a large drip coffee at mcdonalds is like a dollar, you can make a pot of coffee with really nice fresh ground beans at home for pennies
as it happens i made this bowl at home for pennies with my 3d printer and some foodsafe PLA lol
edit: https://www.amazon.com/Just-Crunch-Anti-Soggy-Cereal-Bowl/dp/B00JGF0SJ8/ref=pd_sim_79_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00JFGPYTC&pd_rd_r=5ab69fac-1522-11e9-855f-d167bec0427b&pd_rd_w=uBdFX&pd_rd_wg=IZDEX&pf_rd_p=18bb0b78-4200-49b9-ac91... this one's cheaper.
this is for you.