He has dared to dream dreams that no man has ever dreamed before.
>Of course, Jordan Peterson also happens to be a narcissist, a charlatan, and an intellectual con man who doesn't even bother to learn the subjects upon which he lectures. He is a defender of free speech who silences other speakers, a fearless free-thinker who never hesitates to run away from debates, difficult questions, and controversial issues, a philosopher who rejects the conventional definition of truth, and a learned professor who has failed to read most of the great classics of the Western canon. He is, in short, a shameless and unrepentant fraud who lacks even a modicum of intellectual integrity.
>But is Jordan Peterson more than a mere fraud? Is he something more sinister, more unbalanced, and even more dangerous? In JORDANETICS: A Journey Into the Mind of Humanity's Greatest Thinker, political philosopher Vox Day delves deeply into the core philosophy that Jordan Peterson advocates in both his written works and his video lectures. In doing so, Day methodically builds a shocking case that will convince even the most skeptical Jordan Peterson supporter to reconsider both the man and his teachings.
Milo wrote the foreword, which was previously ~~discussed~~ridiculed here.
The far right calls him "Juden Peterstein", a "jewish, globalist shill" or "cuck" and writes books like <em>Jordanetics</em> about him.
Jordan Peterson Dismantled:
Jordanetics: A Journey Into the Mind of Humanity's Greatest Thinker by Vox Day:
>Jordan Peterson is a recognized behavioral psychologist. IMHO a well-intentioned and a great one.
Please read more and post less. Jordan Peterson is a fraud and controlled opposition. This is not a conspiracy theory, and I'm not writing this from my mothers basement. So please its not your humble opinion, you're just wrong.
If you're still a fan and unable to see the evil wizardry of this very insane and perverted man who chose a stranger over his own family, who likes the whorish Instagram pics of this THOT daughter, who is addicted to meth and required in-treatment at an addiction facility, who has a Hollywood management agency that is well known as the "handler" of many of Hollywood "elite" actors, and who is literally a Trilateral Globalist (having written at least one paper for them and having been invited to the meeting of the Trilateral Commission), then by all means, do your own research.
And that's not said in any "smartass' way, just direct and blunt so no offense... Just know there are a lot of pro-Peterson folks who are gonna read and add their dissent.
Perhaps start with this book:
God bless.
> All cults start small,
Cults though have very SPECIFIC characteristics. Absolutely none of which does MGTOW show any evidence of having... at all.
- Per example, your whinge: pulling no true scotsmans out their ass with "That's not true MGTOW, true mgtow is x because...
Is a far cry from any cultic "Demand for Purity" -- it's merely an attempt to KEEP the definition of MGTOW from being watered down & redefined into meaninglessness (or becoming = "any man who is: single, married, divorced, widowed, cohabiting, in LTR, polygamous/polyamorous, gay/straight/trans, with a dozen daughters or no kids at all..." in which case why not just say "man"; why redefine MGTOW to be so "inclusive" that it means ANYTHING and thus also NOTHING).
Hell, why stop there... why not invite the wimminz in as well... after all, don't wanna be called "sexist" (much less... GASP!! "misogynistic").
>Even if you choose to be too small minded to understand how easy it would be to subvert many of these angry young men,
I'm not "small minded" at all -- definitely not with my above (and frequent/common defense of the definition of MGTOW, or the appellation of adjectives in front of it "true" or "actual" or "proven" etc.)
As for how easy it would be for someone TO try to create a "cult" out of angry young "incels" -- indeed and that is exactly what Jordan Peterson & Co. are attempting to do. (Cf Jordanetics) The man is on the record as stating he would LITERALLY like to "start his own religion/church"... his "12 rules" book, and various rallies (heavily promoted and I'm given to understand pricey & profitable) is nothing if not a solid START to the creation of (or at least attempt to create) an <em>actual</em> "cult."
I am sending Jack Posobiec a copy of Jordanetics.
Good grief. The garbage Peterson can spew.
He really is appealing to the losers of society that he says he is in his 12 Rules book.
Never forget Maps of Meaning, though: Jordan Peterson wants to muff dive his grandmom.
If you think Jordan Peterson is not a stupid leftist (he is not a Christian, either) then you do not know anything about him except news headlines.
Read it if you want the full low-down.
- Basically he's a pathetic weasel, a media-creation, a proverbial "pied piper" who is being HEAVILY push-promoted to make certain a particular demographic of otherwise angst-ridden young guys stay (or return to) the "plantation" of the liberal-SJW-shitfest world.
If you think Jordan Peterson is not a stupid leftist (he is not a Christian, either) then you do not know anything about him except news headlines.
You asked my point. It's almost as if you were being disingenuous. But as a petersonian I KNOW that can't be true.
and just btw, that's lenin, not stalin or peter from the bible.
He condemns personal attacks as a substitute for criticism of ideas yet calls Vox Day
> "a rather reprehensible individual"
dismissing him as an "ethno-nationalist" without defining it, explaining what's wrong with it, or why he thinks Vox Day adheres to it.
I think this might be what Peterson is on about:
I also suspect my posting of this article was the final straw which led to me being banned from the Quillette Facebook group.
His Kiwi host claims Peterson has
> "a remarkable ability to play the ball, not the man, or woman".
EDIT - no, he's on about this critique by Vox Day - https://www.amazon.com/Jordanetics-Journey-Humanitys-Greatest-Thinker-ebook/dp/B07JY9XV38
I haven't read it yet.
No, his confusing message of jibber-jabber is collapsing all around him.
He showed his true face on Joe Rogan and the Sam Harris debates. The Kavanaugh tweet.
It's an empire of cards.