Hey if you can go $54.36, the KABAR kukri is a great machete. I’ve used it a lot backpacking trips.
Edit: Just re-read about budget - the first comment is a great idea!
Great chopper with a grippy handle.
My favorite tool for cracking coconuts is a khukri. Ka-Bar Khukri is a great starter khukri, well balanced and holds a great edge.
If you're looking for a larger all purpose blade, I'd recommend a kukri. I have a Ka-bar Kukri that I absolutely love. It's weighted heavily on the front end so you can get tremendous chopping power that is very efficient. I keep the entire length of mine razor sharp so I can do finer work closer to the handle if need be. I can get through 4" branches in one swing without much trouble.
What's crazy about it? I had Amazon ship me a Ka-Bar machete. Came in a day with Prime shipping, no questions asked.
$57 on Amazon Prime, you will not be disappointed: https://www.amazon.com/KA-BAR-KA1249-BRK-2-1249-9-Kukri/dp/B001H53Q8A/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=kabar+kukri&qid=1604086119&sr=8-1
I like my Ka-Bar kukri
High carbon, not too pricey, Ka-Bar name. I've chopped down small trees with it.
I have a Ka-Bar kukri that I love, and I bet will be Bifl. I have a couple other machetes and the kukri is my go to.
The blade is pretty thick so it would be hard to break, but the length is just right to make it easy to handle. The coating will help prevent rusting. The handle is solid and I don't see it ever breaking (I've broken the handle on a different machete).
Most recent task I used it for was to strip all the branches off our 7 ft Christmas tree after Christmas. Only took like 5 minutes using the Ka-Bar.
Go with a Kukri.
Here is a compromise. Ka-Bar 2-1249-9 Kukri https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001H53Q8A/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_AVH6wb14H4XQG
I have this and I absolutely love it, I've used it in the woods constantly for three years and have yet to have it dull or give out on me