Find an acupuncturist who specializes in back pain. For me, acupuncture is the best for back pain.
Cottonwood leaf bud resin is helpful for me and takes the edge off when it hurts.
These hot pads with mugwort do wonders for loosening the cramping/tight muscles.
My experience is back pain is from certain energies that govern the lower back being depleted. Cannabis depletes those same energies, so may not be helping.
Biggest thing, is that I get wheelchair service. I have PCOS and get a lot of follicles and my ovaries touch and it’s gross and uncomfortable. But having assistance in the airport to get through security, etc. was really helpful. My partner didn’t travel with me for any of my retrievals or transfers, it just wasn’t financially feasible. I also love these heat packs that I’ll link for post retrieval on the plane, hotel... the hotels I stayed at had shuttles that picked me up from the airport and that took me to my clinic so I didn’t have to worry about driving.
K.S. Choi Corp Heat Packs Hand...
Why must egg retrieval periods be so terrible?! My first one was terrible, the second one was followed by a failed fresh transfer and wasn’t bad at all which confuses the shit out of me. Annnnnd we have number three that is from hell.... Percocet for the win today! Also, I’m obsessed with these for post egg retrieval and they stay hot for 24 hours, highly recommend!! K.S. Choi Corp Heat Packs Hand...
I love these post ER! K.S. Choi Corp Heat Packs Hand...